Chapter 5

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Lately I've been finding that I have more time to write than I anticipated. I can't say that it will be true of this coming week but there is hope! Please enjoy everyone!

We continued driving into what seemed to be towards the outskirts of the city. I started to wonder just how much further it was when, Jake's car turned into a gated driveway. The gates opened and we drove through following down a long circular driveway. I gaped at the large home/mansion. Was this some kind of exclusive hotel or bed and breakfast for the rich? I started to panic. This place looked too expensive and I couldn't afford it!

Jake pulled over to left where there was a separate building that looked like a large garage and parked in front of it. I pulled up next to him and turned off the car. Brady pulled up on the other side of me while Jake came over and opened my door for me. After stepping out, I just blurted out, "I can't afford this place! It looks too nice and expensive!"

Both the guys started laughing at me and I felt really embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Buttercup. I'm pretty sure you can." Brady said still laughing at me. I blushed at being called a pet name.

"Pop the trunk so I can get your bags." Jake commanded.

I pressed the trunk button on my remote and opened the door to the backseat while Jake grabbed the pink duffle bag I pointed out. Lexine was passed out in a deep sleep. I unbuckled her car seat straps and before I could pick her up, Brady stopped me putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Let me carry her and you get your purse." Brady said.

While I grabbed my purse and another tote bag from the front seat, Brady gently picked up Lexine and lay her head against his shoulder. She stirred and pulled her head back to look at him with half open eyes.

"It's OK Baby Bird. I've got you." Brady whispered to her.

She shut her eyes and lay her head back down. Seeing him so gentle and caring with my daughter made me feel a stir of emotions inside of me. I almost felt tearful. Blinking it back I locked the car and headed towards Jake waiting at the bottom of the steps for us. We stopped at the front door as Jake pulled out his keys and unlocked it. I was so tired that it didn't register for a minute until after we stepped inside.

Glancing around I saw a few nice paintings in frames on the walls and hardwood floors with a large rug in the middle. A staircase off to the right had fancy dark wood rails and a dark brown runner. It looked more like a very large entry way to a big house rather than a lobby for a B&B.

"Where is the check in desk?" I asked looking around in confusion.

"You are looking at the check in clerk." Jake grinned at me while pointing to himself.

"This isn't a hotel or B&B! Do you live here?" I sputtered out.

"Yeah, we live here with some other roommates. Preston, Chase and Wyatt aren't here right now. They should be back tomorrow." Brady said.

Jake piped in,"There's extra rooms and there is no reason why you should spend good money on crappy mattresses with blankets that have God knows what on them. Besides, we would sleep better knowing that the two of you were safe in a room here."

At that point I was too tired to argue. I figured that I would take it up with them in the morning before we left there. I was half asleep already.

"All right then. Can you show us our room?" I asked.

Jake picked our bag up again and told me to follow him. He headed up the stairs and we all followed. When we got to the second floor there were two hallways. One to the right and another to the left. He led us down the left hallway all the way to the door at the end.

Opening the door, Jake stepped in flipped on the lights and walked over to the foot of the very big bed where a bench with a beautiful fabric covering the seat was and set our duffel bag on top of it. Brady walked over to the bed and gently laid Lexine down on one side.

"I hope you like the room." Jake said. "Over here there is the en suite bathroom and there are extra towels inside it's linen closet." He paused and looked at Lexine on the bed, then at me. "We don't have any bed rails for kids but do you want Brady and I to put a couple of chairs against her side so that she doesn't fall off the bed?"

"Yes, please! She is a restless sleeper." I was so grateful. They quickly moved two of the chairs in the room with the backs against the bed creating a wall.

"You look tired. Get a good night sleep ok?" Brady said.

"We can talk some more in the morning." Jake told me and winked.

They walked out of the room and shut the door behind them. I quickly locked the door and went to my bag and then the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. I put Lexine in her pj's and she didn't wake up at all. After changing into my nightie, I turned the lights off and fell into a deep sleep.

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