I Shouldn't Be Doing This🍁

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"A lady gaga song?"

Jisung nodded his head proudly as I looked at him. The students seemed very pleased.

"We're gonna do Alejandro!" He announced further. I have no issue with Lady Gaga, she's a queen but it was very random I had to say.

Some students legit fell onto the floor from excitement.

As my part of being their teacher I had made them do freestyle dances in groups. Its kinda of like in drama classes when you have to make up an improve scene based on one thing given.

Only this was a dance instead of dialogue.

Jisung and I let them work on their dances in groups. We went to the chairs and sat down.

"So any news since this morning?" Jisung asked as we sat down. I contemplated on telling him about Minhee but I didn't know anymore.

I shake my head. "Nothing much just hung out with some friends" I replied. "You?"

Jisung hummed. "Just did some adult things" he shrugged. "Like?" I looked at him with a smirk. He scoffed "Transferring money, god why is it so annoying to do?"

I laughed at this. "Money? To who?" I kind of regretted asking that as the message from that Yunsa chick. Jisung seemed to cover up the sudden hatred in his eyes for the thought passing his mind.

"Your mom" He joked. I cringed immediately "My mother would not appreciate a single dime" Jisung and I laughed now.

"Your mom doesn't sound great" It was a joke but I decided to be honest for once. "Nah she's not" I said it so simply it couldn't come across as a joke.

But maybe I said it too simply. Jisung looked at me. "Bro, respect your mom man"

I chuckled at this. I didn't reply or say anything. I just laughed. "I've been bro zoned"

"Yeah bro" Jisung lifted his fist for a fist bump. "I'm still bro after the stunt you pulled last night?" I pulled at my shirt and revealed the now purple mark.

Jisung's fist fell quick and he became flustered. He moved his hands to cover my neck up. "Be careful someone might see!!"

"And they'll assume it's you right away?"

"Some of my students genuinely think we're dating"

"Seems a lot of people do" Seungmin, Felix, Hyunjin was also someway convinced.

Jisung groaned. "Would you though?" He asked. "Would you date me?"

I smiled at him. "I think I would" I looked away then. "I just don't think I'm ready yet" Broken trust from your own family is enough damage to question everything and everyone. I don't think I needed to start questioning my sanity in a romantic relationship yet.

Jisung seemed to agree. "Same.. I don't think I'm ready yet either"

"We can still make out though yeah?" He asked me. I laughed and looked at him. "Bro are you that obsessed with making out with me?" I grinned.

"First of all, bro zoned. Second of all, yes very much love making out with you-"

"Um- sorry to like disrupt but um-" Our heads snapped over to see one of the boys standing there. "I was just wondering if I can go to the bathroom" He asked.

Jisung nodded highly flustered. I was too but I managed to find myself laughing. "I'll need to explain to him now" Jisung sighed.

"What's his name?"


"I'm sure he'll be fine"

"I just don't want him saying it to others Min" Jisung was very serious about this and so I decided to be serious too. "Tell him once he comes back then"

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now