Chapter 13

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I'm feeling refreshed this evening! I snuck in a nap today. I hope that everyone else is having a nice relaxing day....

I was laughing as Preston jogged back with me thrown over his shoulder. I had a very nice view of his butt. My laughter faded as I realized with every bounce, I was falling out of my bra. I guess the elastic was wearing out and it was time for new ones. Why is it that I have severe wardrobe malfunctions when I'm with Preston?

Reaching up to my chest, I tried to discreetly stuff myself back in but hanging upside down made that impossible. Preston slowed down and then stopped.

"You ok Delphine?" he asked me as he started to put me down. He moved his hands to my hips to steady me as I got used to standing again.

"Uh, yeah. Just could you umm... look away for a second?" I said with my arms crossed over my chest. His gaze settled there and then he seemed to understand. He looked a little embarrassed, let go of me and turned around.

I quickly took care of my problem and straightened out my shirt.

"OK, you can turn around now."

Preston turned back around and asked," Everything all right now?"

"Yes." Despite my urge to look down and away, I forced myself to meet his eyes.

Surprisingly I saw approval in them.

"Hey guys! I've got sandwiches!"

We looked over to the back door and Brady was there waving at us.

"Shall we?" Preston asked, his accent coming through a little stronger and he extended his elbow out to me. I slipped my hand around his arm and we went into the house.

Jake and Lexine were already seated at the table while Brady pulled wrapped sandwiches out of a bag and passed one to Jake and then to Preston.

"I think that I've got everyone's favorite." Brady said.

Preston pulled a chair out for me and after I was seated he sat in the one next to mine. Brady handed me a sandwich and said, "I got you a turkey and avocado since I know you like turkey and what Californian doesn't like avocado?"

"Thank you Brady, I do like this." I said to him.

"And for Baby Bird, I figured Peanut Butter and Jelly?" She held her hands out for it smiling. Brady sat down next to her and helped her unwrap her sandwich. Jake pulled bottles of soda and a little carton of milk out of another bag. He opened the milk and put a straw in there and set in front of Lexine.

These guys were amazing! Is there anything they don't think of?

A comfortable silence settled over us as we started to eat. There was a buzzing noise and Preston pulled a cell phone out of his pocket.

"Kingsley. Yes, of course. I'll there in 30." He stood up and said, "I'm sorry but something has come up at work that I need to take care of. I'll be back in time for dinner. Wait, what time is dinner?" Preston looked at me.

"Oh, what time did you want it to be?"

"Is 6:30 ok? I think that everyone should be done with work by then."

"Sounds good."

He placed a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed it before saying goodbye to everyone.

The gesture didn't go unnoticed by the other guys who looked at each other but didn't comment on it. We went back to eating.

"What does Preston do?" I asked them.

"He owns a real estate company. Sometimes they need the boss to make decisions." Jake explained.

We finished eating and I got up to clean.

"I've got it." Jake told me. "You go ahead and do whatever you want for a while."

I smiled and thanked him. Turning to Lexine, I saw her yawn. Brady saw it too.

"I'm going to watch some TV in the living room Lexine. Want to join me?" he asked her. She nodded and he picked her up. "How about you Delphine?"

"Sure." I said. Grabbing my iPad from the kitchen counter I followed them.

We settled down on the couch with Lexine between us and he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Switching it to a sports channel a football game appeared. Lexine was already half asleep.

"I figured this might put her to sleep." Brady said and grinned at me.

"I think you're right." She had already fallen asleep. I got up and moved her to the end of the couch and Brady covered her with a throw blanket.

Settling back down on the couch, Brady went back to watching the game and I pulled up the internet on my iPad and started apartment hunting.

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