Chapter 34

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Hello everyone! I've been trying to get this chapter on here for the last few days but Wattpad has been giving me problems. First the draft that I wrote was erased and gone. So I rewrote it the next day on a word doc and saved it before pasting it onto here. Again it was lost on Wattpad, something about overcapacity. Good thing I saved it on Word! Hopefully third time is a charm. Things are starting to spice up in this chapter ! Enjoy......  

I tugged on Preston's shirt collar to get his attention. When he turned to look at me, I reached up and gave him a short and sweet kiss.

"What was that for?" he asked me.

"It was for a wonderful day. I'm having a good time with you and I know that Lexine is too."

 I looked over at her and so did Preston. She saw us looking at her so she smiled and waved at us. Getting up off of her seat she stepped over to our side and Preston grabbed her so that she wouldn't fall since the carriage was still in motion. Lifting her arms up, she indicated that she wanted to sit on Prestons' lap.

Once she was settled on his lap, she grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Preston was so surprised! "I think that was her way of saying thank you for today." I told him. He looked so happy, then smiled and said to Lexine, "You're very welcome Lexi." 

Turning back to me, he asked, "Did you remember to text the rest of the guys about the scholarship?"

"Oh, no! I need to do that right now!" Pulling my phone out of my purse I quickly texted them. They replied almost instantly with congratulations except for Chase whom I assumed was busy with a patient. His reply came about 5 minutes after while the driver of the carriage was pointing out landmarks.

Eventually the tour came to an end and we went back to the car to head home.

"Should I worry about my car battery dying since I haven't driven it for days?" I asked Preston.

"Hmm.. I'll look at it later tonight. When was the last time it had an oil change?"

"A few months before I left Texas."

"How about a tune up or anything else like brakes inspection or tire rotation?"

"Oh, uh....Rick used to take care of things like that. I just put gas in and go."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to have a mechanic look at it and see what needs to be done to keep in good condition."

"Sure, I really like my car. It would be nice to keep it running."

"Are you sure? Would you like a new car?"

"No, I don't want a new car. Everything in my car is perfect for me. All the controls are within arms reach and it has a DVD player for Lexine and my iPod hooks up to the stereo."

Preston glanced over at me with a smile. "You do realize that I just offered you a new car and you turned it down? I can't think of  a single woman who would do that!"

I laughed and said, "Well, I guess that I'm not like most women. I never have been."

Preston reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezed it and said, "Thank God for that! I've glad that you are not like them!"

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