Chapter 83

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I set the timer on the stove, Brady and I left the kitchen to go sit with the others in the living room. Lexine was passed out in Preston's lap. The poor girl had a lot of activities today, no wonder she was so tired! Chase pulled me into his lap as I walked by and I tensed for a second worried that he could feel that I was wearing a pad but then relaxed. After all, he was a doctor, I reasoned with myself.

As I sat comfortably in Chase's lap, he rubbed my back in a slow massage. I melted into him, it felt so good. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out and read a message. Putting the phone back in, he moved his hands from my upper back to my lower. Any slight cramping that I had disappeared. I wondered how he knew to massage there. My attention was diverted for a minute by Jake standing up to leave the room. "I'll be back in just a minute." he said and took off.

"Does that feel any better sweetie?" Chase asked me.

"Yes, that does."

He leaned closer to whisper in my ear. "Let me know if the cramps get too bad and I'll give you something for them."

"How did you know that I started?" I whispered back.

Chase just smirked at me and said, "I'm a doctor, I just know these things."

I narrowed my eyes at him and thought for a moment. The text message that he got! That must have been Brady announcing it to the others. I glanced over at Brady to see him watching me with a sheepish grin. I rolled my eyes at him and decided to let it go. It saved me from having to tell each guy individually about it. Chase continued to rub and massage my lower back and I just enjoyed it.

Eventually, the timer on the oven went off and I slid off of Chase's lap to go to the kitchen. He followed me in there to take the oven mitts out of my hands and pulled the casserole out for me. I hit the button to stop the timer beeping and gave him a look.

"Chase I have my period, not a broken arm."

Setting the gloves aside on the counter, he stepped closer to me and gathered me in his arms. "I know that sweetie. Can you just accept that I like doing things like this for you?"

How could I resist something like that? My heart melted and I gave him an adoring look. "Of course Chase. I'm just not used to it."

"Get used to it." he commanded me with a grin and let go of me to swat my butt.

I laughed and pulled the half baked rolls out of the pantry and put them on a cookie sheet to finish baking them. It only took a few minutes and while I took care of that, Chase carried the casserole dish into the dining room, Jake was back and setting the table. After placing the butter on the table, I called the rest of the family in to eat. They had woken Lexine up so she was alert and hungry. We sat down and enjoyed the chicken noodle casserole. Wyatt especially liked it since it reminded him of the soup that I had made for him when he was sick.

After dinner was over with, we cleaned up and gathered in the living room. Giving the others a glance, Jake took a hold of my hand and tugged me out of the room. I looked at Jake amused as I followed him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To my office. I want to show you something." he said with a smirk.

Now what? I thought to myself as he pulled me into this office. He proudly handed me a box that had a picture of a heating pad on it. Then he showed me a fuzzy teal throw blanket that was so soft and silky that I couldn't stop stroking it. Next he dumped a bag on his desk and a small mountain of king sized candy bars fell out. There was a huge variety from Hershey's to Twix.

"What?" I sputtered out.

Jake gestured grandly with his arm, "Everything you would need to get you through your period."

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