My Life🍁

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"You never told me you had a boyfriend!" She sounded really happy for me. That was nice.

I shook my head though "He's not my boyfriend" I answered. She hummed amused "Yet" She chuckled.

I blushed a little. "Yeah"

We stood there awkwardly. We probably look nothing like brother and sister. We probably looked like two random strangers trying to make conversation.

"Sorry for not telling you I'd be coming" She frowned "I wanted to surprise you.. I thought maybe you'd be happy to see me I guess" She shrugged.

I was kinda happy to see her. She wasn't looking at me with hate so it was refreshing but it didn't make me feel any less anxious.

"Felix.. You're friend.. That night on the phone.. Were you okay?" She asked. I decided to be honest.

"No I had a panic attack" I said plainly. She looked surprised. "Oh-"

"Because you just dumped a whole lot of love onto me when I thought for the past four years you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me" I raised my voice.

Minhee stood there now shocked. "So my apologies if you thought showing up here would make me run to you happily"

I must have been fairly loud, Jisung walked over to us.

"Um hello again" He smiled. He laced our fingers together and he lightly squeezed my hand. "I don't think now is the time-"

"I'm trying oppa" Minhee sighed. "Tell me what to do to make it up to you?" She was being serious.

"Just leave me alone" I looked at her with no emotion. She looked hurt. "Oh-"

"For now at least" I didn't want to completly cut her from my life if she was the only family I had left.

"I just need time to process that you actually want to be my sister again" I could tell Jisung would want to know more about this. I had to tell him given the fact he told me about Yunsa.

Minhee nodded "Okay..." She got herself ready to leave. "I'll go now" She smiled sadly and walked off "Bye"

I felt myself fall. Jisung tried to catch me but I fell onto the floor in completely shock.

"Hyung!" He went down with me. He caught my arms and looked at me worried. "Hyung, are you okay-" I didn't even let him finish.

"No" I replied shortly. I met his eyes. "I'm not" Our friends rushed over and I mentally cursed at myself for being so childish and falling like this.

"Minho" Chan came over and picked me up. Jisung, I saw looked jealous of the fact Chan was carrying me but I didn't really care then. Minhee and her weird actions rushed through my head.

I didn't want to be held this way but I feared I couldn't even walk on my own at this point.

Changbin had a car and so they brought me over to where he parked and placed me carefully inside the vehicle. Jisung climbed in beside me. He held my hand without question. Hyunjin hopped in the front with Changbin.

Chan had another car and the rest of the group went with him. I didn't even want to speak at this point. This always happens with my family. No matter what I always find myself driven to silence because of them.

Even if my sister was trying to change around me it wasn't like I was gonna straight up shower her with welcoming hugs.

"Hyung can you drop Minho and I at my place?" He asked. I felt him glance at me so I looked up at him. "If that's okay with you" He smiled. I nodded and leaned my head onto his shoulder.

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now