Chapter 42

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With my breathing starting to slow down, his whispered thank you finally registered in my head. Pulling back a little to look at him, I asked him, "Why are you thanking me? I mean, you didn't.... but you made sure that I did."

"A true gentleman always make sure that the lady finishes first." he said with a grin. "Besides, you have not only taken my mind off of things, you have given me great memories to relive in my head! I mean, wow." His gaze focused on my chest and I realized that my top was still down so I was still half naked. I blushed and crossed my arms.

He laughed and said, "Too late to get shy now!" Chase uncrossed my arms and found the two ties. He pulled them up and tied them at the back of my neck so that I was covered again.

"But what about you? Don't you want me to.. uh, take care of you?"

"A most generous offer, but I have to decline." he said and cupped my face in both of his hands. "Just because I gave you something doesn't mean that I expect something back. I don't think that you are ready for that yet. You'll let me know when you are and I'm a grown man and can "take care" of myself." A big warm smile was on his face. "You are such a sweet beautiful woman. I'm feeling pretty lucky to have you in my life."

I captured his face in my hands as well and kissed him. "I feel pretty lucky to have you too." Pushing myself off his lap and back onto the bench, I stretched my arms and legs and tried to stifle a yawn.

"We are both tired. It's time to get out and go to bed, sweetie." Chase said yawning himself. We both stood up and Chase got out first and reached out a hand to me to help me out. He handed me my towel and I started to dry myself off. When I felt that I was dry enough I put my cover up back on and draped my towel around my shoulders. Chase had finished drying off too and was using the remote to turn off the TV and bubbles and fix the lighting. I went over and grabbed our water bottles to take with us. Handing him his, we held hands and left to go back to the house.

The living room light was on still and Wyatt was up watching TV. He stood up and smiled at us as we came in. "Headed upstairs?" he asked us. I nodded and smiled back at him. Wyatt turned off the TV and said, "I'll come with you guys, don't want to be too sleepy for my big day tomorrow!"

Turning off lights as we went along, making sure that the doors were locked, we went upstairs. I was really tired and I was dragging getting up the stairs.

"Are you tired sweetie?" Wyatt asked me.

"Yes." I said with a yawn. Next thing I know I was swept off my feet and being carried bridal style by Wyatt.

Chase just laughed at us and shook his head. "Can't wait for tomorrow Wyatt?" 

"Nope. I can't." Wyatt said and held me tighter. I put my arms around his neck and smiled.

When we reached the top of the stairs, Chase stepped closer to me and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight. Thank you for spending time with me this evening. I feel better now." He went down the opposite hallway towards his room. "Goodnight Chase." I called after his softly.

"You can put me down now. You don't have to carry me still." I said to Wyatt. He just shook my head and continued to walk to my room. When we reached the door he still didn't set me down. I looked at him quizzically. "Are you really going to make me wait until tomorrow for a kiss?" he asked me looking into my eyes searching for an answer. I realized that he must feel left out and knew that the others had kissed me. I kissed him gently on the lips and I could feel him sigh. He slowly let my feet slip down until they reached the ground. He continued to keep the kiss gentle and light. Finally breaking it off we just looked at each other. "Goodnight." I whispered. He smiled and gave me a light quick kiss. "Goodnight, get some good sleep for tomorrow."

I went into the bedroom and shut the door behind me. Instead of feeling terrible for kissing three different men today, it felt right. It might not be what others would find conventional but I was happier than I had been in a long time. I was becoming more sure that this was what I wanted.

That night I slept good. Waking up in the morning feeling refreshed was becoming a daily thing. I was actually looking forward to each day now. I had hope and that was a new thing for me. Taking my customary morning bath, I washed and got ready for the day. Since I didn't know what Wyatt had planned I just wore some plain blue jeans and white shirt. I figured that I could always change after breakfast. I got Lexine up and gave her a bath as well.

Downstairs in the kitchen, only Preston was there drinking coffee. He was dressed up in a suit and tie looking like the perfect business man. "I'm so sorry that I have to go, I have a breakfast meeting today. Wyatt is still upstairs and he should be down soon. The others had early morning jobs unexpectedly. I'll see you girls later today.This was the only time they had available." He gave me a kiss and then picked up Lexine and kissed her forehead. "Bye girls!" he said and left. I turned on the television onto a kids show and told Lexine to sit on the couch while I went to go see what Wyatt was up to. She nodded and I turned on the baby monitor and grabbed the handset.

I practically skipped upstairs anxious to see what Wyatt had planned for today. I tried to remember which room was his so I ended up opening each door until I came to the right one. "Wyatt?" I asked him. He was still in bed on his side turned away from the door. He groaned and rolled over on his back. His face was flushed and he looked like he was sick.

"Oh, no Wyatt. What hurts?" I asked him.

"My head hurts and my throat is a little sore. I feel hot." he mumbled out.

"I'll be right back, I'm pretty sure that you have a fever. " I said and ran off to my room. I went into my bathroom and pulled out a digital thermometer that scanned your forehead. It was one I always used for Lexine. You never knew when your kid would wake up sick, so I always had it handy. I jogged back to Wyatt's room. He hadn't moved at all. I scanned his forehead and his temperature was at 101.3.

"You have a fever honey." I said softly to him and smoothed his hair back. I pulled out my phone and texted Chase telling him Wyatt's symptoms and temperature. Chase texted back right away and said that it sounded like the flu and to keep him hydrated. He also said that to give him some Motrin and to keep Lexine away from him. I rummaged in his bathrooms medicine cabinet and found a bottle of it. Shaking a couple of pills out, I filled a cup of water and took it to him. Setting the cup down, I helped Wyatt sit up and put the pills in his mouth and gave him the cup of water. He took them and laid back down.

"Get some more sleep and I'll be back to check on you ok?" I said to him and he just nodded and closed his eyes. I left his room and went to check on Lexine. We were going to stay home today. I felt so bad for Wyatt. Being sick really sucks.

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