Chapter 131

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Fifteen years had passed from when I had first met my guys. The years have been filled with joy and our family unit has never been stronger. Of course nothing is perfect and we have had little issues pop up here and there but we handled it together. My jewelry designing business had taken off and I was well known in the fashion world. The guys still had the same jobs and had slowed down on Academy jobs. The years had added some grey to our hair and a few wrinkles to our skin but we were happy to grow old together. Currently we were having a BBQ in our backyard and our family with some friends were running and gathered around. I looked over at Lexine who was sitting next to Lucas and eating some chips. It was hard to believe that Lexine was already twenty years old. She had already formed a couples team with Lucas and they had been together growing up. That meant that the guys didn't have to contend with a stream of boyfriends when she reached her teens but it didn't stop them from making veiled threats about touching her inappropriately. Thankfully, Lucas had never been truly afraid of them and treated Lexine well. Those two were in love and worked together perfectly. Jenny was still a good friend to her but ultimately she decided that the Academy life was not for her and she ended up going to a regular high school and was at college now. Lucas had grown up to be a fine young man who was currently doing his residency at the hospital. Chase mentored him and found him to be a good doctor. Lexine's desire to build and create things coincided with her interest in the medical field so she combined her two talents into a single career. She designs medical tools for surgery such as the complicated robotic systems that high tech doctors now used. They were now engaged, living together and planned to marry in a year. 

Looking over at Jackson who was now fifteen, I reminisced about the little terror that he had been growing up. Thankfully the Academy gave him purpose and taught him to focus his energy into good things. He was now in a group with two other boys, Ethan and James, and they seemed to be getting along well together. They had come over to eat too which made Jake worry that there might not be enough food. Growing boys were bottomless pits of hunger! I reassured Jake by showing him all the extra burger patties and buns, plus more sides and cupcakes that I had bought just that morning. Fifteen year old boys will make sure that there will be no leftovers. Of course at their age they were noticing girls so I worried about that. My men however had smiled and patted me on the back saying that they had it. A big talk was given to them along with visual aids and for a couple of weeks after that, those boys couldn't look at me in the eye. It must have been some talk! They had eventually made friends with a bird team and they had come over to swim with them as well. They were nice girls, Melanie, Kaycee and Samantha, and they were able to keep the boys in their place.

 I smiled as they took turn jumping in the pool to splash the younger ones around the edges. An extra big splash sent water droplets over thirteen year old Bailey's back. She gave them a reproachful look but didn't yell at them. It wasn't her style to do that. Instead, a single gaze from her beautiful brown eyes was enough to elicit a sorry from the offender. Like Lexine, Bailey was a beauty who was also sweet and that made for an extremely appealing combination. She moved her lawn chair a few feet further from the pool and sat back down on it to continue talking to some friends that she had invited over. To her father's chagrin, her friends were a group of four boys from Italy who had moved here last year. Massimo, Roman, Alessandro and Marco were their names and they had the most charming accents. They had joined the Academy school here and I had a strong feeling that Bailey would end up in a poly relationship with them like I had with her dads. Her fathers had put up a fuss about them and I had to remind them that four boys would be four times more that she would be loved and cared for. After all, isn't that what we had as a family? They grudgingly agreed with me but kept an eye on them. While she was involved with the Academy and she showed an aptitude for architecture, she still wasn't entirely sure on what course she wanted her life to take. We assured her that we would support her in whatever decision that she made.

Looking past the pool, on the lawn, I spied my eleven year old Parker tossing a football with Jake. He was serious by nature just like his biological father but was smarter than the rest of us. His IQ was up there and thankfully the Academy was able to help him with his accelerated learning. Initially, I was worried about him not having a normal childhood but with our help, he learned how to have fun and relax, like he was doing now. Parker came to understand the merits of a balanced life and had so many interests that he didn't know what he wanted yet. I encouraged him to take him time since he was still so young. Eight year old Carter ran by with a Frisbee and waved at me. Chase was so proud when I got pregnant by him. He had been inspired by Brady's method and took me to Maine for a week where we indulged in Seafood and sex. Chase insisted that in his fertility researches, he concluded that if the woman had an orgasm after the man, that it acted as a vacuum and pulled the sperm up to the egg faster, giving it a better chance at fertilization. Of course he wanted to be sure and gave me multiple ones which I thoroughly enjoyed. I managed to give birth to Carter inside the hospital which Chase was grateful for. Carter looked like me with my dark hair and green eyes however his physique was his father completely. He was enrolled in the Academy school too and I knew that Chase secretly hoped for him to follow in his footsteps to become a doctor.

My last child, five year old Weston chased after his older brother. I had trouble giving birth to him, it had been a long lengthy labor which terrified the guys and as a family we came to the conclusion that I wouldn't have any more kids. I had my tubes tied and though I would miss the option of having more kids, I knew that six was enough for me. For whatever reason, I had a little trouble getting pregnant with Wyatt and it took over a year to accomplish it. I knew that it had hurt his feeling that the other guys didn't have any trouble getting me pregnant but in the end, it happened. After a year of trying, I stole him off to the Maldives for a week and we spent time in the island paradise. I had rented a villa on a secluded beach so that we had plenty of privacy which meant that we could get down and naughty any time that we felt like it. The look on his face was full of heat and fire when he realized that I wasn't too shy to go skinny dipping in the clear blue water. He made sure that every inch of me was covered with sunblock and I returned the favor. Since I could be sure that nobody could hear me, I let loose my inhibitions and talked dirty back to him. Wyatt loved it so much that I still did it to this day. I made sure that by the end of our vacation, he was relaxed and no longer worried since I reassured him that we would keep trying as long as it takes. The first time that he had held Weston, his face had shone with pure love.

I sighed in happiness and warm arms wrapped around my waist. "What are you thinking about my dear?" Preston whispered in my ear. I turned around to wrap my arms around him and buried my face in his chest, "Just thinking about the first time I met you guys and how much things have changed." Preston chuckled as his hand drifted down to my backside where he slipped his hand into the back pocket of my jeans. "I seem to remember that you had no clothes on the first time that I met you." he reminded me.  I giggled and gave him a kiss, "Yes, well I didn't have a chance to get dressed. A crazy man pinned me to the wall." Preston had the good graces to look ashamed, "That was not my finest moment." I grinned and gave him a longer kiss. "Ewww Mommmm....!!!!!! Dadddddd!!! Kissing? That's gross!" complained Carter loudly. All eyes turned to us and I did my best not to blush. "Kissing is not gross young man." Preston said to him as we released our hold on each other. Weston piped up, "Girls have cooties!" Jackson rolled his eyes and shook his head, "No they don't!" Ethan and James chimed in their agreement with sidelong looks at Kaycee, Samantha and Melanie who blushed a little. Brady walked over to me and swept me backwards into a movie style deep kiss. When he pulled me back up  to standing, I had to fan off my face. All of my children looked mortified so I grinned and said, "I'm sorry. Did that embarrass you?" They nodded. Even Lexine nodded! I raised both arms in victory over my head and exclaimed, "Yes, then my job is complete! I wouldn't be a good mom if I didn't embarrass my kids once a day!"  My men and my kids friends laughed hard before Chase said that the food was ready to eat. The kids raced for the plates and we all took our food to sit at the various tables in the shade. I smiled to myself and thought, Thank God that I went to the diner that night where Brady found me. Life just doesn't get better than this....

I'm both sad and happy that the story has come to a conclusion. I wanted to thank you all for following this story for  over a year. It was wonderful to write and I'm hoping that you all enjoyed reading it. I can concentrate on my other stories now and I hope that you read those as well!

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