Chapter 103

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I adjusted the bed and lay back comfortably watching television. The day nurse popped in a little later and brought me some juice, soda and graham crackers before taking my blood pressure and temperature. Nibbling on the crackers and sipping the juice, I relaxed for a little bit and smiled at something funny on tv. "Hey there darling. I love seeing that beautiful smile of yours." Wyatt's voice rang out surprising me. My head snapped in his direction and I grinned big and held out my arms. He rushed over quickly to embrace me. "I missed you," I mumbled into his chest. "I think that you get to take me a little later." I pulled my head back to look into his hazel eyes. "That is if I am still doing good!" I said with an impish grin.

"Of course you will." he said soothingly. "How is the little jellybean doing?" Wyatt asked as he put his hand over my belly. "Doing fine I think. I can't wait to find out if it's a girl or a boy!" I said excitedly. 

"Have you picked out names yet?" he asked me. I giggled, "No, not yet. Plus it wouldn't be fair for just me to pick it out. I want everyone's input too." Wyatt kissed my cheek and settled on the bed with me. "Just in time to watch Futurama! Who is Bender insulting in this one?" We watched tv for a while and I made sure that I kept sipping liquids. The juice was gone so I started on the tiny can of soda. Predictably, with all that liquid intake, I had to pee again. Wyatt made sure that I was steady on my feet before letting me go. After my bladder was emptied, a lunch tray was delivered. A bowl of creamy chicken and rice soup was on there along with a bread roll. I asked Wyatt for a cup of water too and he took my little plastic pitcher to go fill it.

I took a sniff of the soup and my stomach stayed calm. Cautiously I took a sip and waited to see what would happen. Nothing did so I took another sip. I started to actually feel hungry and I ate normally. Wyatt came back with the pitcher filled with ice water and poured me a cup. The bread roll was good and I dipped it in the soup to eat it like that. I finished it and Wyatt looked happy. He gave me a thumbs up and took my finished tray into the hallway.

Chase appeared in the room and looked freshly showered. He even had clean clothes on and had shaved. "She ate all of her lunch." Wyatt told him proudly. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Chase nodded in approval and waved some papers at me. "I've got your discharge papers here sweetie. You get to go home!" I felt excited and clapped my hands, "Do I have anything to wear home? My pajamas from yesterday?" Wyatt held up a black tote bag that I hadn't noticed earlier. "Right here darling. Fresh underwear and the sweats set that we all like so much. You know the one with JUICY on the butt?" he told me with a wink.

I giggled and nodded. Chase checked me over and said that I was ready to go. He gave me a kiss on the head and promised to see me at home later tonight. Then he was off and left the room shutting the door behind him. Wyatt pulled the clean clothing out and helped me get dressed. My panties were changed first and the sweatpants were pulled on. Then the gown was untied and I slipped it down my arms and off my body before Wyatt's eyes locked onto my chest. "Your pretty tips are a darker now. How did I not notice that?"

I shrugged as I put my bra on, "Probably because we were getting naked at night in the dark."   "That's true," he said nodding with a wicked grin, "I do like getting you naked. However now is not the time or place." His smile turned into a frown, "Not when my darling is sick. Sorry baby." He handed me a shirt and then the matching zip up before slipping shoes on my feet. He put my dirty underwear and pajamas from yesterday in the bag and went into the hallway to return with a wheel chair. "I can walk!" I protested.

"Nuh uh, hospital rules darling. Hop in!" he told me. With a sigh, I sat down in it. He handed me the bag and I set it on my lap and was wheeled out. We went out to the parking garage and Wyatt's car was parked against the curb with a special permit in the windshield. "What's that?" I asked him as he opened the car door for me. "Oh, that's a special permit for when you are picking up a patient and it let's you park here without getting in trouble. Thanks to Chase, we carry one in our cars for emergencies."

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