chapter fifty-six

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I was lying in bed snuggled up under the covers grabbing at any minimum of sleep I could after a restless night with another nightmare and my cramps kickin in. So far this week of nightmares the homework and the bully along with now endless bleeding. It was becoming too much for me to handle. My mind grew weak picking up the pieces trying to stabilize itself. I just wasn't sure how long I could hang on until I broke. My brother came crawling into my room using my bed to support himself as he reached his little arms out to me. I gave him a glance, shaking my head no pulling the covers over my head hoping to hide away from reality. The covers got ripped off me as my brother grip the blanket, hoisting himself up just to slide back down to the ground. I sat up pulling him up into bed as he clapped his hand a little wrapping his arm around my neck to give me a hug. I swear animals and little ones can sense when something isn't right. I wrapped one of my arms around him holding him close to me until my mother burst into the room.

"There you are" she said, scooping my brother into her arms as I changed my once frown into a smile. "Good morning sweetie"

"Morning mom"

"Sweetie I will be out late at work again and your father is going on another trip so you'll be alone for a bit, could you also pick your brother up from daycare?"


"Thank you, I love you" she said walking out my door closing it behind.

"You too" I mumbled before the door shut as I fell back into bed curling up into a ball lying there for a few minutes waiting to fall back into the darkness to no avail as I leaned over turning on my small radio hoping maybe background music would help. It went static for a bit as I messed around with the buttons turning the knobs landing on a station as a song by ricky nelson started to play.

"There a place where lovers go to cry their troubles away and they call it lonesome town where the broken heart stays" it sang out to me as I fell back against the bed pulling the cover close. As the song was starting to come to an end the phone started ringing. I didn't want to get out of bed but if it was my mother I'm sure she would be pissed if I didn't answer so I dragged myself out of bed walking down the long hallway into the kitchen picking up the phone.

"Hello?" I questioned rubbing my eyes a bit getting used to the bright room instead of my dark dungeon.

"Hi (y/n)!" Billy said with a bit of excitement. It was probably a nice surprise to hear my voice again after I hadn't talked to the boy's sense beating up Moose who still had a broken nose to this day. I wanted to hang up at that moment, but my heart stopped me at that moment.

"Yes Billy?"

"I wanted to know if you like to join me in my paper route"

"I thought you don't do paper route anymore after the incident"

"I'm doing it for today one of them got sick and the other didn't show up"

That made a lot of sense now.

"Umm" my mind was telling me to just crawl back in bed to forget about the world, but my heart started arguing back wanting to get out of here. "Okay I'll join you"

"Thank you (y/n) meet you at nine" he said, hanging up the phone. I put the phone back checking the time seeing I had half an hour to get ready. I ran off to the bathroom turning the shower on wanting to make myself look decent as I stepped under the blazing water grabbing the soap scrubbing every inch of my body leaving no spot untouched as I took the soap rubbing at my scar a bit now just an endless reminder. I shook my head, rinsing the rest of the soap, stepping out the shower turning it off, wrapping a towel around me, walking back to my room searching for a pair of clothes settling on some jeans, a plain t-shirt and a jean jacket for the chilly breeze.

"(y/n)!" Billy shouted waving his hand over as I came peddling up giving him a smile stepping off my bike.

"Hey, how many newspapers are we delivering?" I asked, holding out my hand as he handed me an endless stack.

"The whole town"

"Fuck" I mumbled setting most the newspaper into my basket tucking the rest under my arms as we both got on each of our bikes taking down the road throwing newspaper to each house one by one "hey what happen to Rover?"

"I couldn't bring him this time sorry (y/n)"

"It's okay I just wanted to know" I said, throwing another newspaper out as we made our way around each and every block before as we went down one block as I started throwing out more newspaper before noticing the grabber house as I came to a halt looking at it. Billy had also come to halt staring at the house. He took one of his hands in mine, giving me a slight nod of reassurance as we kept going on our way. I turned my head, giving another glance as a man stepped out the house. Thankfully it wasn't the grabber, but I remember him as the one that tried to help us escape his brother. I wonder how he was doing with all the news trying to get into his business. Once we were done Billy had to go home to see Rover as I understood needed to go to the daycare to pick up my brother.

"(y/n) are you okay?" Billy asked, jumping on his bike as I gave him a glance nodding my head yes. "Please can I hear it"

"Yes, Billy I'm fine don't worry about me" I said while taking off on my bike waving goodbye to him as I looked down at the ground making my way to the daycare trying to quickly get this done and over with as I made my way to the gym where he was noticing a man in a clown custom performing tricks for the little one. My body froze into place as I scanned around the room spotting my brother in the corner as he got up on his feet rushing over to me gripping my legs. I picked him up giving a look to the clown as I turned on my heels walking out telling the lady by the office what I was doing as she nodded her head waving goodbye to my brother. I got back on my bike holding my brother close to my chest with one arm as I rode on the sidewalk to avoid bumps in the road. When we got home, I settled my brother down for a nap giving him a kiss on the forehead walking back into my room throwing my jacket off crawling into bed falling back into that fantasy world. 

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