Chapter 122

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It was decided that we would go out and look around for a little bit before going to dinner. But first things first, we made a facetime call back home so that I could talk to Lexine before she went to bed. She was excited to be talking to me that way and took the phone to a quiet corner to tell me about getting to go to McDonalds for dinner and playing there. I smiled at her and enthused over the fun she had. Everybody got a turn to talk to each other using. I made sure that my engagement ring was on before we left the room. Once we were out in public, Wyatt and I couldn't hold hands or kiss and I felt bad about that. We hit the local mall and looked around for a while before we picked a chain restaurant to eat dinner at. I was seated next to Preston and Wyatt on the other side of the booth facing us when, somebody I used to know walked by and recognized me. It was a woman named Katrina who worked at a local real estate office with her husband Paul. "Well, hello Delphine! It's been a while since I've seen you. I heard that you moved away, are you moving back?" she asked me curiously as her eyes roved over Preston and Wyatt. "No, I'm not moving back," I said, "Just here to tie up some loose ends." My good manners dictated to me that I introduce her to my guys. "Katrina, I'd like you to meet Preston, my fiancé and Wyatt a good friend of ours." She looked surprised but shook their hands. She held onto Wyatt's a little longer than necessary and I felt a twinge of jealousy. "Guys, this is Katrina Moody, she and her husband Paul own a real estate office."

Katrina smiled big at Wyatt and said, "Ex- husband. We no longer work together." I was surprised because they had seemed so strong together a few years ago. "Would you like to ..." her voice trailed off as Wyatt's phone buzzed and he pulled it up and checked the screen. "Oh, sorry. I just have to text my girlfriend back." Wyatt told her apologetically. Under the table, I could feel Preston tapping away at his phone. I caught on immediately and smiled. Katrina gave him a tight smile before asking me, "So does you mother in law know that you are back in town? And with a fiancé to boot?" I gave her a fake smile back and nodded. "Yes, she knows I'm back for a few days." She shrugged and then excused herself to get back with her group. They were women that I vaguely remembered being in real estate also. I would see them occasionally when Rick made signs for them. They sat in the bar area ordering drinks and appetizers while laughing loudly and giving appreciative looks at men.

I shook my head. Their lifestyle wasn't one that I envied. Wyatt and Preston exchanged glances, "Thanks bro. That was perfect timing!" Preston nodded and grinned as he slid his arm around me. I leaned into him as we ordered. Our food came and we ate while chatting about San Francisco. Just in case people were listening, we kept our chatter to tourist stuff. Wyatt was most interested in Alcatraz, "They had a pretty cool show about it a few years ago and then they cancelled it! I was so disappointed." he said. I remembered that show and said, "Well, maybe there will be time to visit it before we go home?" Wyatt shrugged and gave me a mysterious smile, "Maybe." We ended up ordering dessert since my little jellybean insisted on it. A white chocolate raspberry cheesecake hit the spot and Preston paid the check at the table with the little wireless tabletop touchscreen. The guys found that to be cool, especially my techie Wyatt.

Back at the hotel, I changed into a nightie before climbing on the bed to watch some television. Preston did the same and Wyatt gave me a good night kiss before disappearing into his connecting suite. I curled up in to Preston as we watched tv and his hand drifted to the curve of my stomach. "I see you are now starting to show a little." he said to me. I turned to him with a smile and said, "Yes, it just kind of came out of nowhere." Preston got a dreamy look on his face that was so unlike him that I couldn't help but stare at him in fascination. He moved down to kiss my stomach and caress it. We eventually fell asleep wrapped up in each other.

I couldn't help that I kept tossing and turning. Dreams turned to nightmares and I ended up pacing the room quietly. At least I thought that I was quiet until Preston's voice broke through the silence. "Can't sleep?" I whirled around with my hand over my chest, "Oh, you scared me. I thought that you were sleeping. I didn't mean to wake you up." He got out of bed and came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into his chest and sighed. Preston led me back to the bed and started to massage my shoulders. Somehow I managed to fall asleep again until the morning alarm went off. As I sat up, my stomach protested and I ran for the toilet. Not much came out but the heaving did make me feel miserable. I wiped off my mouth and flushed the toilet. Preston brushed the tears from my cheeks and gave me a worried look.

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