But I Have You🍁

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When I got back to Jisung after spending a good three hours with Minhee, the moment I walked through the door he ran to hug me.

I was surprised by how tight he hugged me though. I hugged him back lightly. "Where have you been?" He sighed.

Oh.. He was worried about me. I hummed gently "I was with Minhee" I replied even though he knew that.

"Did she do anything to you?" He asked pulling back from the embrace to look me up and down. "No.." He mumbled clarifying it for himself. "She didn't" A sigh.

I chuckled. "Everything's okay now" It was more or less okay. I had my sister back.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded "Yes, we talked about a lot" I explained. Jisung pulled me over to the kitchen and sat down on the stools.

"What did you talk about?"

"A lot"


"You" I teased. He turned red instantly. "Oh.. Um.. Cool" He chuckled scratching the back of his neck. "Mhm, she started teasing me for wearing your clothes and well it started from there"

Jisung blushed. "Oh I see" I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around his neck. He instantly found my hips with his own hands.

"Like she wants to meet you properly now" I said calmly. Jisung cleared his throat. "Bro, she's like the equivalent to meeting your mom" He looked panicked. "She wants to meet me??" He sounded more panicked.

I hummed. "But I also want to meet her girl crush" I grinned a little. "If you're about to bring me on another double date I swear" He pulled me a bit closer by the waist.

I giggled "What's wrong with that?" I asked. He shook his head. "I just don't wanna be annoyed at anyone again" Oh right.. That happened the last time.

Just then I got a message from my phone. I took it out of my pocket and checked what it was. Minhee had added me to a group chat with Hyejin.

New group chat:
Minhee🦄 added You and Unknown
to the chat

I quickly renamed the contact to Hyejin instead of unknown.

Heyyyy welcome to the new household

Lmao what is this for?

For u to meet my brother :)


I looked at Jisung who was waiting for me to tell him what was going on. "Can I add you to a group chat?"

"With?" He asked. "My sister and her crush" Jisung thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "Sure.. I guess"

I had no idea how Minhee would approach having Jisung in a chat but we'll find out I suppose.

Imma add Jisung


Oh hi Minho!

I added him but was a but startled that Hyejin knew my name.

Hi Hyejin


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