Chapter 45

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"Oh!" I let out a squeak of surprise. There was rumbling laughter and I turned my head to see Brady looking highly amused.

"You are so easy to sneak up on Buttercup." he said to me. "It's kinda cute how lost you get in your head when you're in the kitchen."

"You're home early!" I said smiling at him and turned in his arms to face him. I gave him a big hug and he lifted me off the ground and set me on the granite counter top.

"Now, where was I?" he asked and went back to nuzzling my neck. It turned playful and he blew a raspberry on the curve of my neck and I erupted in giggles. It tickled and once he found out I had a ticklish spot there he kept going. I kept laughing and Lexine came into the kitchen to see what the fuss was about. I tapped on his arm and said, "We have an audience!"

He looked over at her and let me go. Wiggling his fingers at her he exclaimed, "The tickle monster is home!"

Her eyes widened and she took off with a shriek. Brady chased after her and I hopped off the counter. I watched as Lexine ran around the couches and Brady couldn't catch her. She was too small for him and could get in between the furniture and get to the other side. I had to laugh. Big and gentle Brady was no match for her! Finally he gave up and plopped himself down on one of the couches. I went to go sit next to him but he pulled me into his lap instead. I kissed his dimples and he laughed.

"Is that our thing now?" he asked.

"Yes, it is. Your dimples are so cute! I can't resist them." I told him. He hugged me tight.

"You know, there are a lot of things about you that I can't resist either." Brady whispered in my ear making me blush.

Lexine chose that moment to pounce on us. He grabbed her and pulled her onto my lap and proceeded to tickle her with one hand and me with the other on our sides. We were both laughing and squirming around. I twisted and his hand landed on my boob and we both froze. He removed his hand from there and stopped tickling us. Poor Brady's cheeks were tinged pink. Acting like nothing was wrong I set Lexine down and got up from his lap.

I leaned over to him and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry about it. It was an accident. But I'm hoping that next time that your hand is there it will be on purpose." He grinned at me and then groaned, grabbing a decorative pillow and put it on his lap. I took pity on him and handed him the remote control. I could hear him mutter, "Woman, you are going to kill me." I hid a smile.

That last bit of running around must have made Lexine really tired because she looked ready for nap time. Looking at the clock I realized that it was her usual nap time. I put her on the couch where she always napped and covered her. I sat with her until she dozed off. Getting up carefully I went to sit next to Brady. He welcomed me and put his arm around my shoulders and I cuddled into him.

"How is Wyatt doing?" he asked me.

"He's doing better. His temperature is down and he ate a bowl of chicken soup for lunch."

"That's good. I'll check on him later with you if you don't mind."

"Not at all! He'll be glad to see you too instead of just me."

"Somehow, I doubt that he objects to seeing just you all day."

I laughed and patted his chest. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back and he moved me so that I was straddling his lap. I opened my lips a little and he took the invitation and moved his tongue into my mouth to tangle with mine. Breathing hard, he pulled away and said, "I want to kiss you some more but not while Lexine is sleeping a few feet away." I nodded and he picked me up and set me on my feet. I sighed thinking that my fun time was over and was about to head back to the kitchen to finish cleaning when Brady turned on the monitor and grabbed the handset. I just stood there staring at him and he scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I was too surprised to protest! Truthfully, I found the whole caveman thing to be a turn on. Plus I got a great view of Brady's muscular butt. I wasn't paying attention to where we were headed because I was having a debate with myself about reaching down and grabbing his butt. Finally my hormones won out over my prudish practical self and I watched my hand reach out and get a handful. Brady stopped walking.

"Uh, Delphine? Did you just grab my butt?" he asked in disbelief.

I felt my face flame up, and I took my hand away. "Sorry." I said.

"Oh no you don't. Don't say sorry for that! You just took my by surprise, that's all. Feel free to grab me anytime." 

I didn't feel so embarrassed anymore and then there was a hand on my butt as he walked up the stairs. I giggled and patted Brady's butt. His speed picked up until he was almost running. A door was opened and I was unceremoniously dumped onto a bed. Brady stood over me and said, "Delphine, what am I going to do with you?"

I fluttered my eyelashes at him, "Something really nice I hope."

His eyes darkened and I quivered a little inside. A turned on Brady was a sight to behold! How on earth were all these guys so handsome, I wondered. He carefully set the handset on the nightstand and turned back to me. I stared back up at him and he got on the bed next to me laying on his side. I put a hand on the side of his face and kissed him. He reached out and pulled me close to him and deepened the kiss.

We kissed and kissed and our hands roamed exploring each other over our clothing. Out of all the guys so far (excluding  Wyatt) Brady was the most cautious with me. I pushed one of his hands under my shirt. He grinned and said, "Message received." His hand under my shirt moved to cup my breast and I slid my hand under his shirt over his stomach. All of a sudden I didn't want my shirt on anymore. I didn't want Brady wearing his either. I sat up and pulled mine off. He sharply inhaled and his eyes focused on my pale yellow push up bra.

"Oh, God! That looks so much better on you than I imagined!" he said. I just smiled at him and tugged on his shirt. 

"You need to take yours off too!" I told him.

"Whatever the lady wants." Brady sat up and pulled his off in a blink of an eye. It was my turn to stare. I think that I was drooling too. The man was magnificent! The muscle definition on him and the hair on his chest was perfection. Without thinking, I ran my hands all over his chest.

"Brady, you are beautiful!" I exclaimed and he shook his head.

"No, you are Buttercup. Come here and let me show you how beautiful I think you are."

He did his best. Brady was so gentle with me his touches unrushed and worshipping. My bra was unsnapped in the front clasp and he pulled back the cups and took the undergarment off of me. Turning me onto my back he kissed his way down my neck to my chest. I got goose bumps and my tips were tightly budded. His warm mouth enclosed on one and his tongue laved it. My hands gripped his head and I arched up off the bed. Brady turned his attention to the other one. I groaned with pleasure. He stopped and rolled over onto his back and pulled me over him. I lay my head on his shoulder and sighed. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry for stopping Buttercup, but if I don't stop now, I'm not sure that I will be able to later. I can't resist you."

"It's ok, Brady. It's better if we stop now. After all, we don't want to get interrupted do we?" I said with a giggle.

"That's right. When you are ready, I don't want just an hour or two. I want to take the whole night with you. No interruptions for us!"

I lifted my head to look at him. "All night?"

"Yes, all night." He looked at me puzzled. "Haven't you ever...didn't your husband ever pull an all nighter with you?"

"No, I thought that was only in books or movies."

"Oh, Buttercup. You have so much to learn and I think that you will have a lot of fun learning it with us."

I laid my head back down on his shoulder. It felt nice laying on his bare chest with mine. I've always craved more physical affection and I was getting it from my guys.

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