Whole Heartedly Be A Bottom🍁

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I had gone back to my dorm. Felix was sleeping on the sofa when I walked in. He heard me though so it didn't take long for a loud shout to voice itself into the room.

"YOU'RE BACK!!" He jumped up and ran to me.

"You bitch leaving me in this gaff alone" Felix dramatically cried. I rolled my eyes "Clearly you weren't alone" I rose a brow slightly as I looked over at the two bowels on the table.

Felix scoffed "Cause I have friends duh" He walked off to clean the table. "Was Hyunjin over?" I asked. Felix turned and looked at me "Yeah.."

"Now I'm glad I wasn't here"

"You legit haven't been here since the double date night so like" Felix put the dishes in the skin and turned on the water letting it run over the bowels.

"What happened?" He asked. I leaned against the counter. "What do you mean?"

"You stayed with Jisung for the past three days nearly.. Yall married now?" He was joking saying this but to be fair we had kinda matured our relationship in a way.

"We're not married Lix"

"If you both don't marry each other than soulmates aren't real" He chuckled as he washed the dishes. "UGH I hate washing things"

I rose a brow. "Don't you shower?" I replied. He hummed "But like dishes I hate washing" I hummed. "Fair"

After he was done with that we sat down on the sofa, both crossed legged. I stared at him and Felix stared right back.

"So are we gonna talk about what happened after we parted from the diner?" Felix began. I nodded instantly completly forgetting I'd have to tell what happened between me and Jisung.

Felix started thankfully. "Well, Hyunjin and I went to a rollerskating place!" That sounded so cool. It was definitely a place I'd see Hyunjin and Felix go on a date.

"It was so retro, it was amazing! We held hands as we went around the floor because I wasn't as pro as it seemed" I nodded with a smile. Felix looked so happy it was really nice to see.

"After that Hyunjin got us both ice cream and yeah it ended like that!" I sat back a little. "It just.. Ended? Like that? Just ice cream then bye?"

Felix laughed. "Oh wait no!" He cleared his throat. "He walked me back to our dorm and um oh right! He kissed me!"

How did he forget the most amazing part of the entire date? They fucking kissed!!

I gasped and lightly pushed him. "Oh my god!!" My voice went high pitched. Felix laughed "Yeah!! So I think we're going steady now.. Like no title on anything yet til we feel ready" He smiled.

I was so happy for him. After figuring out his sexuality because of Hyunjin making him have a gay awakening and then to actually end up going on a date and having him like him back.

A love story in itself right there.

"So what did you and Jisung do? I know I kinda pissed him off so sorry if he was moody after" I froze.

Like oh no don't worry Felix, he wasn't annoyed in fact we actually had sex! How the fuck could I say that??

"Um... We went back to his place after" I mumbled. Felix hummed. "And then~" He giggled excitedly. "We um.. Were gonna order pizza and watch a movie.." I continued timidly.

Felix hummed. "What pizza did you get?"

"We didn't end up getting the pizza" I mumbled. Felix furrowed his brows together "Wait so then.. Did you just watch a movie?"

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now