Chapter 54

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The look on his face was incredulous. I was surprised by the question and blushed.

"Preston and I are in a relationship." I answered honestly.

"Wow, you are dating the local real estate mogul! Maybe you can get him to consider using us for insurance. I'm sure that he can't say no to his little sweetheart." Mr. Meyers said with an oily grin.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't get involved with his business dealings." I said trying to demur.

"Well, you think about it. If you land the account, I'll give you a nice commission on it."

I cleared my throat and told myself that salesmen needed to be pushy in order to land accounts.

"Where should I get started?" I asked him.

"Oh, here. This will be your desk. I'm going to have you fill out some paperwork for yourself here first. The ladies room is down the hall and we have coffee and snacks in the room in the back lounge," He waved his hand at the front desk. "Make yourself comfortable and let me know when it's done."

I hung my jacket on the back of the chair and took my cell phone out of my purse and wondered where to keep it. I realized that my dress had a pocket on the right side so I stuck it in there. I put my purse inside of the bottom desk drawer. The paperwork he had left for me was just standard tax forms and employee information. It was easy to fill out and 10 minutes later I was done. Gathering the papers up I took them over to Mr. Meyers desk.

"Here, I finished them Mr. Meyers." I said and handed them to him.

"Please call me Don. I'm not that much older than you!" he said jokingly to me with a wink. I nodded with a faint smile. "Alright, I'm kind of behind on paperwork, so I'm going to start handing you small stacks as I finish them and I'd like you to file them for me please. It will help you familiarize yourself with the different forms that we handle here."

I nodded again as he handed me about 20 forms that were already filled out. Don showed me the filing system that they had and I got to work. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I saw that Jake had texted me asking what time I was getting lunch. I asked Don what time my lunch break was and he told me that it was at one. I texted Jake back the answer and he said that he would be there.

"Hot date with your boyfriend?" Don asked me.

"Oh, I'm having lunch with someone else." I said not wanting to advertise the fact that I was in a relationship with 5 men at the same time. I knew that most people wouldn't understand.

There was plenty of back filing to catch up on along with phone calls to answer and soon it was noon. Don said that he would be taking his lunch break then and would be back at one so that I could go. I filed some more papers and then answered some calls and took messages.

About 15 minutes before Don was due back, I had finished filing and the phone was silent. I sat there wondering what I could do next but since it was my first day I didn't know what papers to touch so I did nothing for a few minutes except check my phone. Remembering that I needed an appointment with Chase I sent him a quick text message asking him for one. It only took him a minute to respond and he said that he could get me in today after work. He said that he would coordinate it with Preston and whoever was picking me up. The office door opened and I looked up.

"Hey baby!" Jake said and walked over to give me a kiss. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and told him, "Jake, Mr. Meyers thinks that I am dating Preston. I didn't want to tell him about the rest of you. He'll be back any minute."

"Got it. Don't worry, everything will be fine," Jake said with a reassuring smile. "Besides, it's none of his or anyone else's business."

Don walked into the office right then and looked curiously at Jake. "Hi, I'm Don Meyers. Can I help you with anything?" and stuck out his hand to shake.

"Jake and I'm here to take Delphine to lunch." Jake said and shook Don's hand firmly.

"Oh, ok. Well, Delphine you are free to go to lunch!" said Don with a funny look at me. I got my purse out of the drawer and Jake helped me put my jacket on. We left the office and Jake asked if Chinese food was ok. I smiled and said yes. We walked a couple of blocks to a place that Jake had heard of. It was one of those little hole in the wall, run by a family places that always had great food. Both of us ordered lunch specials and Jake remembered my love of shrimp and made sure that I ordered some for my entrée. We ate our food and he played footsie with me under the table which made me giggle. The owner brought out a couple scoops of green tea ice cream with two spoons for us.

"On the house. Such a happy couple! You will bring good luck our place." he said with a smile.

"We are a happy couple!" Jake agreed and lifted my hand to kiss the back of it. I blushed and the owner beamed.

"Don't let her get away!" he cautioned Jake playfully wagging his finger at him.

"I won't! I'm planning on keeping her forever." Jake said with a loving look at me.

 I returned it saying to him, "I'm not going anywhere."

We enjoyed the ice cream and Jake took care of the bill with a healthy tip. We walked back toward the office and halfway there Jake stopped me. I looked at him questioningly and he pulled me to him to give me a sweet, long kiss. I returned it and I jumped when I heard a car honk. We both laughed and continued walking back to the office. Jake opened the office door for me and gave me a wink when he said goodbye. I gave him a wave goodbye and went to my desk. Making sure that I still had my phone in my pocket, I went to see what else there was to do. Don showed me how to enter some policies into the computer so that we could email it to the insurance companies and that kept me busy for the rest of the day. I did take a break later to drink some water and visit the ladies room. There was a steady stream of phone calls and the occasional customer walking in to ask questions about premiums.

Soon it was time for me to go and I wondered who was coming to get me. I smiled to see Brady appear at the door. He gave me a big smile and introduced himself to Don as one of my roommates. I could see the confusion by all the different men that were with me today, in Don's face but to his credit he didn't say anything. Maybe he was intimidated by Brady's muscle and size? Either way I was tired and glad to go. I still had an appointment to get to!

Brady made sure I got into passenger seat and shut my door for me. We drove off and Brady put a hand on my shoulder. "How was your first day Buttercup?"

"It was busy. There really was a lot of paperwork to do! I learned some new things and I had a really good time at lunch with Jake." I said.

"Maybe I'll get to take you tomorrow." he said rubbing my knee with his hand. "So, here is the plan now. We will pick up Lexine from her school and then take you to Chase next door. After that we are picking up some take out on our way home. There is no way that you are cooking dinner tonight. I'm sure that you are tired."

I gave him a smile and picked up his hand from my knee and held it. I asked him about his day and he was telling me about a picky customer of his who kept changing his mind about what kind of countertop he wanted for his kitchen. We got to Lexine's preschool and I was excited to see her after her first day. She looked happy to see us too and brought over a drawing labeled, "Our Family". It had her in the middle with me next to her. What surprised me is that she also had Brady, Preston, Wyatt, Chase and Jake on either side of us. Brady looked so proud of that picture and told her that he would make a frame for it and hang it up in our living room. She gave him a big hug. We got her jacket and headed next door to the hospital.

Brady picked up Lexine and carried her through the hallways and took us to the cafeteria. I spotted Chase wearing his white doctors coat talking to another doctor, with sandy blond curls. He looked up and saw me. With a big grin he excused himself from the other doctor who made a beeline to the plates of apple pie.

"There's my girls!" Chase greeted us.

Brady gave him a smile and said, "I am going to stay here with Lexine and have some ice cream and spoil our dinner tonight while you guys do your thing."

"That's an excellent idea!" Chase said and I just laughed and nodded. "Just this once!" I cautioned as Chase took my hand and led me away.

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