Chapter 87

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I cuddled next to him and Brady pulled me closer. I told him about visiting the Fort, taking the ferry and going to lunch. Taking a deep breath, I also told him about the guy who was spying on me. Brady frowned and said, "Wyatt is right, we'll have to talk about this tonight at the family meeting. Other than that though, everything else is fine? Are you feeling alright?"

" I feel fine, I just need to visit the bathroom. I'll be right back." Sliding off the couch, I went to the bathroom to take care of nature's calling and noticed that my cycle was still exceptionally light. That meant it would be done in about another day. I didn't really mind since it also meant that I could resume certain bedroom activities again. Learning about all the pleasure that they could give me was very fun!

After washing and drying my hands, I went back out to the living room to see that Preston was back at home. He stood up to greet me with a kiss. I smiled happy to see him. I did miss the rest of them when they were at work. The front door slammed and footsteps echoed. A few moments later Jake popped into the room.

"There's my girl! Come give me a hug!" Jake exclaimed as he walked toward me with his arms outstretched. I left Preston's side and threw myself into Jake's arms. He spun me around in a circle and nuzzled his face into my neck making me squeal out since it tickled. Jake raised his head and sniffed the air. "Why don't I smell anything good cooking? Are you on strike sweetie?"

I laughed and smacked his arm lightly. "No, I'm not on strike! Wyatt lost a race so he has to take care of dinner."

Jake recoiled his head in surprise. "What! Wyatt's cooking dinner! Why? What did we do to deserve this? I don't want food poisoning.." His voice trailed off whining.

Preston rolled his eyes and Brady laughed at his antics before speaking up. "Don't worry, I would never let Wyatt into the kitchen to cook! We all learned our lesson that time. He's out picking it up so our stomachs are safe."

Jake sighed in relief and with an exaggerated gesture wiped his hand across his brow. I giggled and he picked me up off the ground to pull me onto his lap and he sat down on one of the couches.  As usual, I snuggled in drawing comfort from his touch. Preston winked at me as he sat nearby. I winked back at him which made him smirk.

"Chase is bringing Lexine home tonight since he doesn't have to work late." Jake said to me.

"Oh, good. Then they'll be home in time for dinner, whenever Wyatt gets back with it. I wonder what he is picking up."

I heard the front door again and heard some more footsteps. I looked towards the living room entrance and Chase walked in holding Lexine. I slid off of Jake's lap and held out my arms to her. Chase set her in my arms and I gave her a big hug and kissed the top of her head. Preston gestured for me to bring her over to him so I walked over a few steps and put her in his arms. He proceeded to give her a hug and kiss as well. Lexine giggled and hugged him back.

Wyatt walked in with bags hanging off his arms. I sniffed the aroma emanating from the bags and exclaimed "Indian food!" He laughed at me and said, "Well, I can see that you approve of my dinner choice tonight. Come help me set the boxes on the table darling."

I followed him in to the dining room and opened the boxes that he opened. Wyatt went to wash his hands in the kitchen and came back with spoons, forks and plates. We put the spoons into the cartons of rice and various curries. He even had a couple boxes of freshly cooked naan bread, both garlic and plain. I went back into the kitchen to get glasses for water and napkins for our hands.

"Hey, darling? I forgot to ask you if Lexine will eat Indian food. Should I make her some mac and cheese or a sandwich instead?" Wyatt asked me.

I smiled at his thoughtfulness. "Oh, don't worry about that. Lexine loves curry. She's a pretty adventurous eater for a kid."

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