Chapter 64

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In the bathroom I took my time and examined my reflection in the mirror as I washed my hands. I actually looked happy. The past few years, I always looked tired and there were hardly any smiles on my face unless I was around Lexine. This past week here has done wonders for the two of us. Lexine was much more active and playful than before. I stopped feeling so tired and sad all the time and I was in a great mood. I rethought my idea of telling them about loving them all at the same time since I forgot that I had mentioned loving them when I told them that we would stay. Instead I would tell them each in person and privately that I loved them. I would like to hear it from them as well. I think that they were waiting for me.

 Running upstairs to get my iPad, I changed my shoes into sneakers so that my feet wouldn't hurt standing in heeled boots for so long. I walked back to the kitchen and I could hear them talking as I got closer. I heard them laughing about Raven and his Russian male pride. Brady and Jake both looked up as I entered the kitchen with smiles on their faces. Between the two of them, the groceries were almost all put away and I felt spoiled by the guys. I was loving it!

When I was in a great mood, I liked to bake. I had made sure in the grocery store to get a lot of ingredients for baking various things. I wanted to bake a layer cake. Specifically a butter yellow cake with chocolate frosting!

"I want to bake something! I'm in the mood." I announced to them.

"Do these moods happen often?" Jake asked me with a wink.

I shrugged, "When I'm in a really good mood, I guess."

Brady grinned at me. "Well then, we'll just have to keep you in a good mood all the time huh?"

I rolled my eyes at them. "Then we would all be 500 pounds a wall would have to be removed just to get us out of the house!"

"Not necessarily," Jake said. "I can think of great ways to stay in shape and burn off calories!"

Brady reached out and fist bumped him. Honestly! Men always had sex on the brain. Admittedly, I also had sex on my mind quite a bit lately. Instead of letting them know that, I kicked them out of the kitchen. Agreeably as they left they did ask me to text them if I needed help because my shoulder was giving me trouble.

"Oh, Buttercup," Brady said, "Chase said that he would bring Lexine home so we don't have to go pick her up."

"Alright! Now go so that I can get started." I said and smacked both of them on the butt at the same time. They both gave me a look that promised retribution later. It made me shiver. To distract myself I set up my iPad to Netflix and started a movie playing and got to work on the cake. Once the cake batter was made and baking in the oven, I started on the frosting. I covered the bowl of it and decided to make cookies too. Snicker doodles sounded good to me. Using the hands free mixer on the counter I mixed up the dough and made the cinnamon sugar to dip them in. Setting out the cookies on the cookie sheets ready to cook, I pulled the cakes out of the oven when the timer went off.

I was lost in work and didn't notice the time flying by until I checked it on my iPad. I pulled the packages of ribs out and seasoned them. Setting them in a couple of pans and covering them with foil I put them in the second oven to bake. Deciding that there wasn't enough time to make scalloped potatoes from scratch, I pulled out a few boxes of mix for it. The cookies were piled on a big plate and I found a glass cake holder with a lovely dome to set over it. I carefully set the first layer down and covered it with frosting and did the same with the second layer.

As I put the finishing touches on it, I felt a heat against my back and knew that one of the guys was there. A hand reached around me and swiped some frosting with a finger. Turning around I saw Wyatt sticking his frosting covered finger in his mouth.

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