Chapter 10

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OK. People have definitely taken notice of this story and the wonderful comments and votes keep pouring in! I'm so excited! I promise to keep writing this story until it has run it's course... Enjoy.

I got Lexine dressed and we put our shoes on. I grabbed my car keys and we headed back downstairs. I wanted to grab another bag out of the car that had my iPad in it and some of Lexine's toys. When we got close to the front door, Wyatt saw us and came over and looked at the keys in my hand.

"Are you guys going somewhere?" he asked me.

"No, I'm just grabbing another bag from my car. I need to keep Lexine entertained."

"Do you need some help?"

"It's only one bag."

"I'll go with you." He smiled at me and heading to the front door and opened it for us.

Lexine hid behind my legs and peeked out at him.

Wyatt leaned down and looked at her.

"Do you want to be carried down the steps?"

To my great surprise, she nodded and held up her arms to him. What was it with these guys that made you feel so safe with them? He swept her up and I couldn't help but wonder what that would feel like.

We walked over to my car and I hit the remote unlocking the trunk. I grabbed my computer bag and put a few of Lexine's books inside with some stuffed animals. I handed Lexine her favorite stuffed dog.

"You like stuffed animals?" Wyatt asked Lexine. She nodded yes enthusiastically.

"I'll have to remember that." he said with a smile.

I hefted the computer bag over my shoulder and locked up the car. We headed back to the house and I asked him if the house had wifi. I was pretty sure that they did but wanted to make sure.

"Well, you have come to the right person. I am the resident computer and tech wiz of the house! Yes, we have wifi and anything else you might need. You have a laptop with you?"

"I have an iPad with a Bluetooth keyboard."

"OK, let me take a look at it when we get inside and I'll get you hooked up to the internet."

"Sounds good!" I said.

He led us to a nice big living room with a huge flat screen tv mounted on the wall. There were leather couches and armchairs that reclined. It would be nice to watch a movie in there. He set Lexine down on one of the couches. She started to play with her stuffed dog.

Wyatt took my iPad and not only connected it to the wifi for me but also did something else that made it run smoother and faster.

"Wow, I don't know what you did but thank you! It's running great now."

"You're welcome! I just cleaned up the background stuff. No big deal. It's easy for me. I have my own business doing this stuff."

"That's cool. Thanks to you, now I can start looking for a job and an apartment."

Wyatt frowned a little at me mentioning an apartment. Or maybe I just imagined it.

"Hey, Jake wanted you to find him so that you guys can make a grocery list."

"All right, I will."

He leaned over and said to Lexine, "I have a job to get to so I'll see you later ok?" and chucked her under her chin which made her giggle. Hearing her giggle made me smile. He did the same to me and said, "Looking forward to dinner tonight!" Wyatt left the room and I couldn't help but notice his very fine rear end in jeans. I needed to get a hold of myself and my raging hormones!

Shaking my head and sighing I decided to put away my bag in the bedroom and charge the iPad. After taking care of that Lexine and I wandered around the house a little looking for Jake. We found him in a room downstairs that looked like a study with bookshelves stuffed with books and a big desk with a computer that he was typing away at.

I knocked at the open door and he looked up and smiled.

"I am almost done with this, I just need about 10 more minutes. Do you think that you can get a head start on a grocery list? See what you need for dinner tonight and I'll meet you in the kitchen in a few."

"OK, no problem." I replied.

We went to the kitchen and I quickly found a pen in a drawer with a notepad. I poked around in the refrigerator and pantry seeing what they had and writing down what they didn't. Jake showed up in 10 minutes as promised and I had just finished my list.

"OK, let's go to the grocery store!" Jake seemed happy and full of energy.

"Let me grab my purse. I'll be right back."

"Hey Lexine, will you come with me to the front door and wait for your mommy?" Jake asked her and held out a hand. She seemed to consider it for a second then slipped her small hand in his.

I smiled and headed upstairs. When I came back down they were standing by the front door still holding hands. He locked the front door behind us and asked if we could take his car. I said yes, we just needed Lexine's car seat out of my car.

Jake walked up to a silver SUV that wasn't there the night before. I went to my car and unbuckled the car seat. After I got the seat and Lexine strapped in the back, I shut the door. Jake pulled the passenger door open for me.

"You don't have to do that you know." I told him.

"Yes, I do. It's how you treat a lady and it's good manners." he replied.

I had to giggle and he winked at me.

When we were in the store pushing the cart around, Jake kept throwing things in the cart that weren't on my list. Snacks like beef jerky, chips, cookies and popcorn.

"What?" asked Jake catching the look on my face as he tossed in some frozen pizza. "We manly men need food!"

I just shook my head and laughed. It was hard not to be happy around him. His mood was infectious. The cart was full when we finally headed to the checkout stands. We stood in line and he picked up Lexine.

"Hey, I forgot something. Be right back ok? Oh, and I'm taking my little helper here." He hardly waited for my reply and took off with her.

It was almost our turn when they came back holding some things. Lexine was holding a bunch of flowers and Jake was holding a big box of crayons and a coloring book.

"Don't fuss mommy, these are important items!" Jake said playfully. I gave him a mock glare but couldn't keep it on my face. He winked at Lexine and she smiled and he picked her up again.

In the middle of scanning our items, the checker smiled at us and said, "What a cute family!" I started to open my mouth to correct her but Jake slid his free arm around my shoulders and thanked her. I looked at him and he just smiled and pulled me closer to him.

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