Chapter 117

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We spent over an hour watching her ride around before I started to feel tired. Preston pulled me inside the house and Chase took his place at Lexine's side. He tucked me into his side on the couch and turned the television on. I rested my head on his shoulder as we watched a show. "How are you feeling my dear?" he asked me. I gave him a sleepy smile, "So unbelievably happy." I could tell by his eyes that, my answer touched him and he intertwined our hands together. I fell asleep for a little while and woke up when my bladder demanded it. After I took care of business, I saw that Lexine had finally worn herself out and was passed out on one of the couches. I smiled as I walked over to her. Brushing the hair out of her face, I kissed her forehead.

Looking up, I saw that my guys were watching me with tender smiles of their own. I sat back down on the couch and stretched. "I need to take care of dinner." I groaned out. "No, you don't, Jake is bringing home dinner. Chinese I think." Preston said, I sighed with a smile, "That does sound really good." Rubbing my stomach where the baby was, I thought about how I couldn't wait to hold my baby in my arms. "Have you thought about names yet?" Chase asked me. I shook my head, "No, but I wanted everyone to have a say in it. We should start thinking about choosing a boys name and a girls."

"Sounds like a good plan. We should all make lists of ten names that we like both for a girl and a boy." Preston suggested to us. Everyone agreed to do that. We heard the front door open and two sets of footsteps came towards us. Wyatt and Jake appeared in our line of sight and they were both holding bags of food. The greetings exchanged between all of us woke Lexine up and we headed to the dining room. There was a flurry of activity with plates and forks being grabbed along with serving utensils. We had a nice family dinner, eating, talking, and teasing each other. I felt that every time we  time spent like this, it strengthened our bond as a family.

The next day, Brady was at home with me and was going through the mail he had picked up at our gate. "Here's something for you buttercup." he said and handed me an envelope. I was mystified since, I really hadn't told anyone where I was living, but one look at the return address cleared that up. "Oh! It's from Collette. This should be my commission check." I said excitedly as I opened up the envelope. I pulled the check out and saw the amount and choked. "Oh." I said in confusion, "I'll have to send it back to her. I think that there is an extra zero in here." Brady frowned and pulled the check out of my hand to look at it. His frown changed into a smile as he saw the amount. "No, I think it's right. Didn't Preston write up the contract?" I nodded and said, "Yes, but I didn't really read all the fine print. I trusted Preston." Brady laughed at me and told me to give Preston a call.

I pulled my phone out to call him then thought that it would be better to text him in case he was in a meeting. The check from Collette came in the mail today. I think that they made a mistake on it. It says $10,000. I waited for a minute for his reply.

No, there isn't a mistake. That's the right amount. Didn't you see it on the contract that you signed?

 I heard Brady snicker as he read the text over my shoulder. No, I just kinda skimmed it.

You should always read a contract before you sign it!

I didn't have to read it! You wrote it and I trust you.

Well.... I can't argue with that. Congrats on your check my dear. You earned it!

I smiled happily. That was the biggest check with my name on it that I'd ever had before! I let out a girly squeal of excitement and jumped on Brady. He caught me and gave me a kiss. I deepened it and he responded. Pulling my head back, I looked at him to say, "Have you ever had a fantasy of doing me in your workshop?" We were off like a shot. I had to giggle at how fast he was carrying me to his garage workshop. Inside there locking the door, he looked at his work table which had a layer of sawdust on top of it. Looking around he held on to me with one hand and grabbed a towel with his other. His truck was parked inside the garage and he opened the back door to it and threw the towel across the bench seat before laying me down. "Have you ever made love in the backseat of a car?" he asked me. With a slow smile, I shook my head no and pulled my shirt off. He grinned back at me and started to strip, so I finished taking my clothes off. I held my arms out to him and he climbed on top of me. There wasn't too much room so after wiggling around and lots of laughter from us we finally ended up with Brady seated and me straddling him. He held my hips and guided me. I sank down impaling myself on his hardness. He leaned me back and took my sensitive tip into his mouth and suckled me. My internal muscles clenched around him making him groan in appreciation. We moved in a synchronized rhythm, going faster as we tried to reach for completion. Brady knew my body and it's responses well. His mouth latched onto my breast and his finger rubbed my hidden pearl just right and I came apart in his arms as he gave a hoarse cry, filling me with his essence.

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