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Skye hugged his brother and pulled away, small smile on his face.

"Call me when you arrive okay?" Jonathan says making his brother laugh.

"Of course. Cameron, it was nice meeting you"
Cameron gave him a small smile.


Skye pushes Sam's stroller towards the elevator, he hears the door close softly behind him.

"Dada a doggie!" Sam exclaimed. Skye looked up ahead and saw a man with his pug heading towards the elevator.

"Do you want that doggie Sam?" He asks.

"Mhm! But a green one"

Skye laughed softly. They enter the elevator and Skye watched as his son made funny faces to the dog. The owner was busy on his phone to notice.

The metal doors slides open and the royal duo made their way out, leaving the dog and its owner behind.


"Yes honey"

"I want doggie"

They enter the car, Skye buckles Sam up and gets to the other side.

"Driver, make a detour to a nearby pet adoption Centre"

"Yes sir"

He pats Sam on the knee and sighs. He missed Prince. To think there's only 48 hours left made him smile though.

"Let's call daddy"


He uses Sam's ipad, dailing Prince's already pre saved number. The man picked up in an instant.

"You look sharp, where you heading?"

"We just came back from the palace, we're heading to the church for the final moments"

Skye nodded then Sam grabbed the ipad from him.

"I gets a doggie!"

"How fun! Which one do you want?"

"A blue one!"

Skye smiled hearing Prince's laughter.

"Well Sammy I'm sure you'll find a doggie. Is dada going with you?"


"Alright, tell dada I love him and I'll see him in two days. Love you Sammy!"


Once the call ended, Skye gave Sam a wink as they arrive at the centre.

"Let's get you a doggie"


Jonathan and Cameron were in the kitchen making dinner. For some reason, Jonathan noticed that Cameron was little jollier, especially after Skye left.

"Pass the leeks"

"Mhm" Cameron hummed. He was feeling a little bit good for the past few hours. The voices were even gone....for now.

He gasped when he feels a carrot slice slap against his cheek.

"Hey! Stop wasting food"

Jonathan chuckled and leaned against the counter. He gives Cameron a challenging smile.

"Or what?"

"Or....or I'll run over your toes"

Jonathan laughs and Cameron joins him.

"Okay then, I like my toes so I'll stop....but next time, I won't"

Cameron smirked at him.

"Is that so? We'll see"

"If you run over my toes, you'll have to kiss them to make them feel better"

Cameron's face flushed red and he coughed.

"You have a foot fetish?"

Jonathan stood up, ears turning red.

"Uhm.....something like that"

"Interesting.....why didn't you look at my toes when you were bathing me?"

"I was looking at something else"

"Like what?"

"Your di-......chest"

Cameron snickered and nodded his head.

"Alright. Can I ask you something?"



Jonathan frowned.


"Why am I with you? Why are you helping me?"

Jonathan nodded and turned to face him, back pressed against the counter.

"I'm going to be honest with you. I felt drawn towards you the moment I saw you. I didn't know what you were dealing with or how you got there but I was selfish enough to make you come here and live with me. Why? Because I like you Cameron. Everything about you is just....heart fluttering"

Cameron fiddled with his fingers. The fact that someone was confessing to him made him have a little hope that maybe those voices weren't right about him being undesirable.

"You.....you like me?"

Jonathan nodded and squatted, coming face to face with Cameron.

"I like you Cameron....I really do and I want to help you get to a better place mentally. Will you let me?"

He looked right into Jonathan's eyes. This man was not lying, he actually cared. Suddenly Peter emerged from Jonathan's back.

"Aweee a proposal. Good for you. What next hm? Will you have sex with him? Will you even feel him? Will he even enjoy you? Face it Cameron, you don't belong with anyone"

Jonathan frowned when he noticed tears glassing Cameron's eyes.

"Is it the voices again?" He asked and Cameron nodded. Jonathan suddenly held Cameron by the face, forcing the man to look at him.

"The voices are not real but I am. Look at me Cam"

Cameron looked at him and he held Jonathan by the arms, his grip was tight. Jonathan smiled at him.

"Regardless of what the voice is saying, it's not true okay?"

He nods profusely and sighed.

"We should really find that brain specialist"


Skye almost fell over with laughter the moment the puppies were introduced to Sam. The toddler's giggles made everyone coo at the scene.

"This one! No this one, this one"

Skye kneeled down and helped Sam up.

"Okay Sammy, you can only pick one okay?"


"Good, now let's look carefully, the one you choose is the one we go home with" Skye says and Sam nodded his head.

They look around the room and Sam pointed to a puppy sitting at the corner, looking at them.

"That one!"

The lady assisting them held the puppy up and presented it to them. Skye noticed that the pup had black fur that was fluffy.

"This is Ziggy, he's a Newfoundland breed. They grow up to be enormous sir, are you sure you want him?"

Skye nodded and stood up, picking Sam up.

"We'll take it"

Sam clapped his hands happily.


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