First Major Fight🍁

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When I had shown Jisung the message I got, he let out a sigh of anger. "What the fuck?"

"I wrote your address on a sticky note in case I would need it sometime" I mumbled. Jisung looked at me. "If you told me that at any other time than now I would find that extremely cute but.."

"We have to go" He started getting up.

"What!?" I exclaimed feeling panicked. "I'm not letting them anywhere near you"

"But Jisung-"

"I told you you don't deserve to go through this-"

"You don't deserve to do this either!" I cut in. He paused for me to continue. "I.. I can deal with my parents..."

"I love that you want to keep me safe but.. They're still my parents.. I should at least try to talk to them" I knew that was the worst option.

Minhee was even after making sure I had an idea that they were on their way. She made sure I would have a sense of mind to leave.

But I couldn't.

"And you believe they'll listen to you?" He folded his arms. I felt weak. "Maybe"

"Minho they won't" Jisung was so blunt it almost hurt. I knew he was being genuine though. I knew he was actually speaking the things my brain wanted to scream at me.

But I couldn't.

"I can't just run away!" I cried. "You should know exactly how I feel!"

Jisung's face changed to a really annoyed one. "What do you mean?" He knew exactly what I meant. He wanted me to say it.

"When I told you I didn't want you to go to Yunsa for those four days.. You went anyway!" I felt brave to say this.

"That's because that woman fucking controls my mind Minho!" He exclaimed. "I didn't want to go but I knew I had to stay there!!"

He was angry at me now. But I was annoyed too. "Oh but when it's my issues, we can run away is it?"

Jisung poked the side of his cheek with his tongue. "I don't want you to get hurt-"

"Either Did I" I looked him dead in the eye. I had stood up by now. "Yet you went and got fucking hurt"

"Fine" Jisung gave me a blank stare. "Deal with your parents" He glared. "But don't fucking come crying to me if you get hit again"

He stormed out of the room.

I felt my heart snap. He didn't just say what I heard right? He didn't just say I shouldn't confined in him if something happens right?

All I knew was he hadn't left the apartment.

I knew I said things that triggered him but he didn't do much better. It was our first major fight.

As I tried to gather my thoughts - there was banging on the door.

I gulped as I left the room. I walked into the living room and saw Jisung standing there. He saw me and walked off into the bedroom again.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I answered the door.

"You" Was the first thing my dad said.

I completely lost everything in that moment. It only then hit me that now not only did my parents hate me but Jisung was also furious with me.

I didn't even care as I got pushed up against the wall. I didn't even care when my dad screamed at me. I couldn't hear any of it.

It suddenly felt oddly quiet. Like time was in slow motion or something. It wasn't silent.. More like a quiet you get when you're flipping a page in a book. Or a walk in the woods.

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