Chapter 51

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Everyone was in high spirits during lunch. After we ate, I helped clean up despite their protests. Wyatt and Preston asked me for my cell phone saying that they wanted to add some apps to it. I went upstairs to get it and handed it to Wyatt. He and Preston disappeared with it towards his office. I had a feeling that the stuff they were putting on there were more than your ordinary apps.

Lexine was getting tired after her playing so hard today in the backyard. She fell asleep earlier than usual for her nap. Brady, Jake and Chase helped me put her down for a nap on the small couch and Jake pulled me onto his lap. "It's finally my turn to hold you today!" he exclaimed. I laughed and kissed his cheek. He ducked his head and kissed my lips. "Your kisses are sweet!" he said while smacking his lips. Brady and Chase just laughed at us. I pulled the sweatshirt off since it was warmer inside the house. Jake took it from me and tossed it behind him.

Preston and Wyatt came back with my phone and brought it over to me. Wyatt sat next to Jake so that he could show me the screen with a whole new page of icons. He pointed to an icon of a house.

"This is an app for Preston. If you tap on it a few more icons appear. The white one with the M on it is to send him a private text message. The green one with the phone on it is to just give us a regular call. The black one with a eye is a secure facetime line. The red icon with an E is for an emergency. It will send a message to all of us, giving us your location and letting us know that you are in trouble. That's pretty clear isn't it?"

I looked at him and nodded saying, "Yes, that is."

He nodded and went back to the new page screen. "There is an app for each one of us, with the exact same things."

I pointed to the next app with a hammer, "That one with the hammer is for Brady, the medical symbol for Chase, the pen for Jake and the computer is you."

Wyatt grinned at me, "Very good Ms. Smarty pants! I'd kiss you but I can't. Someone kiss her for me!"

Jake immediately did so and I laughed. "So why do I need the emergency button?" I asked them.

They all exchanged glances having some kind of silent conversation. I rolled my eyes and said, "Look, you all want me to trust you but isn't trust a two way street? I doubt the emergency button is there just for kicks. Will somebody please tell me why I need it?"

Preston spoke up, "Delphine, you are absolutely right. We are expecting you to trust us implicitly without trusting you with information," He moved to sit on the coffee table in front of me. "Your new boss Mr. Meyers may not be trustworthy. We did a background check on him. While we didn't find anything specific on him, there were signs that something was not quite right with him. Purchases of cameras and employees who quit unexpectedly. We felt that we could not take any chances with your safety."

I listened thoughtfully. "If I feel that anything isn't right I will quit the job right away." I said to them.

"I do hope that you will call us right away if you feel that something is wrong. You can quit after calling us," Preston said seriously. "We also took the precaution of having some cameras installed in the office in various positions so that we can check on you."

"You installed cameras? At the new office? How on earth did you accomplish that?"

"We called in a few favors from the Blackbourne team. They installed it for us and so now we can also see you on our phones."

"You didn't put any in the bathroom did you?" I asked in horror. "I don't want any cameras in there!"

Jake let out a noise like he was trying to hold back a snort of laughter. Preston's lip twitched but he managed to keep a straight face.

"No Delphine, no cameras in the bathroom, however we did have one installed outside the door to see who goes in and comes out."

I sighed in relief and I could feel Jake silently laughing. I turned around a gave him a look. "Why are you laughing?" I asked him.

"Females are so sensitive about cameras in the bathroom!"

"Well, would you like someone to watch you doing your "business"?"

Jake kept laughing and said, "We already kind of do at the urinals. Not that we watch but you can't help but see and it is out in the open."

I realized that he had a point but didn't want give in gracefully. I shook my head, "Men have no shame!"

At that all the guys started laughing. I couldn't help it and started to laugh too. After a few minutes of that we all settled down and I looked expectantly at Preston.

"So if something is weird at the office you want me to call you right away?" I asked him.

"Yes, please and if we see anything strange, we will be there right away. Also we will be dropping you off and picking you up still. Just until we get your car checked out and make sure that everything is ok at work. After dropping you off, whoever is driving you that day will take Lexine to her preschool."

A light bulb went off in my head. "Is Lexine's preschool Academy run?"

Preston looked at me with pride. "Yes, it is. That didn't take you too long to figure out!"

"I told you she was a smarty pants!" Wyatt said.

"Yeah, she is!" Jake exclaimed and bounced me on his legs. All their eyes locked onto my chest. Apparently other parts of me were bouncing too. I put my hands down to Jake's legs to stop him. He stopped and gave me an apologetic grin. The others immediately crossed their legs or grabbed a pillow. "Hmm.." I thought to myself. The power of boobs was amazing!

Deciding to not call attention to their discomfort, I changed the subject for now. "So we are going to Bob's Diner tonight?" I asked.

Brady answered right away and seemed grateful for a distraction. "Yes, buttercup! It seems fitting since that's where I met you."

"And me!" Jake chimed in.

I smiled and said, "It was fate that brought us there at the same time."

They smiled tenderly at me and we sat around relaxing and watching tv until Lexine woke up. I took her to our room so that I could make sure that we used the bathroom, fixed our hair and change my clothes. I told her that we were going to Bob's Diner again and she immediately asked if she could have a hot fudge sundae again. I told her that we could and she was excited. She also made sure that I had another play packet in my purse for her and grabbed her seagull to bring. I put a sweater jacket on her and grabbed one for me as well.

The guys were waiting at the bottom of the stairs for us and I felt my heart swell. I did love them all. We just hadn't said the words yet but I knew that it would happen. They looked up and saw us and I saw the way they felt about us, shine out of their eyes. When we reached the bottom of the steps, Brady swept up Lexine to carry her and Preston held out his hand to me. All of us left the house and piled into the family car and headed to Bob's Diner. To where it all began...

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