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In the afternoon, Skye and Star, the queen mother were in Skye's office. Skye had officially started his training as Queen.

"There are ten lessons you should know when you have been crowned as Queen of Lololand." Star says.

Skye nods and sits up straight. Star begins to pace back and forth.

"First lesson. A Queen must always look like a Queen. Meaning, whatever the situation, you as the queen must look the part. If you and the king are in a safari park, you must wear what suits the occasion but with a certain twist that will give people something to talk about"

Skye nodded. He could do that, the royal family has unlimited access to all types of styles and with his recent found style, he can rock both male and female outfits with no problem.

"Second rule. The Queen must not talk unless when spoken to. If you see the king getting in a heated argument with someone, let's say a prime minister, you do not get involved. Instead, pull the king to the side and compose him then end the conversation."

Skye nodded. Sounded reasonable, but the rule was a little misogynistic, no?

"Third rule. The Queen will bow to no one except the king. If you see me and Luke at an event, we bow to you because you're wearing the crown. Everyone bows to you except the king. Same applies to him"

"I can do that"

Star nodded and smiles.

"That will be all for today, in the meantime you're doing a great job. When is Prince's first event as King?"

"We are meeting the new prime minister in two weeks"

"Good, you will hold a state dinner and we'll see how you manage"

For some reason that made Skye really nervous. He plasters on a fake smile and nods.

"Of course"


During the morning rush, Benedict had taken a break from baking and tended to the register.

"You need some staff around here Benny, you can't handle these much people alone"

"You can handle that. I'm going home, the smell of freshly baked muffins is making me sick"

Jonathan nods at him.

"Okay go rest, I'll put up an ad and we'll see from there"

"Alright. Later!"

Once Benedict left, Jonathan served the last few customers and posted an ad on the café's Instagram page.

"Let's hope this works"


"Are you feeling okay now?"

"Babe I'm fine. It's just morning sickness"

"Benedict it's 1 in the afternoon"

He sighed and sat down on the couch.

"I'll be fine. Have a great shoot okay? Love you"

"Love you too"

Xavier hangs up with a sigh. It seems this pregnancy was taking a toll on Benedict, he just hopes he'll be fine. CJ hands him a lemonade.

"Stay refreshed. We have a long day of shooting"

Xavier sits on a chair and takes a sip of the lemonade, it was cold and sour.

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