Chapter 124

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It was so nice to be home. My men were busy depositing the luggage to their appropriate rooms and I felt the need to wash off the grubbiness of traveling. For whatever reason I always felt dirty after traveling even though I did nothing but sit on a plane. I ran the bath and poured some peppermint foaming bath oil into the water. The fresh scent permeated the air and I stripped to climb in. Even though I was naked, I went back into my bedroom to grab a bottle of water from my mini fridge along with a package of chocolate covered almonds from my carryon bag. I set those carefully on the corner ledge of the tub before climbing in and turning off the water. The warm water soothed me as I lay back.

I looked up as a gentle knock sounded on my door before opening to Chase. "Are you feeling ok?" he asked me. I nodded, "I just felt a little grungy from traveling." He grinned as he checked out my snack choice, "Protein covered in sweet huh? Not too bad. Wyatt is making a sandwich run, do you want your usual?" That did sound pretty good to me so I agreed. Thanks to the time change it was later in the day here. He left me to relax and wash. I snacked a little and then finished my bath. By the time that I was dried off and dressed, the rest of them were starting to eat. I joined them in the dining room and my turkey with cranberry sauce and ranch sandwich was on a plate with some chips. We ate and soon we were all yawning and rubbing our eyes. Traveling was exhausting!

The next morning, Wyatt took Lexine to the vet's office to pick up Tiger at the boarding kennel that they had put him in and that puppy was so happy to be at home with all of us again. It took us the rest of the day to acclimate to the time change except for Lexine who just bounced back with no problem. Tiger ran around all day giving everybody kisses while we all unpacked and did laundry. Ever since the court hearing happened, I felt so free and happy. No longer did I have to look over my shoulder wondering when that stupid Murdoch guy would pop up. Of course we needed to do a grocery store run since we hadn't been home in a week. Preston and Jake took me to the store and we ended up with a fully loaded cart since anything that I showed the slightest interest in went into the cart. "It's so if you get any cravings in the middle of the night, we will have it on hand and not have to make a trip here." Jake explained to me. I had to laugh, Academy men were always so prepared!  I loved it.

We made tacos for dinner since it was easy and everyone could fix theirs the way that they liked it. Jake attempted to bake cookies and he only burned the first batch of them which made everyone laugh. Luckily it was refrigerated cookie dough so the rest of them tasted good. Wyatt stayed in my room that night. He could still make me blush with his dirty talk and creative allusions to the candy factory. I got down on my knees and managed to give him a hickey on his lower stomach before I showed him how well I could treat a lollipop. He made me stop before he came, telling me that he only wanted to come inside of me tonight. "The best feeling is coming inside of you while your hot wet pussy convulses around me." We climaxed exactly that way and after we cleaned up, he said to me, "Oh, darling I love you so much. You have my heart in your hands." I teared up a little and told him that I loved him too.


The last week leading up to Christmas was filled with decorating our tree and of course making a Christmas town complete with a train. Pretty presents with sparkling bows were stacking up under the tree. I was waiting to hang up the stockings until Christmas Eve. I wanted to surprise the guys with them on Christmas morning when they would all have a stuffed stocking with their name on it. Lexine made sure to hang hers up though since she was expecting Santa to come and fill it up. We were having another traditional dinner at our house with Mavis and Phil coming over to open presents with us. I managed to convince them to spend the night at our house so that they could see Lexine wake up and open all her presents. I got smart and made most of the food ahead of time so that it could all be heated up for our early dinner. The only thing left was the turkey which I seasoned and got prepared in it's disposable roasting pan. As a romantic gesture, they had hung mistletoe just about everywhere in an excuse to kiss me all the time. They even switched out the locations at night so that the next day I never knew when I was standing under it.

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