Chapter 21

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My mouth opened and shut. I wasn't sure what to say. Just as I think that I have a handle on these guys, they say or do something that surprises me.

I knew that I was staring at him but I just couldn't help myself. He was so good looking with his strawberry blonde hair and that cleft chin. Hopefully I wasn't drooling! Chase just sat there with a pleased look on his face. Then he leaned forward towards me.

"What do you say? Be my date for that evening?"

"I....." I stole a look around at the other guys. They nodded encouragingly. "All right. I will." I can't believe that I have a date! With a doctor! Oh my God. What am I going to wear?

I insisted on helping them clean up and we sat back down in the living room to watch a movie. I sat next to Preston again. I was craving some kind of physical contact with one of the guys. Jake was sitting on the other side of me but had my daughter in his lap. She was pretending to listen to his heart with the plastic stethoscope.

I flexed my hand and tried to work up the nerve to reach for Preston's hand. It was only inches away from mine. I started to slide my hand closer to his but chickened out. Slowly and gently he moved his hand closer to mine until we were holding hands. Butterflies were going off in my stomach. I spent more time looking at him through the corner of my eyes instead of watching the movie. His thumb was caressing my hand and I felt my pulse race. I almost forgot that we weren't alone in the room. When the movie ended, he let go of my hand.

Looking over at Lexine, I saw that she was currently passed out in Jake's lap. Preston volunteered to carry her upstairs for me. We made our way upstairs and when we got to our room, he laid her down on the bed. I felt shy as he turned to me.

"Do you like the flowers?" he asked me quietly.

"Yes, I really do. There is nothing to apologize for. You were looking out for our safety."

Preston reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and traced my jawbone down to my chin. I felt nervous. I wasn't very experienced with men. I'd only ever been with Rick. Was he going to kiss me? On the mouth? But he didn't. He took my hand and raised it to his lips and pressed a long, lingering kiss to the back of my hand. I felt both disappointed and touched at the same time.

"Goodnight Delphine." he whispered.

"Goodnight Preston."

He turned and walked out of the bedroom closing the door silently. How was I going to choose just one of them? I've already started to fall for each one of them. I didn't want to break up their obviously close friendship. They referred to each other as brothers. I kept thinking about it as I got ready for bed.

The Gentleman's Meeting

Preston: Is there anything new to report Wyatt?

Wyatt: I have started to work on the spyware. As far as I can tell, it was keeping track of her locations. She doesn't have a clue that it was on there. I kept an eye out today at the gardens and shopping center but there was nobody following us. I'll review the security tapes at the locations to double check.

Preston: Chase, did you find any records on Richard Williams?

Chase: Yes, I got some more of his medical records that I'm reviewing but I'm running into roadblocks for the autopsy report.

Preston: Maybe Wyatt can help you with it, if you are still having trouble with that later.

Chase: Yes, I'll let him know if I do.

Preston: About the fundraiser next week... I have a feeling that she doesn't have anything appropriate to wear. One of us will have to take her shopping.

Brady: I'm with her tomorrow. I can take them to the mall and see if there is anything she likes.

Preston: Make sure that she gets new underwear. Particularly bras. I believe that hers are too old. Also she might need some clothes for interviews. I'll give my card to you. Get whatever the both of them need. She is supposed to call tomorrow and set up an interview . See if you can't get the address and name of the business to the rest of us right away. We need to check it out. If she does get the job, we are going to need to surveillance in there. Normally I'd say that we could get the place set up ourselves but if we are going to be picking her up and dropping her off, I don't want us to be recognized. We could call in a favor from the Blackbourne team. Most of their team lives close by.

Jake: Yes, they would be a good choice. I have to say that they seem to be working out real good with the single bird added to their team.

Preston: Yes, I saw Owen today. He is really pleased with their progress. He told me that the Toma dog team is doing well with their bird as well.

Jake: Have you asked how they got it to work?

Preston: Yes, and he advised me to talk to Henry Anderson for deeper details if that was something that we would be interested in. First he said to make sure that my whole team was on board unanimously. Jake, since you are Family Lead I'd like you to take point here to ascertain everyone's feeling about what is happening with Delphine here.

Jake: I have noticed that she fits in well with all of us. I think that with time she will lose her shyness with us. Let's go around the room and see if each of us is interested in trying this. I'm definitely interested in working to keep her here with us. Brady?

Brady: She is pretty special. I don't want her to leave. I'm feeling a deep connection with her.

Wyatt: I never thought that I would be the one to be saying this but I can actually see a future with her. I had an incredible time with her today. Delphine has a big heart and she is so sweet.

Chase: I haven't had the chance to spend any real time with her yet but I liked her right away. Those eyes of hers... she got to me.

Preston: I have to agree with all of you. She is an amazing woman. I also feel different when I'm with her. She seems surprised with affectionate gestures but is receptive to them. I have a feeling that we need her as much as she needs us.

Jake: What about Lexine? They are a package deal. I am willing be there for that little girl. I have a feeling that all of us feel the same way about her. If you don't or have any doubts about her raise your hands.... No show of hands. That's good. I think that we are all on the same page Preston.

Preston: Excellent. For now we will work on getting her to trust us and get to know each other better. Let her set the pace. I do believe that she would be open to kissing but let us keep it at just that for now. I think that with Lexine we also should let her set the pace with us. As for her issue, I'm going to speak to an Academy Psychologist about the best way to help her. If any of you run into any problems or start having feelings of jealousy, please come to me right away. I think that we have covered everything for now. Meeting adjourned.

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