Chapter 118

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I sighed while I worked on my jewelry design. We had a family meeting in a little bit. I had already put Lexine to bed and I was feeling antsy. Preston had said that developments had been made in who had paid the PI Murdoch to watch me. Normally after dinner I would be hanging out with my men but I couldn't sit still and wanted to keep busy. We were waiting for Preston to get home so that we could get started and Jake sat in my office with me while I worked. Making a sound of exasperation, I set the necklace down. I was too frustrated to get it right so I needed to step away from it before I ruined the design.

Jake looked at me with concern and patted the seat next to him on the couch. "Come here sweetie. Talk it out with me." I got up from my seat and instead of sitting next to him, I opted for his lap. Judging from the grin on his face, he didn't mind at all and wrapped his arms around me. "It's driving me crazy. I want to know why I'm being followed and Preston isn't home yet. It's making me feel super anxious and nervous. I can't sit still and I can't concentrate. I'm going to start showing soon and I don't want the person following me to know that I am pregnant. I don't want Lexine to know how nervous I am because she is just now starting to relax and be happy. And I ...... I don't know!"

Jake rubbed my back soothingly, "Alright sweetie, I swear Preston will be home soon. We will take care of this. We won't let anyone hurt you or Lexine or the baby. I understand a little. You just found your happiness and you're worried that it's going to be taken away."

I felt tears fill my eyes, "I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't want to sound like a whiney baby." Jake kissed my forehead, "You are perfectly normal. Your hormones are all over the place and you are worried about everyone and everything." I buried my face in his neck and I felt him pull out his phone and start tapping away on it. His phone buzzed in response to a text that he must have sent and then he put his phone away. I felt him slip his hand under my shirt and caress my back. "I know what you need right now. I'm going to distract you for a little bit here. Doctor's orders so you had better listen to me." I gave a snort of laughter as he playfully chided me.

Jake turned me on his lap so that I was facing away from him and still sitting on his lap. His hands pulled my upper body to lean back on his chest and my legs apart to be dangling on either side of his legs. He parted his legs and that opened mine up wider. I gasped and he slid his hands up the front of my shirt. He pulled the hem of my shirt up and over my breasts until it reached my armpits. His fingers pinched the front clasp of my bra undoing it and peeling back the cups and replaced them with his hands. I sucked in my breath as he kneaded them and played with my nipples. My head fell back on his shoulder and he kissed my neck. I moaned in appreciation and one of his hands wandered down the front of my sweatpants and into my panties to dip into my wet warmth. Jake played with my body and brought me to an orgasm twice before stopping. I felt completely boneless and relaxed when he was done. He helped me straighten up my underwear and clothes as I asked him, "Did Chase really tell you to do that?"

Jake laughed and nodded, "Oh, yeah he did. He even offered to do it himself but I had it covered. It worked didn't it?" I had to agree, it was a great distraction. He gave me one last kiss and adjusted himself before he headed out the door with me. We went out to the living room where Preston had just arrived home. I sat down on the couch between Brady and Wyatt feeling a little anxious again.

Family Meeting

Preston: We finally have the information that will help us solve this mystery of the PI. Confirmation has come to us that Mrs. Williams, Rick's mother has hired Murdoch to keep surveillance on Delphine. We are still looking into the matter of why but at least we know where to start digging now.

Wyatt: I can start looking into her financials and see where that will get us.

Brady: Victor Morgan owes me another favor, I can have him look into things too if that will help Wyatt.

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