Chapter 23

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Overall, I  had a pretty good weekend! I hope that everyone else did too! My family and I took an afternoon excursion to SF and then my daughter had a cheer competition the next day. First place in their division! Finally to top all that off, I was inspired to continue to write every day. Enjoy...

As Brady kept laughing, I started to regret getting so mad at Blondie. Did I take it too far? Is this going to change how Brady thinks of me?

"Um..Brady? Do you think that I was maybe too harsh?"

"No, Buttercup. You handled yourself just fine. If you let people walk all over you, they will continue to do it. Besides, that woman was really pushy. I didn't like it."

Smiling he handed me Lexine and grabbed the stack of bras from my hand.

I gave her a kiss and talked to her. She was fine so I set her down. Brady waved the bras at me.

"Did these fit?"

"Yes they did. I'm not sure which one I like the best though."

"I can solve that problem!"

He called over a sales associate and handed her them all.

"Can you please hold these over at the counter for us? We are going to need some more things. Oh, and all those bras need matching panties in medium."

"Of course! Just let me know if you need anything else sir!" she said with a smile and took off towards the counter.

"We can't buy all those! I'm on a budget, Brady!"

"Forget your budget. Besides all this is courtesy of Mr. Kingsley."

All of a sudden, Preston's words this morning came back to me. Then I remembered the almost kiss. I felt myself blushing.

Brady grinned at me then focused on something behind me. He walked over to a rack and pulled out a sheer pale yellow lingerie set.

"This would look great on you!"

"Oh, uh...." I was speechless. Was he expecting to see it on me?

"Well, a man can dream can't he?" Brady said and winked at me.

From there he continued to grab different things in my size and made his way into the PINK section. Shirts, tanks, shorts... The sales lady was loving him!

"Hey Delphine, do you wear perfumes?" he asked looking at the display.

"No, I'm really sensitive to strong smells. I like some body washes with natural scents like peppermint or oranges."

He took a sniff of one bottle and recoiled his head.

"Phew! That stuff is strong."

I nodded and agreed. Finally after there was a huge pile on the counter, he decided that we were done. Refusing to let me see the total, he sent me with Lexine to wait in the store entrance.

"Hey, there pretty lady."

I turned around to see a skinny teenage boy wearing those ridiculous oversized pants and shirts that some kids think are cool. His friends were standing nearby to watch the exchange. I moved Lexine behind me and didn't say a word.

"I'm Greg and I like my women a little older. Cougars are more experienced you know and you have got some nice curves on you."

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