Chapter 121

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I heard Brady starting the washer and I waved at him as I passed by. He followed me into my room and sat on my bed as I put the new chargers in my matching carry on bag. I also plugged in the mobile battery so that it would be ready to go early in the morning. As I finished zipping up the suitcase, Brady took it from me and set in down against the wall. Walking over to my bedroom door, I shut it and flipped the lock. I turned around and leaned back against the door. Brady gave me a knowing grin and held out his arms to me.

Giggling, I rushed over and threw myself at him. He lay me out on bed and lowered himself down next to me. Brady had always been careful before with me and ever since we found out about my pregnancy, he was even more careful. We had evolved from the missionary position when we made love to one on our sides facing each other. The reverent way he touched my body and kissed me, made me feel so cherished and loved. All my guys were amazing thoughtful lovers and their styles were so different. It must have been my hormones or something but all of a sudden I felt the need to switch it up a little. I pushed on his shoulder and moved at the same time so that we didn't break our connection and I was on top. He looked surprised then excited. "Feeling a little more adventurous buttercup?" I nodded and started to move on him. He closed his eyes and let out a moan. His big hands moved up to cup my breasts and tug lightly on the tips. It spurred me to move faster until we both cried out in ecstasy and I collapsed on top of him.

"Wow." was all he could say. I erupted in giggles and he laughed too. Since we were both sweaty, we took a shower together and then got dressed before going downstairs. I looked at the time and hustled to the kitchen to whip up the biscuit dough and drop spoonful's of it into the stew. Putting the lid back on, I washed my hands and wandered on out to the living room just in time to greet Jake who just got home. "I heard that you pulled one over on Brady today." he said with a smirk as he kissed me. I sighed. There really wasn't I could do about all of them knowing about everything I do. They shared everything I did with each other. Especially whenever I did something that they thought was cute or funny. I figured that the novelty of my "antics" would wear out. After all, once we had a few more kids, their attention wouldn't be so focused.

"Well, don't laugh too hard. You never know if you're next!" I teased him. Brady walked in to hear me say that and started laughing. Over the next twenty minutes, the others came home and we sat down to eat dinner. As the evening progressed, I started feeling anxious again. We were leaving early in the morning for our flight and not only was I getting agitated over the hearing but also about being away from my daughter. When it was her bedtime, I picked up Tiger and took them upstairs for her bath and got them ready for bed. I put Tiger in his crate after Lexine gave him a goodnight cuddle. She knew that I would be gone for a few days but I told her all about Facetime with the phones, so that she could see me and talk to me every day. Once she was laying down in bed, I spent some extra time with her and read her a book. After she fell asleep I still stayed and stroked her hair.

I felt someone watching us so I lifted up my face to see Jake standing in the doorway. He gave me an understanding and sympathetic smile while motioning for me to come out of her bedroom. Carefully, I got off of her bed and walked out of the room with Jake. I shut the door gently and walked with Jake down the hallway. "I've never been away from her before." I said to him. He slipped his arm around my shoulders, "I know sweetie. We'll take good care of her though and you just need to worry about taking care of yourself and our little jellybean." I nodded and leaned into him. Back in the living room, there was a last minute family meeting where all the details were gone over again.

When we were in California, Preston would be my official fiancé and Wyatt a good friend of ours. My pregnancy was not going to be mentioned unless it was brought up by the other party. Chase had made sure that we all understood that stress was bad for me and it was to be avoided. I gave Jake, Chase and Preston good night and goodbye kisses. After a few hours sleep, we would be leaving the house at four in the morning. I planned on sleeping during the plane ride to San Francisco after our short layover in Atlanta. Wyatt stayed with me in my room and made sure to set the alarm to wake us up in time to leave for our flight.

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