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"Spell Dada"


"Good! How about daddy?"



"How about your name?"


Skye clapped his hand and handed Sam a blueberry. After arriving back, all Skye wanted to do was spend time with his son.

Skye added a few more berries into Sam's bowl and sat next to him.

"Are you still mad at me honey?"

"Yes, you left without me"

Skye nodded and gently patted Sam on the head.

"Well honey Dada has some work so he has to go out for some time but I'll always come back"

"I want to come too!" Sam yelled, cheeks turning red.

Skye sighed as he knew a tantrum was upon him.

"You can come sometimes but not all the time honey"

"No! I want all time!" The toddler huffed and flipped the bowl of berries over and his cries  echoed in the room. Skye sighed.

"That's not nice Sam. Do you want to be nice or go to your timeout corner"

The toddler pouted.

"Timeout corner"

"Then go sit at the corner. You'll come back when Alexa says zero"

He watches Sam sit by the corner, facing the wall. Skye takes out an amazon echo speaker out of a cupboard and sets the timer for two minutes before going into the kitchen.

"What's the matter?" Benedict asked.

"Sam just had a mild tantrum, so he's on timeout"

Benedict wanted to laugh.

"No way" he said and peeped out the kitchen door, he found the little prince sitting by the corner. It was cute yet funny.

"You remind me of mom"

Skye frowned.

"Mom put you on timeout?"

Benedict scoffed.

"Timeout? Don't you remember the lime green flipflop she had under the couch cushions"

Skye laughed. They hear the speaker ding, followed by small feet tapping on the floor before the door opened.

Skye picked sam up and looked at him.

"Did you get all that anger out?"


"Do you forgive dada for leaving?"


"Then I forgive you too. What do you want to eat tonight?"


They laugh and Benedict felt his heart swell. Seeing Skye like this makes him realize his brother was doing okay after all and now it was time to focus on his own family.


Jonathan locked the cafe up and turned to Corey.

"Tomorrow's Saturday so we don't need to work. See you on Monday?"

Corey gave him a salute before walking off. Jonathan sighed. He still feels bad for Corey. Hopefully the guy meets another person soon.

He gets in his car and gently placed the box of hot doughnuts in the passenger seat before driving off.

On the way his mind ran with scenarios of how Cameron will react when he recieved the doughnuts. Hopefully they hug...will that be too soon?

Before he knew it he went to the underground parking lot and parked at his usual spot. He got out and got in the elevator, big smile on his face.

What if Cameron made him dinner? That would be so sweet!

The elevator dings and he stepped out, he reaches his door and knocks a few times.

"Cameron?" He called out before turning the doorknob which the door wasn't locked so it opened. He steps inside and finds an empty wheelchair next to the coffee table.

"Cameron?" He called out again and stepped further inside. He chuckles when he finds Cameron fast asleep on the couch but his jolly mood slowly deflates when he saw the deep cut on the man's wrist.

"Oh Cameron"


Xavier's car stopped by the front doors of the palace. He looks around and gets out, walking towards the large wooden doors.

Just before he held the doorknob the door opened and he's welcomed by a guard.

"Uhmm...I'm here for Benedict?"

"Right, follow me"

They walk inside, Xavier looked around the place, it was as if he was in a giant's house. The ceilings were so high he wondered how they cleaned them.

Another door is opened and Xavier smiled when he saw his bunny chatting with his brother.

"Hope I'm not interrupting"

Benedict gasped and turned around, practically jumping into Xavier's arms.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too bunny. Did you pack up?"


"Alright go get your things while me and Skye have a chat"

Skye smiled at Xavier and they hug for a few seconds.

"So the cj thing is handled"


"Good. Now you get back to a normal life"

Xavier nodded and sighed.

"I'm sorry"

Skye frowned.


"For causing your brother stress. I bet you and Jonathan want to pinch me?"

Skye laughed.

"Don't be silly. Benedict didn't even complain about you, just said he missed you so you're good."

"Phew. Well I'm happy. We're planning on moving to your old neighbourhood"

Skye smiled.

"That's an excellent idea! The place is perfect for family life plus there is security so you don't have to worry about intruders"

"Yeah. Anyway, we should be out of your hair now, see you around?"

"Of course"

Skye smiled as he watched Benedict happily hand Xavier his bag. They walk out and just before the door was about to close, Benedict ran back inside to give his brother a hug.

"I love you Skye, take care"

Skye smiled and hugged his brother tightly.

"I love you too Ben10, stay safe"

Once they left, Skye turned to Sam and smiled.

"About that chicken"

"Yay! Chicken!"

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