Chapter 31

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Gentlemen's Meeting

Preston: Chase has told me that he ran into Axel Toma at the aquarium earlier today. Chase would you tell us what he has shared with you?

Chase: Axel has advised that we not keep the Academy a secret for too long from Delphine. He also told me that their bird has been working out very well with the team. He feels that she brings them closer together.

Jake: I can agree with that part. I really feel that Delphine and Lexine are the missing part of our family. I'm assuming that the rest of the team feels the same.
(There are nods of agreement all around)

Preston: As you all know, the Academy preschool interview is tomorrow. The board understands that Delphine is not aware of the Academy's existence yet and will keep silent on that aspect of it. We have all noticed the skills that Lexine is showing promise in. Her coordination is impressive for her age and she figures out things fast. She's showing an unusual amount of interest in learning new things.

Chase: She seems interested in the medical field but Lexine is too young to tell yet. The Academy's preschool will be good for her. The child psychologist I found Janet Hines works on the premises so she will be able to do sessions on site. That will make things easier for all of us and it will build a rapport between the two of them.

Preston: Now, about Delphine's job.... Wyatt, did you get to run the background check on Don Meyers?

Wyatt: Yes, nothing really out of the ordinary has popped up except for two things. He has purchased surveillance equipment but that can just be security for his office and home. The other is a high turnover rate for the receptionist position. I'm still looking for the last girl who left in a hurry."

Brady: It's probably best that we cash in a favor and use the Blackbourne team to put in some cameras of our own.

Wyatt: Yes, Victor Morgan is pretty good despite only being 17.

Preston: Excellent. I will contact Owen in the morning. Speaking of favors, I will be putting in the adoption request to the Academy for both Delphine and Lexine. It looks like we will have enough favors for that with some to spare. Jake, have you made a schedule concerning who is staying with the girls for the next few days?

Jake: Yes, Thursday, tomorrow is Preston. Friday is me and Saturday is Wyatt. Sunday is going to be family day and we all have the day off barring any jobs that might pop up the last second. Monday, is Brady.

Preston: Does anybody have anything else to add?

Chase: I've asked Wyatt to help with the autopsy reports I was looking for. It looks like someone is going to great lengths to hide it.

Wyatt: I'm also still working on that spyware. I've traced back to Texas now but I think that the trail goes further back. Possibly California.

Preston: Good, keep us up to date. Meeting adjourned.

In the morning.....

I woke up feeling contented and well rested. Stretching, I reached my arms over my head and pointed my toes. After my usual morning bath I stood in the closet trying to decide what to wear. I've never had so many choices before. Feeling a little daring today, I pulled a black long sleeved shirt with a deep V in the front and a pair of skinny jeans out. I also grabbed bright floral print tank top to wear under the shirt. Black flats completed the outfit.

I admired the effect in the mirror. The shirt dipped down far enough that the tank top showed. It drew attention to my cleavage without really showing anything. I threw my hair into a messy bun and put on another pair of earring that I had made of black pearls. I knew that Preston's favorite color was black and I wanted to tease him a little. I really liked it when he lost his cool composure with me. That British accent and mannerisms of his was sexy! Spying my box of chocolates on the dresser top, I popped one truffle into my mouth and savored it. Chocolate before breakfast! I mentally scolded myself.

After getting Lexine up and dressed in a darling outfit of black and hot pink plaid, we went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Brady greeted me first and gave a kiss. He looked curious and licked his lips.
"Do I taste chocolate on your lips?" he asked me.
I didn't answer but I'm sure that the guilty look on my face gave it away.

Preston came up from behind him. He stopped short and stared at me. His pale blue eyes looked me up and down. I smiled at him and watched as he tried to remain calm.
Brady grinned at me, leaned down and whispered in my ear, "You definitely have his attention Delphine. Try not to give him a heart attack today, ok?"
Feeling saucy, I replied, "I make no promises!"
Brady started laughing and punched Preston on the shoulder and said, "You are going to have one hell of a day!"

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