Chapter 68

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We walked through the shopping center and found a nice little café. After we are seated at a table for two, and I'm perusing the menu, I feel Preston's eyes on me. Lowering the menu, I meet his gaze. I stop breathing for a few seconds as I take it in. His look is filled with love and adoration. This is the same man who always is in such control of himself and never shows emotion outside of the house. I realize that he has let down his walls with me and it was a big step for him. I slide my hand across the table, opened and palm up. Preston picks up my hand and kisses my palm before lowering it to the middle of the table and closing his fingers around mine.

I smiled at him and mouthed the words, "I love you". He mouthed back "I love you too." The server came by to take our order but we hadn't really looked at the menu yet so she just got our drink order. Both of us ordered cokes. Turning our attention to the menu, I decided on Cuban sandwich with a cup of French onion soup. Preston got the grilled chicken club with a salad. We placed our order and we chatted about different things. The subject of my jewelry making came up and he asked many questions about it like the tools that I used and the cost of beads and semi precious stones.

Our food arrived and we ate while still talking. We were offered dessert but both of us declined. Preston paid and we walked out of the café. I turned to go back to the car but Preston stopped me and turned me the other way. I gave him a confused look and he explained, "There is one more store that I would like to look at."

I nodded and Preston put his arm around me, steering me towards a jewelry store. "I know you make your own jewelry but please indulge me today. I've never taken a woman to store like this, so this is a first for me. You need something to wear with your new dress tomorrow night. There will be some horribly mean women there and I don't want them to be able to comment on your appearance."

We walked into the jewelry store. Feeling amused, I said to him, "Horrible women will say anything mean including things that aren't true. Even if you look perfect they will make up some flaw."

"Leave it to you to turn down new cars and jewelry too. I know that I asked you to indulge me, but I forgot to say please."

"Well, when you say the magic word, I just can't argue with you."

He looked triumphant and pulled me to a glass counter to look at the selection. The sales lady smelling a commission came over to ask us if we were looking for something in particular. Preston described my dress and asked her what they had to compliment it.

She immediately took us to the next counter where she set a black velvet tray on the glass and laid a beautiful necklace and earring set on it. It was a chain of silver leafs with a feathery edge and tear shaped stone matching my dress in color in each one.

Preston asked what the stone was. The sales lady told us about it. "The stone is a teal blue topaz and the metal is not silver but white gold. The designer is becoming quite popular. It's the only set in Charleston and it just came in this morning." It was perfect! I smiled and nodded at him. He told her that he would take it and would like to look around some more. Of course she gave him a big smile and went to pack up the necklace and earrings in a special box.

I looked around too trying see different designs and get ideas for myself. Preston wandered off to the other side of the store and found something interesting there. Gesturing to the sales lady, he asked her questions in a low tone and then walked away. I was engrossed in studying a design of pink crystal beaded necklace. He walked on over to the counter in front of the sales lady and handed her his card. He quickly signed the receipt and picked up the bag. I looked up to see Preston standing beside me. "Ready to go?" he asked crooking his arm at the elbow.

"Yes." I said and took his arm. Walking out with Preston, I noticed a few women giving him an appreciative glance as we walked by them. I was filled with a sense of pride that I could call this man mine. I couldn't wait for tonight. A store front caught my eye and I saw the sign that most women in the USA loved. SEPHORA!

Preston noticed me staring at it as we walked by. "Would you like to go inside?" he asked me.  I nodded eagerly and he chuckled and led me in there. It was makeup heaven! Preston handed me a basket and told me to get whatever I wanted. I widened my eyes, "Anything?" I asked, "Because I think that I want one of everything!"

He just laughed at me and told me to do my worst. "Remember to get something that would look nice with black lingerie." he whispered to me. I felt my cheeks turn a little pink but I nodded. I picked out some nail polish, eye shadows, eyeliners, blush and lip glosses and lipsticks. I was a little choosier about face powder and foundation. Preston was so sweet and stayed by me, helping me pick out colors that he felt were flattering to me. I tried not to take too long and told him that I was done. Of course he whipped out his card and wouldn't let me pay for it.

"Thank you Preston." I said to him as we walked back to the car.

"You're welcome Delphine." he said and kissed me.

Preston drove us home and we talked about his real estate work. I was floored by how much some houses cost in parts of Charleston. It still boggled my mind that there were many people that had so much money to spare. I know that my guys were well off but not on the scale that these mansions were selling for. Glancing at the clock on the dash, I saw that it was 1:38.

"Are we picking up Lexine from school today?" I asked him.

"No, Brady has a job in that area today, so he will be bringing her home. Why, did you need to pick her up today or had something planned?"

"Oh, no. I just wondered how much time I had to cook dinner. That's all. I found a new recipe that I wanted to try out."

"Really. What is it?"

"It's a surprise. You'll see at dinner." I said laughing.

Soon we were home and pulling bags and more bags out of the car. Jake appeared and helped us with them. "Did you buy out a boutique for her Preston?" he teased.

"No, just a few things for our beautiful Delphine. Some fancy dresses to keep on hand. She didn't have any."

I blushed at his compliment and said, "The dresses are beautiful, I've never had so many pretty ones before."

"These aren't all dresses are they?" Jake asked.

"No," Preston said, "We had to get shoes for the dresses and things to go under them. Plus some makeup. I wanted her to have everything that she needed for tomorrow night."

"Right," Jake said. "I don't want any mean nasty nurse to be able to say shit about her."

I giggled. "That's what Preston said. Except for the shit part."

They both turned their heads to gape at me. "Ohhhhh.... Delphine actually cussed!" Jake said laughing. Preston just shook his head. "Let's not make a habit of it. That goes for everyone." He opened the front door and we walked inside.

I decided to tease Preston. "Does that mean in different languages too? Because growing up where I did, I learned some not so nice things."

Jake found that hysterically funny. "How many languages baby?" he asked me.

"Umm..." I counted in my head, " Seven. I know bad words in seven different languages." I snuck a look at Preston's face. He looked surprised and then impressed but that was only for a second before he put on his bland expression. Jake just continued to laugh and finally Preston cracked a smile. He put his arm around me and said quietly to me, "You certainly are delightful."

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