Chapter 130

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Four years later....

"Jackson! Get back here!" I shouted as I ran/waddled down the hallway waving a little boy's jacket from my hand. Lexine appeared in line of sight. She held up a hand to me and said, "Hey mom, take it easy. No running for you. I'll catch him." I leaned against the wall breathing hard. I was just days away from giving birth to my third child with them. My daughter took off after her little brother and managed to catch him by vaulting over the coffee table and grabbing the back of his shirt. She effortlessly wrapped her arms around him and carried him over to me where she helped me wrestle him into this jacket. For an nine year old girl she was a great help with her brother. Jackson giggled and squirmed, "I don't wanna wear a jacket!" Lexine frowned and said sternly, "It's cold outside. You aren't going to be allowed to come with us if you don't listen." That made him hold still while he got zipped up. He smiled up at me angelically which made me smile back. Jackson was a little duplicate of Jake with his blonde hair and eyes which had stayed blue.

Brady came downstairs holding his two year old daughter Bailey. She was built like me and her facial features like mine but she had her dad's coloring. Bailey's temperament was as sweet as Brady's even though he attributed it to me. Her hair was starting to curl like my hair too and the whole family doted on her. Their matching brown eyes met mine as I straightened up. I gave Bailey a kiss on her cheek and received a sloppy one in return from her. "Are we all ready to go?" Brady asked me. I nodded and went to get my shoes on. It was a struggle but thankfully they were only ballet slippers. As we got into the car, Brady had to help me which made him grin and he stole a kiss before shutting the door for me. "Mommy and Daddy sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G!" Jackson chanted out loud which made all of us laugh. He definitely had Jake's personality. We were headed to a impromptu family lunch at Bob's Diner. Everyone had a couple of hours free, so we figured why not?

I relaxed back into the seat and caressed my belly, thinking back to when this little bundle of joy was created. Preston had deposits of his sperm frozen at the hospital and accompanied me to the visit to get inseminated. It was a interesting process and I was nervous about it. Preston stayed with me and held my hand while it was being done. Thankfully it had only taken the one visit to get pregnant and I teased him about having super sperm. He took it good naturedly since he was overjoyed about having another baby in the family. Our newest jellybean was a boy and we had decided that his name was going to be Parker James Kingsley. James was for Preston's late father and I had kept the tradition of the first name starting with the same letter as the biological fathers.

Last year before I got pregnant again, we had taken a weeklong trip to England together and met with his uncle and cousins there. They were nice to me and found my American accent interesting. In turn I was fascinated with their British accents and fell in love with the fact there was curry in abundance to be eaten there. Preston laughed at me during the car rides because they drove on the other side and I was convinced that we were going to crash. The business aspect of our trip went well and a high end, exclusive boutique bought some of my designs and commissioned some future ones. Preston acted as my agent as usual so I felt secured that all the details were covered. It was a wonderful time spent together and it brought us closer. Needless to say, the sex was incredible and we enjoyed our trip overall.

I had taken long weekend trips with the other guys one on one. When it had come time for Brady to impregnate me, he took me to New Orleans for four days while I was ovulating. He was convinced that I would be pregnant by the time that our trip was over. Brady's method was to do me constantly and I wasn't complaining! We didn't get to sightsee the whole time since he kept me naked quite a bit of the time. When the trip was over with, I could hardly walk and Brady had a big grin on his face. Well, it had worked, I skipped my next period and Chase confirmed my pregnancy. Bailey was born 9 months later and the birth had been routine and drama free. Everyone in the family had been thrilled with another little girl.

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