Chapter 58

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There was complete silence behind me. As I turned my doorknob I couldn't resist looking over my shoulder at Wyatt. He was standing frozen in the spot with his mouth open and a dazed look on his face. I giggled and blew him a kiss and went inside, shutting the door behind me. I couldn't believe that I did that! I shocked the crap out of Wyatt.

I walked over to check on Lexine and as usual, she was just fine. Taking my iPad into the bathroom with me, I turned on music and sang along while I took my bath. Going to my closet, I looked over my clothes. If I was smart, I'll find another thing with pockets. I picked out a pair of slim black slacks and a knitted dark green tunic with elbow length sleeves. With the phone in my front pants pocket the tunic would cover up the bulge. Black heels completed the outfit along with a green crystal bracelets. I put on a little more eye makeup than I usually did and it looked good. I felt great and decided to do something different with my hair. I assembled my hair into a side bun with curly tendrils escaping. With some rosy liptstick, I studied my appearance. There was a new light in my eyes and my skin seemed to glow. Or maybe that was just my imagination. I shrugged and went to get Lexine up and dressed.

She was actually looking forward to school today and chattered on about learning things and playing with her new friend. Lexine told me that I looked really pretty today and that she wanted to look nice too. I told her that I would do her hair different today but no wearing fancy clothes to school. She chose to wear a green top and black jeans mimicking my outfit. I smiled and put her hair up in a high ponytail with a poof in the front. She looked adorable.

Gathering our coats and my purse and phone, we left the room to find Preston picking up my robe from the ground.
"Care to explain why your robe is on the ground Delphine?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, I must have dropped it." I said with a straight face and held my hand out for it.

"I'm sure that you did." he said trying not to laugh. Wyatt had to have told him what happened. He handed me back the robe and I took it back into my room. When I came back out he was telling Lexine how pretty her new hairdo was. She was smiling and then pointed to our matching outfits.

"My girls are matching today! Both of you are so pretty. "he said and picked her up. We walked downstairs together and went into the kitchen. Jake was already there cooking bacon. "Good morning" he said to me with a special smile. I replied the same greeting and went to the fridge to pull things out. Preston took Lexine to the living room after getting a mug of coffee. Shutting the refrigerator door, I turned around to find Jake right there. He put an arm on either side of me and leaned on the fridge effectively pinning me in place.

"You look good enough to eat this morning! Did something happen last night put you in a good mood?" he said with a knowing grin.

"Yes, something did. I learned something new." I said to him and ran my finger down his chest.

He made a strangled sound and I looked down to see that he had reacted to my flirting. "Damn it." he growled and kissed me quickly and then turned away and went back to the bacon. I laughed and started making waffles. "You are going to kill me woman!" he said with a smile at me.

Soon we were sitting down to eat breakfast and I looked up to see that Wyatt was sitting across from me. I smiled at him and he just shook his head at me. "How has your morning been Delphine?" he asked me. "Did you drop anything?" Casually he picked up his glass of orange juice and took a sip. I saw the gleam in his eye. He was going to try to embarrass me! All my sassiness came back.

"Well.." I slid my foot out of my high heel and stretched my leg out. "Yes, but only because somebody asked me to." I slid my foot up his thigh as I answered him. He choked and started to cough. I pulled my leg back and slid my foot back into my shoe. "Are you ok?" I asked him. Brady sitting next to him patted his back with a highly amused look on his face. "Be careful what you ask for bro, you might get it." he said to Wyatt. Preston was sitting next to me and gave me a knowing look. "I've created a monster." muttered Jake out loud and that made me giggle. I couldn't stop and the guys started laughing too. Lexine joined in with her little girl giggles even though she had no idea what we were laughing about.

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