Proper Bisexual🍁

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That night when I got back to my dorm, Felix was sitting at the kitchen chair with a piece of paper in front of him.

"You okay?" I asked as I walked in. He groaned and looked at me. "I've made an awful mistake Hyung" He cried.

I walked over to him slightly worried. "What did you do?" I asked.

"I asked Hyunjin out on a date" He groaned. I gasped and clapped my hands. "Isn't this a good thing?" I asked. "Did he say yes?"

"He did" He sighed. "But like... In my head it's not a date to him it's a hang out" Right. I see.

I sat down across from him and smiled a little. "And the piece of paper is?" I urged him to tell me.

"Ideas... Cause I want it to be kinda like a date but not over the top kinda date because I don't want him to be uncomfortable" He pouted. I hummed and looked at the paper.

There was things like the cinema, ice cream, café, bowling and all sorts of ideas. "Bowling is a shout" I said with a nod. "Friends go bowling together"

"I suck at bowling though I don't know why I wrote that as an option" He sighed. Hyunjin loved those kind of things If I remembered him well.

"Pretty sure Hyunjin would love that... Then you could go for ice cream after and watch a movie"

Felix looked at me. "Not you putting my ideas backwards and getting an actual good date" he was in awe. I laughed "I'm just good at that"

"God I'd love to date you man" I gave him a look. "Felix what?" I laughed. He chuckled "You're not my type though" He grinned. "You're clearly Jisung's type"

I choked on air. "Excuse me!?"

"Oo also!" He changed off tht topic way too quick for my liking. "How's your someone"

Oh right. My someone from the park. I hadn't mentioned them lately. Well I have it was Jisung but Felix still didn't know that.

"He's good" Why was I so conflicted on telling him? "Yeah? You should ask him on a date!" He smiled.

I scoffed. "I don't like him that way" Why did it feel like we were talking about someone completely different than Han Jisung.

"Can you tell me who it is though? I've been tryna do an investigation" He laughed. I rolled my eyes at this "And you say you're a dance major" He laughed.

"If I tell you don't like.. Freak out" I was so scared. I don't know why. Maybe it was just because I hated telling people little things about myself and always left stuff untouched or explained.

But this once wouldn't hurt right? Felix just looked excited.

"It's um.. Jisung" I told him. His eyebrows rose a little and his mouth opened slightly. "Oh" He said. "Han Jisung? As in our friend Jisung?" I nodded my head.

His surprised expresion turning into a smile. "I fucking KNEW it" he clapped his hands and cheered. "I called it the moment you were standing up for him at the game night!!!"

I blushed now. "How could you tell-"

"There was no way in hell you'd be so worried about someone that quickly" He smirked. "You really like him don't you?"

I scoffed and looked away. "I thought this conversation was all about you and Hyunjin-"

"But that hasn't gone anywhere, you two have kissed and you two spend a lot of time together" Felix would really make a good detective. I got up. "I'm going for a shower!" I exclaimed.

"No come back here!!" Felix chased after me.

We ended up running around our form room until I got into the bathroom and locked the door.

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