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Cameron laughed as Jonathan picked different clothes for him. They had went shopping and Jonathan took liberty to help.

Cameron was still unsure why Jonathan was helping him but he was glad. He just hopes Jonathan doesn't want any favours.

"This is cool. How do you feel about oversized tshirts?" Jonathan asked.

"I'm a turtleneck guy" Cameron said.

"Even during summer?"

"Then I go topless"

"Ah, you want to show off that six pack. I get it"

Cameron blushed. He had a six pack? He just went topless because he felt the A/C more.
They went up to pay and Jonathan smiles at the Cameron.

"So do you want something to eat? I could eat some ribs"

"Not really...."

Jonathan frowned

"You haven't eaten since last night. Come on"

Cameron sighed.


After paying, the make their way to a restaurant. The sun was setting so they entered a restaurant that served dinner meals.

Cameron looked around the place and tugged on Jonathan's pants.

"I can't afford this" he whispered.

"Don't worry, this is my treat"

They find a table, the view of the city was beautiful. Jonathan chuckled when he saw the palace from a far, the whole building had each room lit up.

A waiter walked up to them with a pair of menus.

"Good evening, my name is Greg and I'll be your waiter for the night. You can look through our menu before you order, I'll be back in 8 minutes"

Jonathan looked through the menu, when he looked back at Cameron the man had not even opened his. He frowned.

"Do you know what you're having?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll just have a watercress salad."

"Okay, I'll have ribs, they make the best ribs here"

Cameron nodded.

"Sounds yummy"

Jonathan gasped.

"Are you vegan? I'm so sorry"

"No of course not" Cameron said before he laughed, something Jonathan found attractive, especially the snort at the end.

"I eat meat but I don't have the appetite for it"

"That's alright. So can I know more about you?"

Cameron shrugged.

"I share the same birthday as the Queen, your brother. I love animals, I don't like vanilla waffers for some reason and I love chocolate everything"

Jonathan nodded.

"September 18, animals, no vanilla waffers and yes to chocolate everything. You sound like a great date"

Cameron blushed and fiddled with his fingers.

"I don't think so, I'm pretty boring"

"I disagree, you're a talented artist, an excellent cook and have the most attractive laughs"

Cameron blushed once more. What was happening?! He never felt this nervous since....since he met Peter!

Jonathan frowned when Cameron suddenly got teary eyed.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?"

Cameron shook his head, sniffling.

"It's okay, just really going through a hard time right now"

Jonathan nodded solemnly, he hugs Cameron, patting him on his head. The few people in the restaurant watched them, some even took a few pictures.

"It's okay. I'm here for you"


Benedict looked at his brother and fiancé, they were so quiet. They must have had an argument after what happened.

"So....I saw the news" he says and Prince nodded.

"I hope you were in favour of our decision?"

Benedict shrugged.

"Never voted for the man. But now that we are talking, what's going on with you two? Did you argue?"

Skye shook his head.

"Not really. I recieved a heart tugging letter and I don't know what to do" he says as hands Benedict the letter.

Benedict read it and he was almost in tears after he finished reading.

"Skye....you have to meet this child"

Skye nodded. He was also thinking that but what about what happened next? Will more people write letters in hopes of meeting him? And he's sure some of them will even fake a sickness.

"I say do it in private. We cannot have people thinking they can book the Queen of Lololand as if he were a celebrity" Prince chimed in. Benedict nodded in agreement.

"That's a fair point. Skye must do it in private, you can also bring a replica of a tiara for the little boy, that could be sweet"

Skye nodded.

"We can do that"


After Cameron's emotional breakdown, Jonathan thought it'd be best to get their food to go. Hence that's why they were heading back to the parking lot. Jonathan had found no issue with pushing Cameron's wheelchair as he felt the man's arms were tired from roaming around the mall all day.

They reach his car and Jonathan helped Cameron into the car seat.

"Thanks" Cameron said and Jonathan smiles before putting the chair in the backseat.
He gets in the driver's seat and starts the car up.

"Next stop, home" says Jonathan but got no response from Cameron.

The ride back was in silence, Cameron looking out the window thinking about his life and how he got here. He didn't feel the car stop and slightly jumped when the door suddenly opened.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jonathan asked, holding the wheelchair in place.

Cameron sat down and closed the car door.

"It's not you, just me thinking"

They go inside the building, entering the elevator.

"I know I'm still a stranger to you but I'm here for you...whatever you need"

"Thanks...I appreciate it"

Jonathan nodded but yet he had a feeling that Cameron was really in bad mental health, he doesn't want anything happening to this guy. He'll have to help him, in every way possible.

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