Chapter 11

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I had some free time today and I felt inspired to write some more. I hope I continue to feel this way for the weekend! Enjoy....

I just kept blushing. Jake was so handsome, thoughtful and very flirtatious. I couldn't help but wish that I had a chance with a guy like him. He's just being nice I repeated mentally. The cashier was almost done and Jake handed me Lexine. I wrapped my arms around her and the total came up. My eyes widened. Jake didn't even blink and just pulled out his wallet and slid a card through the machine before I could set my daughter down and grab my purse.

"Don't say a word." he told me.

My eyes still wide, I clamped my mouth shut and said nothing.

After I had strapped Lexine in her carseat and Jake had loaded all the bags into the trunk, he opened my door for me. After I slid into my seat, instead of shutting the door, he leaned over to me.

"OK, I've decided that you can say two words. The first one is Thank and the other is You."

"Thank You Jake." I said obediently.

"Hey! That was three words!"

"I thought it was two words and a name." I said innocently.

He grinned at me. "Oh, you and I are going to have the best debates together!"

A few blocks away from the grocery store, he pulled over and parked in front of a bakery.

Turning to me he said, "They have the best cannolis ever! We need to get some for dessert tonight."

Inside the bakery, I stared at all the baked good and pastries. It smelled so good!

"I don't know about you, but every time I come in here I want to buy one of everything!" Jake said to me.

"I can see why. I'm kind of wanting to do that too."

When it was our turn to be helped, the girl behind the counter turned to Jake and fluttered her eyelashes at him and said in a seductive tone, "Do you see anything you like?" I felt a twinge of jealousy that disappeared the moment Jake slid his arm around me.

"Yes, and she is right here next to me." he replied with a cool tone.

The girl glared at me and before she could say anything else an older woman came up behind her and said firmly, "Angela, I think it's time for your break." Angela stomped off in a huff.

"I'm sorry for that Jake. I hired my niece as a favor to her mom, but it's only been a few days so far and I'm not sure it's going to work out with her being here."

"No big deal Mary." Jake said to her with a smile. "We came for the cannolis. I'd like a dozen."

"All of them the same or assorted flavors?"

"Make it a mix of flavors. Oh, and I think that we need a cupcake too." Jake picked up Lexine and took her over to the cupcakes display. She pointed to one of the pastel frosted ones.

"The pink one?" Jake asked her. She shook her head no and pointed again. "The light blue one?" Lexine clapped her hands and nodded.

Mary boxed up everything and totaled it up. Jake swiped his card again with a grin at me. Mary noticed him smiling at me and her eyes twinkled.

When we got back home, we all got out of the car and started grabbing things to carry.

"Here, let me get the heavier bags." a voice behind me said. I recognized the faint British accent.

I turned around and there was Preston looking more rested than he did this morning. He reached past me to grab them and his arm brushed against mine. I swear I quivered a little inside. I could feel his body heat. My eyes met his and I blushed. I hoped to God that he couldn't read my mind. I moved out of his way and between the two guys they got all the bags. The only things left were the bakery items and the flowers. I handed the flowers to Lexine and grabbed the bakery box.

"Delphine can you grab my keys and lock the car?" Jake asked me. "They are hanging out of my back pocket."

I reached over and and hesitated. Lexine reached out a hand, grabbed them and set them in my hand. Looking up I could see the Jake was grinning at me and Preston looked amused. I locked the car and we all headed into the house.

The guys tried to help me put things away but I shooed them out of the kitchen.

"I need to get to work on the sauce now." I told them.

"We are going to play in the backyard with Lexine." Preston informed me. "I found a soccer ball in the garage."

Lexine just waved at me, grabbed Jake's hand and tugged. I raised my eyebrows but didn't try to stop her. They headed out and I got to work. After putting most of the groceries away, I went and got my iPad so that I could listen to music or watch Netflix. I decided on music and turned it on.

I found an apron in one of the drawers and it was a little big for me but I tied it on anyway. I started to chop onions and putting them into a bowl for later. Lost in cooking the sauce and listening to the music, I didn't hear anyone come into the kitchen and was startled to see someone leaning against the entry.

He wasn't as tall as Brady and Preston but was probably just under 6 feet. He had reddish blonde hair and green eyes. Very handsome with a pleasant and calm expression on his face.

"You must be Delphine. I'm Chase Roberts." He pushed himself off the wall and came over with his hand out. I reached out and shook his hand.

"So you're the doctor."

"Guilty as charged." he said smiling. "Someone told me that you are cooking dinner tonight. It smells good so far."

"Thanks, I hope that you will like it."

"I'm sure that I will. I just wanted to grab something and go take a nap before dinner. I got stuck on night shift covering for someone."

"Did you want me to make one for you?"

"No thank you." he said, "You've got your hands full so I'll just be real quick."

He hummed along with the music as he made his sandwich. I went back to working on my sauce. After Chase put the away the mayo and bread, he came over to me, leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

I looked at him completely astounded.

"Just doing what your apron says to." he murmured at me before leaving the kitchen. I looked down at it and read the print on it. Kiss the Cook.

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