Chapter 86

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Sorry that it's been so long since I last updated and that this chapter is so short! I was having trouble with the website. Every time that I tried to type, a box would form around my sentence and the cursor turned in to a cross instead. It was like that on every computer that I tried and drove me nuts, and finally I gave up trying but now I see that the problem is gone so I'm back!

The ride home was pretty quiet with Wyatt and I constantly checking behind us to make sure that nobody was following. We pulled up to the gates and I instantly felt better when they closed behind us. Wyatt pulled up to the garage and hit the remote to open the doors before parking inside of it. He came around the car to open my door for me and give me a helping hand out.

"You feeling alright?" he asked me with a look of concern on his face.
"I'm just fine Wyatt," I replied, "I feel much better now that we are home again. I don't know why that guy was taking pictures of us. I've never been in trouble with the law or anything like that."

"I know that you haven't darling. Let's get in the house and we can talk some more."

Grabbing my hand, he pulled me along into the house and all the way through until we reached his office. He took his jacket off and held his hand out for mine. I took my purse and jacket off and handed him both. He draped them over the arm of his couch and then sat in the middle and pulled me into his lap. I eagerly snuggled into him feeling safe and secure with his arms around me. Wyatt kissed my forehead and cheek before tucking my head into his neck. I could smell his cologne faintly. We just sat there holding each other for a few minutes.

"So you have no idea why anyone would want to keep tabs on you?" his voice finally broke the silence.

"No, I don't. I'm not close with my family and we haven't talked since I married Rick. The only family that Rick had left was his mother and she wanted me and Lexine gone. She was happy to see us leave. There hasn't been any contact with her for about a year now. So I can't figure out who on earth would want to know what I'm doing."

"Ok, we'll talk about it more tonight. We'll have another family meeting. Now, do you still feel like taking a walk? The woods behind the backyard are also part of our property so I can guarantee that it's perfectly safe. Or if you are having cramps, we can stay inside. What do you want to do?"

"Let's go for a walk. I don't feel crampy."

Wyatt smiled at me as I slid off of his lap and stood up. He got up too and handed me back my jacket and purse. I pulled on my jacket and took my cell phone out of my purse and stuck it in my pocket. I set my purse back down on the couch. He held out his hand and I took it. We walked to the living room and opened the back door. A little past the playground, the trees thickened up into more of a forest but there was a path for us to follow.

"So tell me about your background Wyatt. Did you grow up around here?" I asked curiously.

"I was born in North Carolina but my parents moved here when I was in first grade. I've been here ever since."

"Are you close with your parents?"

"Yeah, I guess so. They are part of the Academy so that's how I got involved with it. They moved to Montana a few years ago and we talk on the phone about once a week."

"Do they know about me?"

"Yeah, I told them that I finally found the one."

"Are they going to care about the arrangement with everyone? Do they know that I have a daughter?" I asked him anxiously.

Wyatt gave me smile and pulled me closer to him. His other hand that wasn't holding mine brushed some of my hair away from my face. "As long as we are happy and in love, I don't think that it's such a big deal to them. They knew about my teams hopes of finding the right woman but I think that they thought the odds of finding her were slim. Well, the odd were in our favor it seems!"

"I'm happy and in love. I'll be more at ease though when I'm not being followed anymore."

Wyatt stopped short, let go of my hand to face me and put his hands on my shoulders. "I promise you, we will find out what's going on and fix it. We promise to never let anything happen to you or Lexine."

"I know, I trust you. I trust all of you." Reaching up, I placed my hands on his face and brought it down for a kiss.

We continued to walk through the trees quietly, not talking anymore but just enjoying each other's company. Twenty minutes later we were coming out of the trees and headed back towards the house. I felt a small smile creep across my face and I took a peek at Wyatt. He must have felt me looking at him because he looked at me too. My smile got bigger and he looked at me questioningly. Without warning I took off at a run.

"Last one back to the house has to cook dinner!" I shouted over my shoulder. Wyatt laughed and came after me. I ran as fast as I could but Wyatt was faster. His hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back a few steps while he flew by me.

"You cheat!" I shrieked at him.

"Says the cheater who took a head start!" he yelled back at me. 

"Ladies first!" a deep voice boomed out. Both of our heads looked to the left to see Brady headed our way. Wyatt slowed down to a jog as Brady approached him. Moving fast than I thought was possible, Brady got Wyatt in a bear hug and picked him off the ground.

"Go for it buttercup!" He yelled at me while Wyatt struggled in his hold.

I reached the steps a few seconds later and lifted my arms in triumph. "I win!" I shouted.

Brady let go of Wyatt and they both came over to me. Brady and I shared a high five. Wyatt laughed and reached over to give me a light spank on the butt.

"That's for cheating. Now are you really going to make me cook dinner?" he asked with a little pout on his face.

Before I could answer, Brady spoke up. "Don't be a sore loser Wyatt. Dinner is on you!" Brady turned his head to me, "Trust me, let him buy something for dinner instead of letting him try to cook. We'll all end up with food poisoning."

Taking a glance at his phone, Wyatt said, "Look at the time! I need to go pick it up now so that we can eat dinner at a decent hour. I'll be back darling." Leaning down he gave me a little peck on the cheek and with a wave to Brady he left.

Brady picked me up in his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me up the stairs to the house. "Let's have a seat and you can tell me about your day." he said as he set me down inside the living room. I took off my jacket and laid it across the arm of the couch. Brady flopped down and I settled down next to him.

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