Love Song🍁

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The class ended up being a whole chaotic one. I asked for them to pick their favourite song and dance to it.

It was just to get a sense of which style each one of the teens like the most. Jisung didn't really mind this idea since he didn't exactly had to teach anything.

Now it was the end of the class. As the students were picking up their bags to leave, one girl called me over.

Jisung clearly annoyed watched me go.

"Minho" She began. "So when will we see you dance?" She asked. Her friends joined in with a few 'yeah's. "Hm, I don't know. When I teach you a dance?"

She giggled. "Did Jisung tell you about the upcoming dance show?" She asked. "The teachers are all doing performances" One of the friends added.

I looked back at Jisung who looked very much annoyed now. He started walking over when we met eyes.

"Okay are you ready to go?" He asked nicely to the three. The main girl smiled. "We were just asking if Minho will be doing a performance at the show"

"No. He won't" Jisung replied coldly. I hummed. "I'm interested now though" I turned to him. "Maybe we could do a duet?" I asked. The girls squealed. "Oh my god do a love song!" One said.

Jisung blushed. "A love song!?" He exclaimed. I nudged him. "What? Cant handle a bit of love can you?"

One girl laughed. "He just can't dance" Jisung glared. "Okay Aeri don't need to tell me again" I looked at her. "Everyone can dance in their own way"

"Now I'm set on this show though" I smirked. "When's it on" Jisung sighed. "The week after you're work experience"

I gasped. "And you didn't think to tell Me?" The three girls laughed. "We're gonna go now" they walked off and we waved them bye.

I turned back to Jisung. "So wanna start picking out songs?" I asked once the room was empty. Jisung sighed. "No not really"

I pouted. "Come on! It'll be fun"

"I genuinely can't choreograph to save my life Minho" He complained. I hummed amused. "That's why we do a love song duet" I smiled.

I sat down on the floor and pulled out my phone. I forgot how much I loved dancing it was amazing to feel the energy of everyone while someone danced, it was amazing to see someone dance.

Jisung sat down beside me.

I was scrolling through a playlist I found and my smile dropped when I received a message.

When will you answer?

I ignored it and kept scrolling but Jisung had seen it. "Min?" He asked. I shrugged "It's fine" I replied genuinely.

Jisung pouted a little but didn't go any further on the topic.

"Oo! What about Stereo Love?" I played the song a little. Jisung shrugged "I can't see it being a love duet"

I hummed and looked for more. "Oh what about this one?" I played a song called Euphoria. It was by a girl called Loreen. Jisung listened to it a bit before nodding.

"It could work" He smiled. "Dramatic love story" He laughed. I hummed as it got to the chorus. "Euphoria, forever till the end of time" I sang along.

Jisung smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder. I glanced in the mirrors in front of us and met eyes with him. I smiled a boxy smile.

He smiled back. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked. I nodded instantly. "I already have ideas in my head" I smiled.

Jisung laughed. "Like what?"

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