Chapter 16

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This has been my evening. Fold a little laundry, type a few lines. Start a new load, type a few lines. See a big mosquito and throw a small towel at it. Big mosquito decides to chase you instead. Run around squealing like a girl. Type a few lines....

 I woke up around seven and felt a little tired still. I know that I had a bad dream but for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was about. Looking through my bag I found my favorite bubble bath. A nice bath should make me feel better. The scent of peppermint filled the bathroom and I inhaled deeply.  Lexine was still asleep so I left the bathroom door open again.

Easing into the water, I let out a groan. It felt so good and I just relaxed.

Preston's POV

I stood outside their bedroom door holding the flowers. Kind of cliche but I sensed that she would appreciate the gesture. Giving them to her at breakfast wasn't going to work out since I had an Academy job to get to.I had raised my hand to knock but heard the water running and figured that she was taking a bath again. As an apology I had gotten five roses in different colors  in a vase for her. I still felt like an ass about last night. I debated on leaving the vase outside the door. I didn't want anyone to trip over it. Especially the girls. Going over to the hall table I got the door pin again. I was just going to open the door and set the vase on the dresser next to it. As I carried out my plan, the smell of peppermint hit me. I heard her feminine moan and I had a very predictable reaction. I quickly left the vase and shut the door. Standing in the hallway, I tried to get myself in check. In all my 39 years I don't think that I've ever had such feelings so fast for a woman before.  There was something so special about her and she seemed to fit in so well with the rest of my team. Her daughter was adorable as well. They needed us. I was starting to think that we needed them as well. Taking a big breath, I headed to the stairs. The job wasn't going to wait.

Feeling much better after my bath I got dressed and woke up Lexine. While I was getting her dressed, she pointed over to the dresser next to the bedroom door and said, "Oooohhh pretty flowers!" I turned and saw a beautiful arrangement there. I walked over to it and counted five roses, each a different color. There was a card. I opened it and read aloud.

Dear Delphine,

Please forgive my ungentlemanly conduct last night. You cooked us a wonderful meal and I rewarded you with undeserved abruptness. I don't want you to feel as though you need to find a place right away. I'm extending an open invitation to you and your lovely daughter to stay here for as long as you like.

Sincerely, Preston

I was touched. Then I was amused by how British his card was! I could hear him saying those words in his accent. Of course he was forgiven and I needed him to know that when I saw him next. Stay here for as long as I wanted? Deep down inside I wanted to but was it the right thing to do? I liked each guy equally and for Lexine to get attatched and then for us to have to leave if something should ever happen.... OK I was getting ahead of myself and fearing the worst again. One day at a time, I repeated mentally, one day at a time.

As we walked downstairs to the kitchen, I thought about what Preston said last night. What kind of job did I want to apply for? The job in Texas had been something I had accidentally stumbled into. I didn't want to do that again. If I was going to cook, clean and run errands it would be for my guys here. When did I start thinking of them as mine? Speaking of which, I don't know if any of them had girlfriends. I didn't want to step on any toes. I had to find out somehow. None of the guys acted like they girlfriends but I wanted to make sure.

Wyatt and Brady were in the kitchen drinking coffee when we got there.

"Good morning."

"Morning ladies!" Wyatt said.

"Good morning Delphine and good morning to my baby bird!" Brady said and picked up Lexine.

"We are trying to figure out what to make for breakfast."

"Let me see what you've got to work with." I told them.

Poking around in the fridge and pantry, I decided that there was enough for french toast.

"How many of are we feeding this morning?"

Wyatt answered, "It's just us. Chase, Preston and Jake already left for work."

"All right. How does french toast sound?"

"It sounds great but I thought we were out of bread?"

I laughed. "You don't need sliced bread for french toast." I waved a loaf of french bread that we didn't need last night. "Leave it to me. I promise that you will love it."

I shooed all of them out of the kitchen. They looked intrigued and went to sit with Lexine at the table. Pulling out the ingredients for the egg dip, I also decided to fry up some little sausage links to go with them. In no time I had the french bread sliced and started to dip the slices and cook them. When everything was done cooking, I called the guys over so that they could help me carry things to the table.

Everyone was served and started to eat.

"Oh God! This is great!" Wyatt groaned.

"What did you put in here? It's french toast but the flavor is amazing!" Brady asked me.

"Nope, I'm not telling. It's my secret recipe."

"Woman, you are mean!" Wyatt told me. I just laughed.

"Is that what you say to your girlfriend?" I asked. I tried to keep a neutral face, like it was just a casual question.

He looked at me with surprise and said," No girlfriend here. I'm a free agent. I'm just waiting for the right one to come along. One of my new requirements is that she be able to cook really well."

Brady laughed and said to me, "None of us have girlfriends Buttercup. If you wanted to know, all you had to do was ask."

I blushed and said, " I didn't think so but wanted to make sure. You never know." 

Wyatt took a picture of the remaining French toast and sausages with his cell phone. "I'm sending this to the rest of the guys so they can see what they missed!" His phone began to ding with returned messages. "Ha! They are so mad."

Brady just shook his head and smiled. "Do you have a cell phone Delphine? We should exchange numbers."

"Not anymore, I did have one of those cheap pre-pay ones but it broke."

He looked unhappy with that. "You need a cell phone. You never know when an emergency will come up."

Wyatt said, "You need one. I'm getting you one. No arguments please. Besides, think of your daughter. Plus it will make it easy for us to get a hold of you."

"Fine. As long as I get to put it on my own plan when I find a job." I replied.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Peacock blue"

"Second favorite?"

"Umm.. White."

"Good to know. I'll be back in an hour. Don't go anywhere and don't get into any trouble."

"Isn't that what you say to kids?"

"I was talking to Brady." Wyatt ducked when Brady swatted at him. 

Lexine giggled and tried to swat at Wyatt too.

"Oh, no you don't sweetie. Don't forget who gave you the big dog!" Wyatt ducked his head down and kissed the top of her head. "I'm headed out now. See you in a bit."

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