Chapter 69

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"I'm going to put all this stuff in my room." I told them and they immediately followed me carrying everything upstairs. Jake dropped the bags he was carrying onto my bed and Preston put his there too while I hung the dresses up in the closet.

"There is an article that I have to finish so I'll be in my office if you need me." Jake said and gave me a quick kiss before leaving the room. Preston went through the boxes of shoes until he found the black lace pair. Putting those aside, he then dug through the lingerie to find the black set that he wanted.

"I am just going to keep these in my room for tonight." he said to me with a wicked grin. "You don't mind do you?"

I shook my head, "No, I don't mind." I said while walking over to him. Trailing a finger down his chest slowly, "Are you sure that you can wait until tonight?"

Catching my hand before it could reach his waist, he pulled it up to his mouth and kissed my fingers. "Patience Delphine. I promise you that it will all be worth it tonight."

I smiled naughtily at him. "I'm going to keep you to your promise."

He laughed and kissed me. "After I drop these off in my room, I need to do some work in my office. Take a little break or whatever you want. You know where to find me or Jake if you need us."

"Sure. I'm just going to take some alone time and then I'll start dinner."

I waved him out and poured out the Sephora bag with all the new makeup on the bed so that I could paw through it. I had fun admiring the different pretty shades. After a few minutes I got up to put them away in the bathroom drawers.

I flopped down on the bed wondering what I should do next. I rarely had a break with some alone time. I decided to do something that I never really go to do. The unthinkable for most people. A nap! The nighttime workouts that I had been getting recently were tiring me out. Setting the alarm clock for forty five minutes later, I settle down on the bed, kicked off my shoes and curled up on my side. After a few minutes, I slid into a comfortable sleep.

Something made me aware that the bed had dipped down on one side. My eyes fluttered open to see Wyatt laying beside me, watching me. "Hey there. I didn't mean to wake you up." he said softly to me. I smiled sleepily at him and scooted closer so that I could bury my face in his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed his cheek in my hair. "You always smell so good. So fresh and sweet." I smiled and kissed his neck. "I like the way you smell too. It's so masculine."

The alarm on my iPad went off and started to beep annoyingly. "You should wake up and turn that off," Wyatt said to me. "I'm going to need a little help."

I looked at him confused. "What? I'm already awake."

"No, you need to wake up." He insisted.

With a gasp, I sat up and opened my eyes. The alarm on my iPad was beeping. I reached out a hand for where Wyatt was and the bed was cool and untouched. It was a dream. Once in a while I had these dreams that seemed so real and were usually right. Turning off the alarm, I crawled off the bed and went downstairs to look for Preston and Jake.

I knocked on Preston's office door and nobody answered. I went to Jake's door and knocked there. Preston opened the door and I saw Jake sitting at his desk looking up curiously. "Did you need us Delphine?" Preston asked me.

"I know that this is a weird question but where is Wyatt?" I asked.

"He's at work. He'll be home for dinner in a few hours, why?"

"I think that he's going to need help."

"Did he call you?"

"No, I just...ok sometimes I have these dreams and they come true. I know it sounds insane but I was taking a nap and I dreamed that Wyatt asked for help."

Preston pulled me inside the office and Jake got up from his chair to come around the desk to stand next to me and rub my arm reassuringly. "Sweetie, I'm sure that Wyatt is just fine." Preston guided me over to the couch and had me sit down. "Tell me about the dream, what did Wyatt say?" I explained it to them "... he said that he would need a little help." and they both stared at me with an unreadable expression.

I looked at them pleadingly. "Can you just check? Please?"

Preston gave a nod to Jake, so he went back to his desk and started tapping on his phone. After a minute Jake frowned at his phone, then turned to his computer and clicked away. Preston held my hand and his thumb rubbed it. I always felt comfort in their touches and this was helping me. I felt a little foolish for making such a fuss about a dream but past experience had taught me not to ignore it.

Jake finally raised his head and had one of those silent conversations with Preston. Turning to me, he said, "Ok, we are going to go check on him in person. I think that everything is fine but just to be sure.."

Preston squeezed my hand and took up where Jake left off. "Delphine, you stay here and do whatever it is that you had planned. Everything is fine and if it isn't, it will be. Don't worry, ok? We will be back soon."

I nodded and we all got up and left Jake's office. I walked them to the front door, gave them each a kiss on the cheek and waved them off. Locking the door behind them, I went to the kitchen to cook. It was my go to activity when I was worried. The familiar routine of  measuring ingredients and chopping and peeling, soothed my nerves and I kept at it. Soon there was nothing left to do but to put it in the oven to bake.

I didn't want to sit there and twiddle my thumbs while I waited, so I ran upstairs to grab my trusty iPad and brought it down to look for a new recipe for dessert. A vanilla soufflé sounded good so I started looking in the cabinets for ramekins. Of course I found a set of 12 so I started work on them, buttering seven of them and then sprinkling sugar inside. I whipped up the ingredients and put them inside the prepped ramekins and popped them in the fridge. I would put them in the oven before we would sit down to eat dinner. I slowly cleaned up the mess on the counters and dirty bowls. I couldn't help but wonder if Wyatt, Preston and Jake were ok. It had been almost two hours since they left. As I finished wiping the granite countertops clean, I heard the front door slam shut and I took off towards it.

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