Chapter 29

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We drove home in a great mood with the smell of cupcakes filling the car. Nobody else was home yet so it was the perfect time for Lexine to take a nap and for me to start getting things prepped for dinner. I ran upstairs to change into jeans and a shirt and went to the kitchen. Chase hung out in the kitchen with me while I put the pork chops in a marinade. He helped me peel potatoes and husk the corn.
"It's not that often I get days off from the hospital." Chase told me with a sigh. "Today was fantastic though. I really enjoyed it. Hopefully, someday I'll be able to start my own practice so that I can get more regular hours."
"Maybe you will!" I said encouragingly. "Do you want to have a family practice or pediatric?"
"I'm thinking a family practice. Kids are great but it's nice to be able to help the entire family. Speaking of doctor visits, when was your last checkup?"
"Oh, uh...." I glanced away from him a little embarrassed to tell him the truth. "It's been a few years. I always made sure that Lexine had her visits and I paid out of pocket, but there was no health insurance for me so...." my voice drifted off. "But now I have a job, I will have insurance in a month!"

"I'm the physician for my family but since we were all guys it didn't matter to them. How are you feeling about me being your doctor as well? If you aren't comfortable with that I can refer you to a female doctor."

"Well, let me think about that. I'll need to find out what doctors my new insurance will cover."

"Alright. What about Lexine?"

I smiled at him and said, "I think that we should find a pediatrician for her. Not that I have any doubts about you as her doctor but I think that she will probably hold it against you if you are the one giving her booster shots!"
Chase grinned and said, "I didn't even think about that! No, I don't want her mad at me for giving her shots. I do know a good pediatrician for her."

"You have all the good connections don't you?" I said teasing him.
"You know it!" he replied. "I think that Preston wanted to talk to you later about a good preschool for Lexine. It would be a fun for her while you are at work."

"Oh, alright. That does sound like a good idea." I smiled at him and said, "Well, the dinner is all prepped and ready to cook so what should we do now? I don't need to start cooking for a little while."
"I have an idea." he said to me with a wicked grin on his face. He got real close and lifted me onto the counter so that I was sitting on it. "I won't get any more time like this with you until our date next week." I lifted my face up to his and he started kissing me. His kisses were long and unhurried. I ran my fingers through his hair and he rubbed slow circles on my back. Leaving my mouth he trailed kisses down my cheek to my neck. I caught my breath when he kissed my neck. It was electrifying. I felt him smile when he kissed me there. My pulse was beating so fast! He didn't try to take it any further and I was grateful for that. Chase kissed me on my mouth again and then pulled away breathing hard. He helped me hop off the counter and said, "That should hold you over until our date."

I grinned at him and laughed. I was glad to have had today with him. I felt like I really got to know him better. We went to the living room to watch television for a while then I got up to put things in the oven and the corn in the steamer. About ten minutes before dinner was ready, Brady, Jake, and Wyatt came home. Preston texted Chase and said that since he was running really late to just keep a plate for him and start eating dinner. I had a plate wrapped up on the kitchen counter for him. Halfway through dinner he made it home and I heated up his plate for him even though he protested that he could have done it himself. He looked tired and I insisted on doing it for him. He thanked me for it and started to eat.
The men were complimentary about my cooking skills again and their appreciation of it made me really happy. Wyatt was sitting to the left of Lexine and helped her cut up her meat in tiny pieces. Each one of them acted like a father would to her and she was so receptive to their attention. I wondered when she would talk like she used to. I kept reminding myself that it would come about eventually. A lull came about in the mens conversation so I brought up the fact that I got the job today. I had been surprised that nobody had asked sooner.

"Yes, Chase texted us earlier about it. Congrats! I knew you could do it." Brady said.
Jake asked, "Why didn't you text all about it?"
That was a good question! "I completely forgot that I have a new phone." They started laughing. Wyatt pointed a finger at me and said, "Start using it! That's what its for!"
I held up both hands in surrender, "OK! OK! I will! Should I start texting all of you every hour? Sending you chain letters? Forwarding pictures of kittens and puppies?"
They looked horrified while Lexine looked pleased at the mention of kittens and puppies.
Jake exclaimed, "No! Not that please! Those chain letter are so annoying!"
I hid a smile and put on a hurt face and looked down at the table. "I like chain letters. Are you calling me annoying?"
Jake looked worried and said quickly, "No, that's not what I meant! I don't find you annoying at all! I swear. You can forward me all the chain letters that you want!"
Looking up I caught Preston's eye and by the twinkle in his eye he knew that I was kidding. I couldn't hold in my laughter any longer. The rest of the guys caught on and laughed at Jake. He shook his head and started laughing too. "You had me going there for a second. You have a pretty good poker face! I'll tell you what, you don't send me any of that junk and I won't keep referring to you as JUICY."

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