Chapter 106

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Jake came home right then and rushed over to me and checked me over. Preston and Wyatt moved back to give room to greet me. "Sweetheart, you ok?" I nodded and said, "Yes, I'm fine Jake. Preston and Wyatt made sure that nothing happened to me." He set his hand down on my belly. "How's our jellybean doing? Still safe in the candy factory?" I blushed remembering his words that morning in the shower. The other guys had smirks on their faces as they tried not to laugh at my reddening face. They obviously got the reference.

"I'm fine Jake!" I said a little exasperated. "The jellybean is fine too. Just a little hungry."

"Uh oh. You let her get hungry," Jake said. "C'mon sweetie, come with me to the kitchen and let's get something." He held his hands out to me and helped me stand up. In the kitchen, Jake opened the fridge and looked around inside. I bent down and looked under his arm and it dropped down to pull me closer. "What's the jellybean feeling like eating?" I reached out and grabbed a familiar take out container. "We want last night's leftovers." I said eagerly. He grabbed the other two containers out and set them on the counter. We opened them up and put the soup in a bowl to heat up. While Jake put that in the microwave, I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and plopped my behind down on a stool. Immediately I started eating the side dishes cold.

Jake just grinned and watched me eat. He lifted his eyes to the Wyatt and Preston standing in the entryway. I smiled at them and they took that as a cue to come on in and start rooting around the pantry for their lunch. After a little debate they decided on sandwiches and chips. The microwave beeped and Jake set down my bowl of soup in front of me with a spoon. I thanked him and he gave me a grin. Preston set down a can of root beer in front of me. I opened it thankfully and took a sip. I smiled my thank you at him and continued to eat. Jake sat down next to me and the other two sat across from us.

There was small talk and chitchat between us and I could tell when Preston was drifting off in his head again, thinking about Murdoch getting so close to me. I searched through my brain trying to think of something to snap him out of it. Without thinking it through, I blurted out a question. "Hey Preston?" His eyes met mine as he took a sip of his soda. "What did you mean the other night by the double teaming thing?" His eyes bugged out and soda sprayed out of his mouth before he started coughing. Wyatt burst out laughing and started wiping up the mess. Jake was howling with laughter next to me. "If you open a door, then you gotta step through it!", he told Preston.

Preston finally stopped coughing and wiped off his face. "You do have a penchant for timing my dear," Clearing his throat, he continued, "Perhaps we should further discuss that subject later in private." I hid a smile and nodded, "Ok, after lunch?" He looked at me sharply and then nodded. I felt a hand caressing my butt and I looked over to Jake who had a grin on his face. He winked at me and I smiled. Despite being so sick a couple of days ago, I felt a familiar rush of hormones. Those poor guys were going to need vitamins to keep up with me these next few months!

We finished eating and they wouldn't let me help clean up. Wyatt's pocket buzzed and he pulled it out. "Well, it looks like my day is not complete. I need to go finish my work. I'll see you later darling and try to stay out of trouble!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and swatted my butt as he left. I gave a yawn as I stood up and stretched. Preston looked at me, "We need to get you upstairs to bed for a nap." With food in my stomach and the adrenaline wearing off, I was ready for a nap.

I managed to talk them out of carrying me upstairs but they walked on either side of me. Just in case, they said. Their overprotectiveness was amusing. I brushed my teeth in my bathroom before going out to the bed where the two of them were waiting to make sure that I didn't somehow trip or anything trying to get in it. I grabbed the hem of my shirt before Preston's hands grabbed and helped too. Jake reached out and pulled my waistband down. I stepped out of my pants and just stood there in my white bra and panties.

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