Chapter 112

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I knew that the family meeting would start soon and I did my best to not fall asleep yet. Chase engaged me in conversation and soon Preston was downstairs so that the family meeting could start.

Family Meeting

Preston: The subject of Thanksgiving dinner is first on the agenda.

Jake: I tried to talk her out of cooking dinner on that day. She still wants to cook a turkey.

Delphine: I can still cook! I don't want to cancel Thanksgiving dinner. I understand that I probably won't be able to help at Bob's Diner that morning but I really want a family dinner at home.

Chase: I think that it's a good idea for you to skip helping at Bob's but I don't want you to over exert yourself. You've had the flu and morning sickness. In order to keep you healthy and get your strength back up, you need plenty of rest for now.

Brady: Maybe we can meet halfway here. Buttercup, how about you get to cook a turkey at home here with one of us doing the lifting and we will get all the side dishes like mashed potatoes and gravy from Bob's Diner. They even have pies. That way you get to cook something and not work too hard?

Wyatt: That sounds reasonable doesn't?

Delphine: Yeah, it does. Alright, that's our new game plan.

Preston: Excellent! That's settled then. Onto the next and last subject. We have put surveillance equipment all around our not so favorite PI Gene Murdoch. We will finally find out who is paying him to keep tabs on Delphine. ]

Jake: He obviously wants us to know that we are being followed. I think that he's trying to scare Delphine.

Brady: I want to punch him in the face.

Preston: I think that we all want that however that isn't going to get us anywhere. After we find out who hired him, then we will know what we are looking for. If there is nothing else, then we can close the meeting. Meeting adjourned!


I was really struggling to keep awake at this point and so I didn't argue at all when Brady picked me up and carried me upstairs to bed. He gave me a goodnight kiss and then Wyatt joined me in the room. He helped me take off my clothes and slide into nightgown. Curled up to him, I rubbed his chest and I meant to rub lower but instead I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and as I got back into bed, Wyatt woke up and asked if I was alright. "Yes, I'm fine. I just needed to use the bathroom." I replied as I cuddled back up to him. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my back until I fell asleep again.

In the morning, Wyatt already knew what to do with me and the juice and snack before I could get up. Once that was done, I followed me into the shower and we washed together. I looked at him and said, "I'm so sorry that I fell asleep right away last night. I wanted to do more but..." Wyatt shook his head and said, "We don't expect sex every night. Especially now since you've our jellybean in there. Just being with you is good enough." I gave him a kiss and then went back to soaping myself. Done with our showers, we dried off and left the bathroom.

Once he was sure that I was fine enough to get dressed, he left for his own room and closet. I got one of my new bra and panty sets on and started to hang up all the new clothes that were bought yesterday. I completely forgot about the fact that I was just in my underwear and was having fun organizing the clothes. Preston poked his head in. "Good morning my dear, you haven't gotten dressed yet?" I started and whirled around to face him, "Oh, sorry. I was hanging up the new clothes and daydreaming about wearing them when my stomach is bigger."

He grinned at me and stepped in to trace a finger over my lower abdomen. "I don't see a belly yet." I smiled back and said, "Just wait another month, I'll probably start a tiny belly then." Reaching out, I grabbed a pair of stretchy jeans and a long oatmeal colored sweater. I tossed the clothes on along with some socks and a pair of comfortable loafers. Preston held my hand as we went downstairs. They had already eaten breakfast and someone had taken Lexine to school. I was upstairs longer than I had realized. "You slept in too." Preston said to me and I realized that I had spoken my musings out loud.

Going into the kitchen, I made myself a peanut and jelly sandwich. For some reason peanut butter seemed to sit really well with me. Preston looked amused at my choice but didn't question it. I quickly finished it off with a glass of milk and we both headed to our offices. I was just about done with the last necklace set and wanted to start boxing them up. I told Preston that as we walked and he nodded. "I'll let Collette know and she'll get back to me on when she's available to look at them." I nodded and got to work finishing the last earring before taking them off the displays and began boxing my collection up. I left the one for Mavis on it's stand though and smiled thinking of how pretty it would look on her.

My phone dinged letting me know that a text message had come through. It was Preston and Collette had gotten back to him and wanted to know if we could come by with them in a couple of hours. I texted him back that it was fine and ready to go. Grabbing my sketch book and pencil, I quickly started to put down my ideas of the next line of jewelry. I also started sketches on a new themed necklace for Lexine's Christmas present. I had planned out an ocean themed one for her, so I went online to find the different little shells and shades of blue beading. There were little tiny pieces of ocean glass and it was perfect. I got them in various shades of blue and found tiny shells and sand dollars to use as well.

Before I knew it, it was time to go and take the stuff on over to Collette. I put all the boxes into a cute tote bag and Preston carried it for me out of the house and to the car. He opened the door for me and carefully got me settled into the front passenger seat of his glossy black BMW. Preston handed me the bag and I set it down by my feet. He got into the car and started it. We drove along to the radio playing some classical music quietly. There was a comfortable silence and soon we were pulling up to Collette's store.

I started to feel nervous about my necklaces. What if she didn't like them? What if my career tanked before it even began. I would be so embarrassed if that happened. As usual, Preston could read me like a book. He took my hand in his, "My dear, you have nothing to worry about. The necklaces are beautiful. As hard as it would have been, I would have told you if I didn't think that the designs were great. You have a talent so let us go do something about it. We all believe in you." finishing his speech, he lifted my hand up to kiss it.

That was all I needed to hear, and I relaxed then got started to get out of the car before Preston told me to wait. Running around the car to my door, he opened it for me. "You know better than that!" he chided me playfully. Clutching my bag, I laughed and tip toed up to kiss his chin, "Sorry, I forgot." Both of us were all smiles as we walked into Collette's store. She waved us on over to an empty display counter towards the back of the store. Collette set out empty necklace displays and Preston helped me drape the necklaces on them along with the earrings.

I think that I could hear my own heart pounding as I waited for Collette to say something. Preston rubbed my back reassuringly and I took a peek at her face. She studied all the designs one by one and kept a poker face. After looking at the last one, she turned to me and smiled! "These are really good and exactly what I had in mind." She reached her hand out to me and I shook it. "We have ourselves a deal. I'll have my accountant send you a check within the next few days." Collette pulled out some contracts to sign and Preston looked them over before handing them over to me. I quickly glanced over them signing my name with a flourish.

 "Delphine, do you have any other ideas in mind for any other designs right now? Because I'm forecasting that pink is going to be the next big trend along with something for the sci fi franchise that's starting up again. I smiled big and pulled out my phone. I had been thinking along those lines too and had taken pictures of my preliminary sketches. I showed them to her and Collette was impressed that we were thinking alike. "That's fantastic. Can they be ready in a few months?" she asked me. I said yes and told her to email me if there were any other kind of designs or color schemes she had in mind.

After we had left the store and were back in the car Preston spoke, "Well, how does it feel to be an official jewelry designer?" I grinned feeling absolutely giddy, "It feels great! And also unreal. I keep expecting to wake up from a dream." Preston laughed and asked, "Hopefully it's a good dream and not a nightmare?" I giggled, "The best dream ever. I don't want to wake up. I have five incredibly handsome, smart, thoughtful and sexy men who love me as much as I love them. Lexine is happier than I've seen in years and I'm having another baby. It couldn't possibly get any better than this!" Preston leaned over to give me a tender kiss, "I'm happy that you are happy. Now let's go celebrate and have a nice lunch somewhere." I agreed to it and he drove us to a trendy bistro where I ended up ordering a bowl of ramen of all things. We had a great time eating happily and then going home.

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