Chapter 3

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Hello Everyone! I was able to sneak in a little writing at work the past couple of days by emailing myself a few paragraphs here and there. I haven't gotten any response or remarks yet. I figure that it's because the story is new and people haven't discovered it yet. I really do hope that more people become interested...

I wanted to escape their gazes. Their eyes seemed to see everything from our worn clothing to my nervousness around them. I felt relieved when a guy with glasses came up with an order pad. It took the attention off of me. He took my order with Lexine's and then turned to the guys. They seemed to know each other and he asked Brady if he wanted his usual. Brady answered, "Yup, with extra cheese." Jake said, " Whatever's on special today, Kota." "OK, I'll go put your orders in", said Kota with a grin and left.

Reaching into my purse I pulled out a little pack of stickers, crayons and coloring book and put them in front of my daughter. She went for the stickers first. Reluctantly I looked up again to see them both watching me. "So..." Jake smiled at me. "Where are you from?"

"California" I answered.

Jake looked interested. "Hmm... explains the non accent. That's a long way from here. Did you drive the whole way by yourselves?"


"Good at reading maps?"

"No, just good at listening to the GPS." I replied.

I wondered if that answer would make him mad but it just made Brady laugh and Jake grinned even bigger.

"So what brings you out here? Visiting family or friends?" Jake asked me.

"No, just looking to relocate."

Jake and Brady looked at each other and did this silent communication thing with their eyes.

"So any ideas exactly where you would like to relocate to?"

"I'm not sure yet. This area seems nice but I don't know if any jobs are available and I'd need a good daycare."

I couldn't believe all the information Jake was getting out of me! What was it about these guys that made me feel like I could talk to them comfortably? They were doing that silent communication thing again. I almost wanted to ask them if they were using telepathy. Rick never liked it when I would say what he called "smart ass remarks". I always thought them in my head but never said it out loud anymore.

Kota came back to our table with plates. I moved Lexine's activity packet out of the way so her plate could be set down. Brady had a huge double stacked cheeseburger and fries in front of him and Jake got roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy with some veggies on the side. We all started eating. The food was really good!

I noticed that Brady and Jake were careful not to look directly at Lexine since she didn't care for the full attention on her. It made me feel warm that they would be so accepting of her quirks and not quiz me about it. After we pretty much finished our food, (the guys cleaned their plates!) I felt the silence become awkward again.

Kota came back to the table and asked if we wanted dessert. I declined because I was too full but the guys eyes lit up and they said yes. Lexine slid her little arms around my middle and looked at me, pleading with her eyes. Brady and Jake both ordered slices of apple pie.

Brady looked over at Lexine and asked gently, "Do you want a hot fudge sundae, Sweetie?"

Without taking her eyes off me, she nodded her head. He then looked at me for permission and I nodded too so Brady ordered it for her. I was surprised. He managed to guess her favorite dessert! She normally wouldn't respond to a stranger like that. Kota smiled and said that he'd be right back with the desserts.

Jake asked me if we were planning on staying in Summerville tonight. I replied that I didn't know yet.

"I can recommend a decent hotel to stay at that would be safe." Jake told me. "I know the owners."

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