Chapter 50

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Soon we settled down on the blankets again and Lexine went back to playing in her playground. Jake got up to push her on the swing and I smiled to see them having fun together. Stretching out I lay down with my head on Wyatt's lap. He ran his hand through my hair and massaged my scalp.

"That feels good." I sighed. He smiled and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Just another day and Chase said that I can kiss you on the mouth again." he told me and winked.

"So Delphine, we have a big date on Friday night," Chase said to me. " You need to go shopping for a dress unless you already have one."

I frowned trying to remember if I had anything appropriate to wear. Before I could make a decision, Preston spoke up. "I'll take her shopping sometime this week. There are a couple of clothing stores that the ladies that work in my offices like to shop at," he said and looked over at me. "I think that we will have fun."

Putting my pride and objections away, I smiled and agreed. The next few hours flew by and it was almost lunch time. Brady told me that we would be grilling up some hot dogs and chicken legs for lunch and that for dinner we were all going out to Bob's Diner. I smiled really big at that. After all, that is where my life with the guys started.

I shivered a little and started to get up so that I could find a something to wear. Jake noticed and said, "Are you a little cold baby? Want a sweatshirt or something?" I nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm going to go find one inside." He shook his head no and told me to stay where I was at. Jake gave a look to Preston and took off to go inside the house. Preston wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. "I'll keep you warm until he gets a jacket for you."

Cuddling close with Preston was warming me up. I rubbed my cheek on his chest. I was in such a good mood. I felt in my heart that I made the right decision. My mind raced thinking about the future. Starting work the next day, Lexine going to preschool, more children.... I do love kids!

Jake came back with a hooded sweatshirt for me. Both he and Preston helped me put it on. It was sweet of them to do that! It was a large on me and I had to push the sleeves up so that my hands were visible. "Sorry it's a little big on you but I had one of mine downstairs. As long as it keeps you warm right?" Jake said with a grin. I smiled back at him. "Right!" There was something comforting about wearing their clothes.

Chase reached out his hand for me and I took it. Pulling me closer so that he could slide his arm around my shoulders, he started walking me towards the trees. "I thought that we could have a little chat about health insurance," he said to me. "I know that originally you wanted to wait for the office insurance to kick in but now since you are part of the family officially, I'd like for you to get a check up sooner rather than later. The Academy covers our medical needs."

I thought about what he said and it did make sense, though I wondered why he would bring that up right now. "Do I need one right away? Do you think that something is wrong with me?" I asked him curiously.

"No, I'm sure that nothing is wrong with you but.." he paused and searched for the right words. "Now I'm going to speak like a doctor. I'd like for you to get a physical before any of us have sexual intercourse with you. Not that I think that you have any STDs but I want to be sure that we are not putting your health at risk. Such as getting you pregnant and a problem with your heart suddenly appears. Do you understand that it's in your best interest?"

I blushed but nodded in agreement. I did understand that it would be a good idea to get checked out.

"Have you made a decision about a doctor? If you are not comfortable with having me as your primary physician, I can find another one for you to visit."

I started to speak and then stopped. I still found it hard to be so candid with my opinions. Rick had always shut me down when my opinion differed from his.

"It's ok Delphine. Nothing you say is going to make me upset with you. It's your body and your decision." he said to me and kissed the top of my head.

"I think that I would like for you to be my doctor. I'm just a little embarrassed about you seeing me from head to toe as a doctor first." I said while blushing.

"Well, I've already seen the waist up and it's looking great. Do you mean that having me do the pelvic exam will bother you?"

"Not really bother me but.... what if seeing the inside there turns you off?"

"Ohhhh, so that's what you are worried about! I can assure you that it won't bother me in the least. I've seen many body parts inside and out over the years. Besides, if I am familiar with your "insides there" it will help me with any changes that might come with pregnancy. I promise that I will remain professional during the exam and become your loving boyfriend afterwards." With that said he took me in his arms and kissed me.

Somehow those words were the right ones and I felt more at ease. "OK, I'd really like for you to be my doctor Chase," I said to him. "I think that I'd trust you more than anyone else." He grinned at me and kissed me again.

"That is a good thing! Now another question for you. About how long into the future would you like to start having children again? I'm only asking so that I can help give you the best options for birth control. Now you wouldn't need it with all of us. The Academy offers their dogs in their teens vasectomies so that there are no teenage parents running around. Those that do take that option usually freeze their sperm just in case they would ever like to father children and the vasectomy isn't reversible. Now Brady, Wyatt and I didn't take the option so you would need some kind of contraceptive with us. However Preston and Jake have had vasectomies. They did freeze their sperm however so that children with them are possible."

I looked at him and said, "I'm thinking that I would like to start trying in about six months? I don't want to wait too long since I'm not getting any younger."

Chase gave a laugh, "Well, that makes the decision easier. Condoms it is then! Let me know when you will have time for a visit to the hospital and I will examine you there."

"Maybe some time this coming week? I'm thinking the sooner the better."

"Thank God! I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to wait. You are the most tempting creature I have ever come across. I know my brothers will be relieved. Our restraint is being severely tested!"

I looked at him wryly. "I'm more worried about me attacking you guys. It's like my hormones are out of control! I don't know what's wrong with me."

He burst into laughter, "There isn't a single thing wrong with you! Attraction is very normal. You really are good for my ego," putting his arm around my shoulders again, he herded me back towards the others. "Let's go see if lunch is ready yet."

As we walked his hand wandered down to my butt and he pinched me unexpectedly. I yelped and jumped. He laughed at me, so I pinched him on the butt too. "How do you like it?" I asked him as he jumped too. "You're a little spitfire! I look forward to some more of that in the bedroom!" he said and winked at me.

When we got back, Brady was cooking on the grill and Jake was setting out salads and plates while Preston played with Lexine and Wyatt sat on the picnic bench. I smiled at the peaceful happy scene. This day just getting better and better!

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