Chapter 109

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I felt myself being lifted up off of the couch a little and then I was sitting in someone's lap and pretty much just draped on them. My automatic reflex was to nuzzle their chest with my face. Warm hands were rubbing my back and I moaned at the sensation. The hands pressed into my muscle a little deeper and massaged. I sighed and slowly woke up. Warm firm lips met mine before I had my eyes fully open. I was thoroughly kissed before Wyatt pulled back to say, "Mmm... You taste like chocolate." I smiled and said, "Brady bought me a brownie sundae." He smiled and said, "Sweets for the sweet." Giggling, I said, "Yes, and thank you for the box of candy. I ate some earlier today."

"You are so welcome darling." he said with a smile. "What have you been up to today?"

I yawned and stretched before answering him. "I finished Aunt Mavis' Christmas present and then worked a little on the last necklace for Collette. Then Brady took me out to lunch and shopping. I bought something for the baby today!"

"What did you buy?"

I looked around and spied my bag on the coffee table where I vaguely remembered tossing it there before crashing on the couch. I got off of his lap to go grab it and sat down next to him before opening the bag. I pulled out the onesies and lay them out on my lap.

He picked up one of the smaller ones, "This is so tiny!"

I nodded laughing at his expression, "Yes, and that's the 3-6 months size. The baby is supposed to be smaller when it's born."

Brady came into the room, "Can you believe how small those things are?" aiming his question at Wyatt. I found it funny, if they thought that the onesies were tiny than what were they going to think when the baby was born? Wyatt shook his head, "The baby is going to be the size of a football, I think." Brady answered, "I hope I won't fumble. The thought of someone that tiny makes me nervous." I explained to them that even though babies can be wiggly, if you hold them certain ways, you won't drop them, "Besides, all of you are so careful and good with Lexine that I know you will be fine with the baby."

They seemed satisfied with that answer. Wyatt pulled me back onto his lap and placed a hand on my stomach to rub it, "What does Mavis' present look like?" he asked me. "Oh, it's pretty! I made it with different shades of gold and well I didn't take a picture of it. Let's go to my office and I'll show you." I stood up, set the bag and onesies on the coffee table and they both followed me to the office. Once we were there, I pulled the display off the shelf and put it on the table. There was silence, so I took a look at their faces. Brady and Wyatt looked stunned. Wyatt spoke first, "I'm impressed darling. Wow! Aunt Mavis is going to love this!" Brady agreed, "It's beautiful. You have a real talent buttercup." I showed them the rest of what I had been working on for Collette.

They were admiring my work when another voice rang out, "I sincerely hope that you won't decide to move out on your own when you are a rich and famous jewelry designer." I looked up to see Preston with a teasing smirk on his face. I went over to greet him with a kiss and pulled him further into the office so that he could see my stuff. "So this is for Mavis. She is going to love it." Preston said before turning his attention to the things that I have made for Collette's new store. "These are perfect for what she has in mind."

I smiled as I basked in their praise of my work, "I'm almost done with the last one before we take them over to her." Preston nodded and rubbed my shoulder, "Let me know when you are done and I'll schedule it," he said to me, "Oh, and Chase is bringing Lexi home along with dinner so you don't have to cook." I nodded and smiled gratefully. I was kind of tired still but I was hoping that the extreme exhaustion would wear off by the second trimester. If the necklaces were well received and sold well, then I would start work on more designs that I had in mind.

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