Chapter 88

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Sometime in the early hours of the morning, I woke up with my head pillowed on Preston's arm and his leg thrown over mine. I felt totally comfortable and didn't want to move but there was poor Preston's arm to consider. It was probably asleep thanks to my head laying on it. Since I was facing him, I lifted my head carefully looking for signs that I might be waking him up. As soon as the weight of my head was off his arm, Preston grumbled and his hand went to the back of my head and tried to push it back down. Gently I pushed him onto his back which moved his leg off of mine and I moved my head forward so that it was laying on his chest instead. He made a sound of approval and his arm wrapped around my waist. He drifted back off into a deep sleep within a second. I laid my hand on his chest next to his head and fell back asleep.

It seemed like only a few minutes later that the alarm started beeping. Preston shifted to shut off the alarm and that dislodged my head so I rolled over onto my back to rub the sleep from my face.  Preston pushed the covers down and since my top had ridden up while I was sleeping, it left my midriff exposed. I could feel the weight on the bed shift as Preston got up. At least I thought that he was getting up. Instead I was jolted into being fully awake by a pair of warm lips blowing a raspberry on my stomach. I let out a small shriek and dissolved into giggles. It warmed my heart to see the usually very proper Preston's playful side. I loved seeing it.

He clambered off the bed and held a hand out to me saying, "Upsie Daisy!" I took his hand and he helped me out of bed. We shared a warm hug before I left to go wake up Lexine and get us ready for the day. I ran my fingers through my tangled curls as I walked back to my room. I quickly took a shower, cleaned myself up and got dressed in a pair of black pants and a oatmeal colored sweater. I noticed that it looked like my period was done but I put on a panty liner just in case.

Waking Lexine up, I got her ready for school and we went downstairs for breakfast. In the kitchen, Chase was there getting coffee. I was happy and surprised to see him home. "Do you have today off?" I asked hopefully. "No..." he sighed out. "I'm just on a later shift today, so I'm going to miss dinner. Save me a plate?"

"Of course I will! Did you need me to pack you a lunch as well?" I asked while giving him a peck on the cheek.

"If it isn't too much trouble, I'd love a sandwich for lunch."

"I'm on it!" I said and nudged him out of the way so that I could get to work. I started making French toast and while the griddle was heating up, I made Chase a couple of sandwiches with a bag of chips and some grapes. I even snuck in a couple of leftover cookies that the guys hadn't eaten yet. With a smile I popped in a juice box which I knew would make him smile. Pulling a tinted lip gloss out of my pocket, I smeared on some and kissed a napkin before tucking it into his lunch bag and zipped it shut.

I set the bag on the island and went to work cooking the French toast and bacon too. Chase, Brady and Preston were at the table along with Lexine ready to eat. Breakfast was eaten quickly and I handed Chase his lunch before he left the house. Lexine went with him since her school was next door to his hospital. That left me alone with Brady and Preston.

"So which one of you is babysitting me today?" I asked with an impish smile.

"You get both of us." Preston told me.  Brady just grinned at me and nodded.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked them.

Preston gestured for me to sit down between him and Brady. As soon as I sat down he started talking. "I meant to bring up a subject at the family meeting last night and I got quite distracted by the other things instead." He paused and Brady picked up my left hand and traced my ring finger. "Buttercup, we would like to get you an engagement ring. I know that Wyatt mentioned it to you yesterday."

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