Chapter 15

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I had trouble sleeping last night so I did a little writing in bed. Thank God for iPads and Bluetooth keyboards!

That was such a sweet thing to say, that I started to tear up. I blinked back the tears and gave him a tremulous smile. Clearing my throat, I looked to change the subject.

"I can't believe that you guys ate the entire pan of lasagna! I guess there won't be any leftovers."

There was a chorus of protests.

"Well, it was good!"

"I was really hungry."

"Hey, we are growing men!"

"You shouldn't have made it taste so good."

"I couldn't resist the last piece."

I laughed and said, "Well, I guess you don't want dessert after eating all that."

"Says, who?" exclaimed Jake looking offended. "The things I had to go through in order to get the cannolis from the bakery!"

"What happened at the bakery?" asked Preston.

"I was sexually harassed! Luckily Delphine was there to save me."

"I didn't save you! Mary did." I chimed in.

"You did too help. I swear if you weren't next to me she would have physically assaulted me." Jake shuddered as he said that. I laughed at his melodrama and started to clear plates to make room for the dessert. All the guys jumped up and took over.

"Uh, uh, buttercup! The deal was that you cook and we clean. Sit back down." Brady told me.

I sighed and sat back down. I watched them work and had to admit that they worked well together as a team and were very efficient.

In no time at all the dinner plates were in the kitchen and the smaller dessert plates were out on the table. Jake brought out the box from the bakery and set it in the middle. He opened it and first took out the cupcake with the pale blue frosting and set it in front of Lexine. Then he looked at me and asked which one I wanted. I pointed to the one with a light green filling.

"Ah, the pistachio! A good choice." Jake said and put in on my plate. He passed out the rest to the guys already knowing which ones they liked. Lexine and I waited until everybody had their dessert and then started to eat ours. I took a bite and had to close my eyes. It was that good!

When I opened my eyes again, the guys were all staring at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked while wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"No! No..." said Preston. "You just looked like you were really enjoying that."

"It is pretty good." I admitted.

"I think that I might have to buy you one every day just to see that look on your face!" Jake told me with a wink.

I just shook my head at him. I was getting used to his outrageous comments.

"Preston, I think that Delphine had some questions for you about apartment rentals." Brady said.

"Oh yeah, I did. I was wanting to get your opinion on some listings that I found today. I want to make sure that I get one in a nice neighborhood."

Preston frowned. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that the others didn't look too happy about the subject either.

"Delphine, let's put the issue of apartments on the back burner for now. Why don't you think about what jobs you might like to apply for first? There really isn't any hurry to move out. You've only spent one night here."

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