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"I want you to come with me to my mom's place"

Cameron looked at him in shock.

"Do you realize what that means?" He asked. Jonathan nodded.

"I know"

"Are you sure? What if she doesn't like me?"

Jonathan almost laughed at that remark.

"My mom is the most non judgemental person you'll ever meet."

Cameron sighed.

"That may be true but....I'm in a wheelchair, not everyone wants their child to be with someone like me"

"Cam, I promise you my mom will like you"

Cameron sighed once more.

"Alright. Let's do it"

Jonathan smiled at him.

"You will not regret this"

Cameron turned back to his food. Hopefully Jonathan was right.


"And then....and then Ziggy flipped over!"

Prince laughed softly. He was carrying Sam to the breakfast table.

"Is he alright now?"

"Mhm. Liam took him for a bath"

Prince sets the toddler in his highchair and patted him on the head.

"Well after breakfast we're going to grandma Sarah then you can come back and play with your car and Ziggy"


Skye comes from the kitchen followed by the kitchen staff who were carrying the food.

"Your Majesties" they said as they set up breakfast.

"Are you coming with us to moms?" Skye asked and Prince shook his head.

"I have a meeting with dad and Liam."


Prince sliced Sam's pancakes and poured syrup on them before handing the plate to the toddler.

"Eat up Sammy"


Prince turned to his fiance and smirked at him.

"Are you sore?"

Skye choked on his coffee and he blushes.

"Obviously!" He whispered yelled at him. Prince chuckled.

"Wait until you come back"

Skye gasped and his blush deepened.

"Shut up"


Xavier and Benedict were first to arrive at Sarah's. Benedict was currently in the kitchen making a dessert grazing board. There were all different types of berries, chocolates, grapes, citrus, cheeses and crackers.

In the living room, Xavier and Sarah were whispering.

"Are you sure Cj is in jail?"

Sarah frowned.

"Yes, why?"

"Someone broke into our home and spray painted Revenge on the floor"

"I'll have a call with my forensics friend. In the meantime, you should be careful Xavier you saw how the whole Edward thing went. I don't want anyone to get hurt"

Xavier nodded. He will definitely protect Benedict at all costs, even if it risked his own life.

"Benedict will not get hurt. I know what to do"

Sarah nodded.

"Be careful as well. I don't want my ex to hate me"

Xavier chuckled.

"You broke up with my mom?"

Sarah sighed.

"Yeah....we thought it'd be weird to be together when our kids are dating and expecting kids."

"Fair enough....you two will find someone who truly loves you"

Sarah smiled.

"Look at you trying to cheer me up. Thanks my son in law"

Xavier blushed. Son in law huh. He liked the sound of that.


Skye's car parked right behind Xavier's, the two guards who were in the front seat get out, one goes to scout the area while the other helps Skye and Sam out of the car.

Skye held Sam on his left side, the toddler concentrating on his milk bottle, Skye grabs his handbag and smiles at the guard.


"No worries Ma'am...I mean sir!"

"Relax, use whatever pronoun you see fit, I don't mind" Skye says before heading to the front door. He gives the wooden door two knocks and seconds later Benedict opened it.

Benedict smirked once he took in Skye's outfit.

"Hey Velma, Where's the rest of the scooby gang"

Skye rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Shut up, can I come in Sam's really heavy"

Stepping inside the house, Skye smiled once he saw his mother.

"Hey hey"

Sarah stood up and welcomed them with warm hugs.

"You look adorable! You too Skye"

Skye scoffed and set his handbag on the table before taking a seat. He almost screamed when a sharp pain shot up his back. Benedict smirked at him whilst Xavier laughed quietly. He sighed.

"Where's Johnny? He's the one who told us to come here"

Benedict sat on Xavier's lap and nodded.

"Maybe he's running late"

Sarah cooed at Sam who only side eyed her, bottle in his mouth.

"Did he just wake up?" She asked.

"Nope, he woke up at 6 this morning. His father bought him a car and the thing has been what has his attention ever since" Skye responds with a sigh.

Before Sarah could say more, they hear the back kitchen door open and close. Jonathan comes in with all smiles, in front of him was Cameron.

Sarah gasped in shock and Cameron's eyes widened before they exclaimed at the same time.



Prince was wearing a navy blue gucci suit, black patent shoes and a silver rolex on his left wrist which made his ruby engagement ring stand out. On top of his head was the imperial state crown. The diamonds made the headpiece sparkle. Around his shoudlers was dark purple cape that had yellow citrine gemstones along the bottom and around the silver plated clasp.

He makes his way inside the throne room where his father was waiting, he takes a seat and sighs.

"Tell me....why do you hate Skye?"

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