Chapter 32

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The punch on the shoulder seemed to wake Preston up. Still grinning Brady took Lexine out to the living room to watch cartoons. Preston's gaze intensified on me and I wanted to move but I froze for some reason. He stalked towards me and ran a finger down the sleeve of my shirt.

"Did you wear this color for me?" he asked in a silky tone.

"Possibly..." I answered him, trying not to quiver and meeting his heated look.

"Did I hear Brady saying that you ate chocolate this morning?"

"Why don't you find out?" I asked him and raised my face up for a kiss.

The words were hardly out of my mouth when he was french kissing me with such passion! By the time he was done kissing me, I was weak in the knees and could hardly stand.

"Oh, yes. You have been eating chocolate." he said with a small smile.

"I might have had a truffle this morning" I smiled back at him.

"Want some help cooking breakfast?" Preston asked me.

"Umm... maybe not." I said.

Preston looked disappointed so I explained, "I'm afraid that if you are in the kitchen with me right now, I'll forget about cooking and just kiss you."

He slowly smiled and then nodded. "We do have all day together." he said.

 I felt my resolve weakening so I grabbed his shoulders, turned him around and gave him a little push towards the living room.

Walking over to the sink, I splashed a little water on my face. I needed to clear my head so I wouldn't burn anything. I decided that a classic breakfast of toast, eggs and bacon would do this morning since I wanted to make sure that we were in time for the school interview. Breakfast was ready in no time.

We had all just sat down at the table when Brady looked curiously at something.

"What is this?" Brady asked holding up a small bowl filled with a brownish granules.

"It's cinnamon sugar for your toast. I butter my toast then sprinkle some on. It's good!" I told him.

He looked thoughtful for second and then tried it my way. "This is good!"

Preston and Wyatt looked at each other and shrugged reaching for the butter and cinnamon sugar as well. Lexine and I looked at each other and smiled.

While the guys cleaned up the dishes, I went back upstairs to put some makeup on. I put on some light eye shadow, mascara and my favorite lipstick, a deep pinkish rose. I grabbed my purse and then also grabbed a black blazer for me and a little black jacket for Lexine.  

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Jake and Brady leaving to go to work.  "Hey Buttercup, we will see you later!" Brady came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I kissed him back on the cheek. His cheek now had lipstick on it. Jake insisted on getting one as well and I kissed his cheek also while laughing.

I found Preston and Lexine watching television in the living room. Putting the coats and my purse on a recliner, I walked over to sit with them. Preston checked his phone and said, "We should probably leave in 15 minutes. The school isn't too far away, just on the outskirts of Charleston."

I nodded in agreement and settled down to just relax for a few. All too soon it was time to go and we walked out to what I mentally refer to as the "Family Car". After strapping Lexine in, Preston opened my door for me. Before I could get in the car, Preston grabbed my hips and lowered his head to me. I was expecting a kiss but instead he said, "I forgot to tell you earlier that you look very nice today." and then kissed my neck once and stepped away. He had a devilish look on his face. "Touché, Preston." I murmured to him as I got into my seat.   

As we drove there, Preston turned the radio to an oldies station which I enjoyed.

I didn't feel the need to fill the silence with chatter. Just being with Preston was comfortable. As promised the drive wasn't that long and we pulled up to a building next to a hospital. It didn't look like anything special and I wondered if we were at the right place.

"I know that it doesn't look like much from the outside but trust me. It's perfect inside. " Preston told me. The three of us walked in and the lady at the front desk recognized Preston. "Mr. Kingsley! I'll let Dr. Hines know that you are here." He nodded at her and ushered me and Lexine to a couch. I sat down and he sat next to me and pulled Lexine onto his lap. I fidgeted a little and Preston seemed to understand. He reached out and held my hand.

"How many questions are they going to have about our background?" I asked Preston. "I'm not sure how much I want to tell them."

"I hope that you don't mind but I've already spoken to them about your situation so there shouldn't be too many questions that would make you uncomfortable."

"I don't mind! I'm glad that you did. Are you going to stay in there with us?"

"Whatever you would prefer Delphine."

"I want you to stay please."

His hand tightened his grip on mine. "Always."

We looked at each other and I felt a prickle on the back of my neck. I glanced over to see a woman in her late forties observing us. Preston turned his head to see what I was looking at and stood up still holding Lexine with one arm and holding my hand with the other.

She came toward us with a smile. "Preston, so good to see you again! You must be Delphine and this little one Lexine. I'm Dr. Hines." I let go of Preston's hand so that I could shake hers.

"Janet, good to see you as well." Preston said with a smile. Lexine glanced at her but looked away. I was glad to see that Dr. Hines didn't try to invade her personal space or attempt to engage her in conversation. I had a good feeling about her so far.

"Please come this way to my office." She gestured for us to follow her down the hallway.

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